Ben Shapiro destroys isolationist anti-Semite Pat Buchanan

Sup Forums BTFO - when did you realize that the neocons were right, and that nationalism is a cancer?

>After Iraq, attack Pat Buchanan
>By Ben Shapiro

>A few months back, I received a magazine in the mail. I hadn't ordered it, but there it was. "The American Conservative," the title blared in white-on-blue lettering. There were two problems: It was anti-American, and it definitely wasn't conservative.

>The articles railed against American "imperialism," the Weekly Standard and National Review, and Israel. Kevin Phillips ripped modern conservatism as "Wall Street, Big Energy, multinational corporations, the Military-Industrial Complex, the Religious Right, the Market Extremist think-tanks, and the Rush Limbaugh Axis." He urged readers to "support Democratic retention of at least the Senate."

>Two weeks later, another issue of The American Conservative arrived. This issue urged the Bush administration against considering pre-emptive war. An editorial by Taki Theodoracopulos accused neoconservative Bill Kristol of being a spy for Israel's center-right Likud Party. Theodoracopulos discussed "American arrogance" and fulminated against Israel.

>This was isolationist, anti-business, anti-Semitic, dumb economics garbage. And then I looked at the name of the editor: Patrick Buchanan. For many Americans, the Pat Buchanan wing of the conservative movement drives their deep-seated fear of conservatives. When you look at Buchanan's work in recent years, it's not hard to see why.,-attack-pat-buchanan-n866174

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>His isolationist economic policy is myopic. In his column of Oct. 28, 2002, titled "The Poison Fruit of Free Trade," Buchanan goes on a ludicrous free-trade-bashing binge. Buchanan argues that because U.S. taxes are too high, we should raise tariffs in order to protect American industry.

>This argument is stunningly ignorant for a person of Buchanan's "renown." Raising tariffs would push up prices of imports, thereby raising prices across the board. Consumption of goods would fall. Thousands of jobs in American industries would be lost. Real wages would also fall. The best example of the effects of high tariffs is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, which most economists feel prolonged the Great Depression and exacerbated its effects.

>Buchanan holds immigrants in contempt. Not just illegal immigrants -- even some who immigrate legally are not fit to be Americans in Buchanan's eyes. In his book, "The Death of the West," Buchanan writes that Mexican immigrants are problematic because they are "not only from another culture, but of another race," and that "different races are far more difficult to assimilate than different cultures." This is plain un-American. The color of your skin or the racial background of your parents should never disqualify you from becoming a true American. This is the most diverse nation on Earth, even if Buchanan would prefer that it not be.

>Buchanan's anti-Semitism is well known. He has referred to Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory," in his magazine repeatedly attacks the "Jewish lobby" and blames Israel for the current intifada.

>But Buchanan's favorite targets are what he calls neoconservatives (read: mainstream conservatives), who are "bent on reckless wars, global free trade and open borders." In the latest issue of his magazine, Buchanan also weaves in his favorite anti-Semitic canard, that neocons are driven by concern for the Jews and want "to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel." "We believe the great conservative movement has been hijacked and put into services that would appall the Founding Fathers," Buchanan told the Washington Times in an interview about the magazine. "Neocons are the useful idiots of the liberal establishment," Buchanan reiterated in his Dec. 30, 2002, column.

>Buchanan, not the neocons, is the useful idiot of the liberal establishment. He and others like him (notables include Theodoracopulos) are used as straw men by the left. They make it much easier to characterize conservatives as racist and isolationist old white men. If conservatives wish to reach out to new constituencies, they must jettison the Buchananites.

>Buchanan's brand of "conservatism" is closer now to the far left than it is to the mainstream right, as shown by his selection of socialist and black nationalist Lenora Fulani for his Reform Party running mate in the 2000 presidential election. Buchanan's wisdom and patriotism must be questioned when his election to the presidency would have placed an enemy of the nation a heartbeat away from the leadership of America.

>The conservative movement has progressed beyond the ideology of Pat Buchanan. But if the conservative movement continues to tolerate him, even as a fringe character, it endangers the gains it has made.

>Oh, and by the way: Mr. Buchanan, take me off your mailing list.

One never destroy's Pat Buchannan. And no Jew, however well funded as a controlled opposition, could even come close, OP.

Say high to you buddies at JIDF.

Op is gay, Pat isn't even /ourguy/ JIDF needs to go plz

Go back to r/ptg/ you kike lover.

When will you trollish little kids understand that "anti-Israel" is an extreme fringe position in the US that will NEVER be accepted into ANY sort of mainstream politics? Americans of both parties are big fans of Israel. You waste so much energy on hatred that amounts to nothing.

Has Ben Shapiro really been writing since 2003? He looks pretty young still.

>Ben "I let National Review after it was taken over by kikes define what conservatism is" Shapiro


You can tell it's a younger Shapiro since he provides no actual rebuke to Buchanan, but bashes his points on race and economics as too ridiculous to be considered

fuck off reddit this has always been the stance here the only thing worthy of debate is capitalism vs nat soc

Put on a memeflag or something. If you dare to even show an American flag as your flag and defend Israel you are a fucking cuckold.

Calling Bill Kristol a spy is retarded. Asking republicans to vote to preserve a democrat dominated senate is retarded. And to accuse neo-cons of trying to disrupt and breach the border so that unqualified immigrants can flood isn't true of anyone.
I was anti-israel until I realized that it's the ethnic nationalism you people constantly crow for. Now I know its just your butthurt sour grapes. If you so much as insinuate that America is for white people, but Israel has to go, you're faggot, and you should kill yourself.

Some little Jewish shit talking badly about Buchanan.

>but bashes his points on race and economics as too ridiculous to be considered
But that's a normal republican response. Watch fox news when they bring on liberal guests. They don't even take the time to destroy lefty arguments.

Nobody cares about mainstream politics. We only push for terrorism and war.

>Muh incidents from 50 years ago!

It's literally almost 2018. Get the fuck over it. Statute of limitations has RUN.

I wonder where America would be today if conservatives adopted the policies of Buchanan instead of the neo-cons? No Iraq war for starters wouldn't be bad. The debt would be a lot lower too because of tariffs could offset revenue loss from base tax cuts. I don't know much about his economic and political views and they are probably more complex and nuanced then the few lines about them I just read but they don't sounds that bad to me. Certainly better than the reality of the neo-con Iraq war and tax cuts with no plan to pay for them and no understanding of the economic pressures they would build. There were other factors but high interest rates and economic growth that didn't occur across the full spectrum of the economy played a big role leading to the 2008 economic crisis.

>the conservative movement has progressed

Yeah this guy has always been a clown. Don’t know why so many people buy his bullshit. His show is transparent Israeli propaganda.

His point is that all this stuff Sup Forums likes to debate - nationalism, the role of Israel in American politics, America's role in the world and the necessity of defensive wars, etc. - has already been debated by serious conservatives, and the Pat Buchanan faction LOST. Decisively. Sup Forums is literally trying to resurrect a dead horse from 20+ years ago.

Conservatives get the bullet too

Things change. Some people see the need for a change in direction to avoid negative results before others. The hard reality of the situation makes the rest see those people were right. Some people can learn the easy way and avoid the obstacle or bad decision but many need to learn the hard way. In the end most people learn eventually.

>Pat isn’t our guy
>the guy that says we never should have fought hitler isn’t our guy

Neck yourself kike

Pat Buchanan was just ahead of his time. Even the MSM recognizes that Trump ran on the same America First platform and won. Neocons formed the nevertrump movement to stop him, and as a result were frozen out of his administration. Nobody even reads National Review or the Weekly Standard anymore. Give it up.

kike will be at the front of the line.

Donald Trump has mostly abandoned that platform since taking office and has adopted a more mature, more traditionally-conservative outlook. That's why he did tax reform instead of worrying about "MUH BORDER" or other populist shit.

>Pat Buchanan

I want some of whatever you're smoking

Lmao, yeah neoconservativism is really the big thing right now

Nobody is falling for your Jewish shill tactics. Jews are being called out more and more each day. We smile and await the shoah

Not wanting to send American sons to die in a war for Israel is antisemitic?

This has got to be bait.

t. Hasbara fag

>more mature, more traditionally-conservative outlook.
>Sucking Kosher dick is mature

Yes and his approval numbers as well as the results in Virginia and Alabama for Republicans show it and no neo-conservatism is not traditional conservatism. Far, far from it.

>as a result were frozen out of his administration
not at all, the Neocons run the admin right now with no pushback and the America First people were all thrown out

Just wait user, in a few decades not wanting to jump into the Jewish flesh furnaces for their entertainment and nourishment will be antisemetic

>isolationist anti-Semite Pat Buchanan


for the most part yes
He wrote about America's demographic situation would doom it several times in the past decades, he also wrote about how fighting Hitler was the worst decision of the 20th century and then pointed out how crazy Churchill was

Don't listen to me. Listen to the Jews themselves:
>From this disconcerting Republican rendition of Kumbaya there are, however, pronounced and telling absences. Most striking, perhaps, is that of the Republican foreign-policy establishment, which has been dominated for several decades by the ideological clique known as neocons.
>The absence of neocons in the Trump Administration is a clear statement of purpose by the reigning powers in the Trump White House
>In a transition characterized by chaos, dozens upon dozens of positions in the Departments of State and Defense remain unfilled, in part because the neocons who expected to fill those jobs are routinely nixed.
>The benching of the neocons by Trump may mean the end of the movement’s 40 years of influence in the Republican Party.
>Yet the doors of the White House remained closed to neocons no matter how loudly they proclaimed a newfound willingness to carry water for Trump.

Pat is THE guy. He is what we all wish Trump could be.

Fucking hate benny-boy, every time he mentions Ron Paul it's alwasy "the Anti-semite" Ron Paul, or if he's talking about Rand it's Rand Paul's "Anti-Semitic" father.

Maybe Trump tried and they wouldn't let him. I'm thinking they wouldn't let anyone, because this is their game.

Pat Buchanan is the last great conservative we have in our completely cucked political system. The man is basically the ideal Sup Forums American, that is, completely isolationist, wants to stop fighting wars for Israel, wants to drop out of the globalist banks, cut off all foreign aid, and is pro-2nd Amendment to the point people called him a radical for wanting a repeal of the Brady Act.

People shilling against him in this thread are literal paid kikes. He's like Trump but without the ZOG influence, basically an Uber-Trump.

Ben Shapiro is an Israel first faggot kike. Pat Buchanan is an America first patriot.

That kike Shapiro will get gassed along with the rest.

>criticizing any jew is anti-semitic
every time