gib if yag
>Trump makes historic milestone
>fake news piles on with fake stories to change the narrative
Why does anyone believe these bullshit stories anyways? SubIQ retards?
hes weeding out the leakers
do you actually want this to be not true? I hope he did say this. he would be even more /ourguy if he did
Lol somebody in his cabinet was told Sup Forumstard shit to see if they would take the bait and they did. Sad.
They’re just making everything up now aren’t they?
I have a friend who every day comes to me with something completely untrue or exaggerated.
Like "did you know Trump is going to be impeached soon?" or "Did you hear that Trump has been colluding with Russia?" or "What do you think about Trump sexually assaulting all those women?"
He's not even left-wing, he just repeats the things that he reads on the surface-level media websites like Yahoo and Reddit that he browses.
Every time I debunk it in the space of about five minutes but he somehow still hasn't learned to tell the difference between truth and fiction on his own. He'll believe anything he's told until someone else tells him different, which is usually me.
I don't know how to teach the skill.
Not everyone is born equal.
Man fuck this guy, you want to hate black people? We will vote you out of office
Nigger, gollywogs are 95% democrat already
I want him to think it, not to say it.
Fuck you. Trump is a White Supremacist and this makes every voter stomach turn.
>Trump is a white supremacist
I wish
If only; you wog cunts wouldnt be on this fucking board
i love him and i'm not even white
You are replying to /leftypol/
Can you guys send him over here after his two terms are done, we could use him in our elections too.
Is true though. Haitians need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth.
Some people are natural born burger flippers.
Sometimes people need to be treated like animals.
I want him to say it. And make it policy.
Have you tried percussive maintenance?
You have to go back (to your hut)
He may be an Israeli shill, but infinitely better than hillary