Why are all leading EU figures so fucking arrogant?
Why are all leading EU figures so fucking arrogant?
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Its a Belgian too for fucks sake.
Please explain
The UK Government has announced the post-Brexit UK passport will go back to being blue and EU cucks are being their usual arrogant selves mocking the UK
Too much beating in the school because being retarded.
*nglos can't handle the bants as usual
The irony is that continentals believe that Britain is poisoning the well and leading to us all loathing each other.
Powermad commie kikes that have (((strings))) pulled for them constantly.
They think they're untouchable Holy Roman Emperors
That's pretty good.
>some cheeky banter
>immediately start crying about it
Why can’t euros handle the bants?
They literally got humiliated by little Hungary this week. UK should do more to help Visegrad.
It's like a school bully bothering a kid cause the kid just wants nothing to do with him and to just be left alone. SAD!
news flash
EU will fucking fall
Instead you constantly whine about Poles who actually like you. Come to think of it Verhofstadt is right and Bongs really are pretty stupid.
Cause they think its Roman Empire 2.0. And Britain is held by the balls. You played yourself nigger
>UK should do more to help Visegrad.
Seeing as how you're an American I just assume you have absolutely no idea how the European Union has worked for the past 40 years. So i'll explain this to you just once.
For over a decade, Britain acted as a countweight to the Franco-German alliance in the EU, helping the Visegrad countries pretty much all the time, particularly on fiscal issues. The problem is that when it came time for reform in the February 2016 renegotiation, since it posed a threat to the Visegrad countries being able to send millions of their citizens to richer western European countries, they essentially backstabbed the UK during the talks and led to David Cameron's authority being shredded and an eventual Leave win in the Brexit referendum. The UK was always a massive champion of the Visegrad countries. The problem is that the fact that so many Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians took advantage of Britain is 70% of the reason we left in the first place, all argues over sovereignty and the European Court of Justice aside.
Poles are our mexicans you idiot, they literally hand out flyers in polish to tell them how to get the most benefits.
Our leaders may be spineless and Poland itself might be based but the poles that come here to leech and send the gibs back to their families ruin this country, and almost every one is a liberal piece of shit remain voting faggot and the women fuck pakis and niggers.
I'd be happy to help them if they left the EU
You couldn't be more wrong.
The UK has been duped by anti-nationalist cryptokike Fargage and commie Corbin to cut and run, instead of EU reform.
Farage isn't even a nationalist, he has said on many occasions he prefers "asian" and "west-indie" immigrants from the former colonies over white europeans.
Lets see how this works out for them
>EU reform
How delusional are you, they don't fucking bend.
Vote against the EU? They make you vote again.
Parliament won't pass a bill? The leaders veto to put it through.
Cameron wants to control the border? Sit the fuck down little man.
The whole thing needs to be destroyed, not reformed and literally a piece of paper that says FTA/NAP on it can replace it
>instead of EU reform.
Are you retarded or something? We now know what "reform" means to European ideologues. With us gone the entire thing is moving towards having its own army, further integration of states and less national sovereignty. It was everything that people like Farage warned us about during the referendum and were castigated for as "populists". We spent 40 years in the EU. The past 10 years has revealed just how little influence we had in it when even Luxembourg could blow us the fuck away by having a tax-avoiding alcoholic made Commissioner. None of your post touched on any of the points that I made, so I just assume that, as a Latvian, you're too bumfuck peasant-tier and idiotic to understand anything that has been happening in Western Europe for the past few years.
The EU is an unnatural abomination, and i'm glad we're leaving it.
*creams pants*
This is so fucking cool. I want to see a United States of Europe, then a United States of Arabia, then United States of Africa, then United States of Asia, then everywhere else and eventually the United States of Earth.
I'll happily trade all our Mexicans for you Poles
Well obviously, and I'd trade you all our pakis for mexicans, doesn't mean mexicans are good though
You’re still importing the Pakis. Instead of taking the actual stand you needed to take, you bailed for this Brexit charade.
Why do only remainers keep talking about the colour of the passport?
I for one want a country of Englishmen.
Mate we import way more eastern euros than pakis, because of the free movement of peoples and our politicians say they'll lower immigration every year and never do it.
There is no stand to make apart from insurrection and people are too brainwashed or pussified to imagine such a thing, importing 220k slavs a year and 80k pakis is not better than just the 80k pakis
Americans don't understand this mate. They think skin colour is the only thing that matters.
The problem with poles who come here is they keep voting Labour who then bring in millions of Ahmeds, their cousins and their children who continue to vote for pro-EU parties.
Then again this problem has spread to the "conservatives" too.
I'm sorry, lads. This isn't your fault.
>The whole thing needs to be destroyed
Thanks brit for doing your step.
We weren't asked at any point.
Not surprising because occupied country.
>Not surprising because occupied country.
What do you mean
lol, even belgian laugh at you now
Not me
ya dunno senpai
thanks mate
EU Army.
[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
>James O'Brien
I listen to this fuck every weekday to pump my veins with hate and loathing of metropolitan liberals.
there has not been a germany since 1945
i think we dont understand it becuase if we were to import large amounts of uneducated whites, you wouldnt really notice
I mean we are surely the last ones to get asked anything at all.
We weren't asked if we wanted the Euro.
We weren't asked, if we wanted to join the EU.
We aren't asked, if we wanted to leave it.
No idea if you were asked to join the EU. But at least you didn't get the Euro.
When Euro was introduced, everything was twice as expensive in no time, but wages weren't raised either at all or just a very tiny bit.
And that was as expected. No surprise here.
Time for Greenfell 2: bolshevik boogaloo
You are the EU, Hans.
dresden II fucking when?
Even some of our own politician literally say:
>The ones, who are voted for, have no decisive power.
>and the ones, who have decisive power, are not voted for.
You got the plebs in the initial immigration wave hence the benefits scrounging, now we are sending out our educated Poles.
>now we are sending out our educated Poles
Good timing mate.
Where do you store these morons? You don’t have mountains ...
They're also rather leftist so expect them to vote Labour or something.
Please take them back
They are not elected, that's why.
No, our "government" (or rather shadow government) is the EU.
Our "government" also introduced "Hartz IV" just some years after introducing the Euro.
Read up on it.
The point was to make labor work as cheap as possible here.
Fun fact: 2 parties introduced it here right after helping NATO attack Serbia with "our" military (our military was pure defense until that point since '45). And one of those parties is so called "socialist" and the other one was "green".
Another party came into power.
Did they change that back? Of course not.
Our "official" government atm consists of "Ex-"Stasi-employee.
You know Merkel?
That's actually IM Erika.
She hates Germans and she also hates Russians.
>educated Poles
Like people who have a degree in toilet cleaning engineering?
Using this "Hartz 4", you can force everyone into any job for any wage.
As soon as you are jobless, you will get around 1 year of actual unemployment benefits.
After that you literally have to spend all of your money and other possessions up to a certain tiny amount.
Then you get "Hartz IV", which is a tiny amount and from this point on you are fully controlled by the government.
Can't leave your city.
Have to do anything they want you to do.
Accept any job offer for any wage.
There are 1 EUR jobs (per hour) and it goes even lower than that.
If you don't do that, they cut those payments up to 0 EUR. You starve? Who cares!
For rapefugees that's of course different.
They don't work. Aren't even allowed to work.
> all countries group up into unions
BUT THEN some fuck face comes, and starts having rabid downs syndrom and no one believes that he's there but everyone can see how he's sending the damn army to start physically fucking up the other group of countries and he also decides to use nukes when instead it could have been just one country fucking with another and the conflict would not drag the entire damn CONTINENTS into the line of fire.
And there you have your fucking WW3, are you happy? you meatheaded bastard
>The whole thing needs to be destroyed, not reformed and literally a piece of paper that says FTA/NAP on it can replace it
A FTA cannot replace a single borderless market.
Going from the EU to some kind of pancontinental FTA-only arrangement would significantly worsen the conditions for intra-european trade.
>all leading EU figures so fucking arrogant?
Gee wiz I have no idea, maybe they could be sent to a summer 'camp'
Holy moly what a knob
>Excessive corrupt bureaucracy that controls vast swathes of different populations and cultures, a single currency across vastly different economies, the IMF that can seize nations funds and give them to banks in any country and weeding out of competition for larger corporations, compliance with the UN replacement migration program importing hundreds of millions of niggers and pakis in the next 50 years and free movement between european countries with no identification neccesary
>Nation states with their own government and currencies, controlled borders and immigration and a FTA and NAP/Alliance
I wonder which might be better for the long term economy
>Not surprising because occupied country.
“It‘s the Americans/Jews fault that i’m an unemployable loser on hartz 4.”
That’s Sup Forums in a nutshell right there.
Alright so let's just live in a divided world where nobody leaves their designated little ethno-region and war becomes an even more present factor of life.
A nationalist future will most definitely mean more war, more authoritarianism, more shit conditions because countries will not be accountable to anybody. The amount of war has been drastically shrinking since the UN was born and since globalization started happening.
>I wonder which might be better for the long term economy
Well, it’s in your hands to show the World how much better a European country can do when it’s totally outside of the EU.
You’re going to have to up your game though.
Britain is a corpse of a country so don't get your hopes up mate
because they make 150k a year while doing nothing
they laugh at us plebs
The (((Bank of England))) is going to tank the economy anyway.
One way or another (((they))) always get their narrative
Literally looks like if Jurgen Klopp had a bureaucratic brother.
We're a xenophobic island, what do you expect.
>Living in different countries = war
>The UN = peace
Such kikery it's hilarious, you may dream of some brown world full of retards that will bring us back to the dark ages but I'd rather die fighting.
A one world government owned by banks just means the working man has his taxes stolen year after year until inflation is so high that no one can own a home, they have to rent, and the next logical step is that you'll have to work to be allowed to live somewhere and eat.
It's soft-slavery and nothing more, we're going to keep our culture and people alive kike
Wow, just wow.
Didn't know that yet.
They are using the rapefugees (at least the somewhat competent ones) for pure slave labor as well.
Someone please stop this fucking government.
Actually I'm not on Hartz IV and actually doing a pretty well paid developer job, Alp-Öhi.
I'm also looking into moving out of here.
You have an actual democracy. This country doesn't even have an actual government.
Problem is: if this shadow government continues, you can be certain that Russia will at some point have to nuke this mess. Which is not a problem for me, but you would probably be affected as well.
>bring us back to the dark ages
>taxes stolen year after year until inflation is so high
I have no clue what world you're living on but here on earth conditions have been getting better for EVERYBODY thanks to global capitalism.
Sure, the elite and bankers will become stronger and wealthier but so will the workers. There is no proof that this would play out otherwise.
China now has a middle class because of exporting jobs, poor children in Africa now have medicine and better education because of the UN and other global charities, The lowest class of the western countries have flat-screens and iphones because of free trade. Humans are more connected and educated now than they have ever been.
Pfft, "dark ages". You're delusional. You are the one who want's to lionize war and primitive brute savagery. Globalization is the best thing that has ever happened to us.
>You have an actual democracy.
And what is an “actual” democracy according to you?
>primitive brute savagery
top kek
even using a United Nations flag for this.
Yes, primitive brute savagery is one of the western worlds strong point.
>China now has a middle class because of exporting jobs
Remember kids: every country just needs to export a shitload. Then everyone will be rich at some point!
>Humans are more connected and educated now
top kek, very funny.
>The lowest class of the western countries have flat-screens and iphones because of slave trade.
I fell for a proxy user.
They have degrees in Australian taming.
that one is sociopat tottal calerghi plan addict just like junker
>conditions have been getting better for EVERYBODY
Also kill yourself, tool.
Because blacks & hispanics don't think of it as a crime, just a rite of passage. Thus it's seldom reported
It's been getting better because of innovation, and a very large amount of that innovation was from us europeans in our terrible ethnostates fighting eachother constantly, competing, that's how we got industry and the engines and computers that we now use to make everyones lives better.
What isn't getting better is crime which is rising every year because of immigration, wages aren't growing fast enough to keep pace with inflation and the housing market is inflated so badly that no one under 30 can move out without renting.
These trends will continue and the globalism (which is just bankers and capitalists dominating the globe as rulers under the guise of world peace) will only mean these people taking every penny they can, so there can be no competition and it's been happening for years.
You're the deluded one kike, or just shilling, if you knew anything about the central banks you would know that the rothschilds own 2 trillion and the next richest 9 people own more than half of the world money without even factoring that in.
>EU will fucking fall
...and then reborn!
>refugges work
He's the lead negotiator for the European Parliament for Brexit in EU's side. He must taunt you forever to break psychologically, get more advantages to European Union and EU countries, sucking UK dry plus giving a message to other countries to not do the same.
UK's economy fucking up will send a clear message for leaving the Union
to other countries
>slave trade
I don't deny that sweat-shops have horrible conditions but look at what it's like now compared to what is was before. They would be working in farms and only eating rice if not for globalism. The way to make conditions better for them is to create a world where all governments are accountable to the international community. Dictatorships have been severally limited on the atrocities they can commit because everything is now in the public eye. This can only improve with time and more global connection.
>Humans are more connected and educated now
>top kek, very funny.
If you seriously deny this then I have no hope for you.
I think the proof is pretty self evident you fucking retard.
Poland had most of their intelligentsia hunted down by the Nazis and Commies and yet... their IQ is still higher then the IQ of memestralia
>eu posts bantz
>bucktooth brit gets mad about it and cries because he's being bullied again
They unnashemedly feel like they are better than you. They want to mock and degrade you for having the audacity to try and think for yourselves. You are supposed to be serfs to the Brussels oligarchs.