>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17
>Tiffany in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump arrives in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump departs DC 12/22/17
>Pres Trump signs Tax Bill 12/22/17
>JCS Chair Gen Dunford Christmas message 12/22/17
>EnergySec Perry Christmas Message 12/22/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 12/22/17
>Turtleman casual friday speech 12/22/27
>WH Video: VP Pence in Afghanistan 12/22/17
>This Week @State 12/22/17
>Pres Trump flies through a flock of birds on Marine1 12/21/17
>Pres Trump visiting the wounded @Walter Reed 12/21/17
>Pres Trump wishes Merry Christmas to everybody 12/21/17
>Pres Trump departs WH en route to Walter Reed Hosp 12/21/17
>VP Pence in Afghanistan 12/21/17
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Everyday is Christmas when Trump is the leader of the most powerful country in the world.
sorry cali bros you're going to have to take one for the team
Who else readied a VHS tape for 2018 lib salt?
Hello frens. Should I buy Witcher 3 on the steam sale?
so this is the bullshit on abc news tonight
1. talk about terror-plots for 1min
2. talk about things trump (((said))) for 3-4min
3. have story about how "youths" threw a sandbag over a bridge and killed a man
4. only show their hands (black) in court-room video
5. also show a group of kids in minnesota who did something like that
6. five of them, all white and they show their faces
7. show a "heartfilled" story of how some gay white teacher in indianapolis got a bunch of cold-weather clothes for some non-white kids
8. many of whom couldn't speak english yet
i don't see how to put up with this shit how much longer until i can be internally calm about this crap?
Who the fuck is getting a 200k tax cut? No one unless you count corporations that hire people.
Isn't he literally admitting that leftists bank on human envy as a driving factor for their policies?
We are truly blessed with his wonderful and magnificent presence. I hope he never leaves us. Sometimes I stare at his visage and cry for it is so beautiful.
uh you cant cut taxes you dont pay
maybe dont compare tax cuts to welfare
also why are dems suddenly against higher taxes for the wealthy?
>Everyday is Christmas when Trump is the leader of the most powerful country in the world.
that ship's already sailed, friendo
idk why the "middle class" is getting a tax cut. Those lazy niggers barely pay any taxes already.
i thought joe lived in new york
>leftists literally admitting they feed off of human desire to sin, especially envy
can they get anymore satanic?
I love Kellyanne.
Yes since he knows most people won't look too far into that statement
>what if we just use the IRS to take more and more from people
that will end well
just look at the tax rates in california already
Why don't they make anime for guys anymore?
i just ran it thru, basically you have to make $10M/year to get that much of a tax cut. which is about 1,000 people at most
Symptom of who benefits from globalization. That was not the case before Jewish literally or at least in spirit business owners shipped their companies overseas and fucked the middle class.
top kek
Image swaps are irritating.
Well they could admit to buying baby body parts from Planned Parenthood so they can get the infant lifeforce
Uncalled for.
They do, I just really like moeshit.
Lieu's IT guy:
logged on to numerous House servers w/o authorization
ran a used car dealership that took $100k from a Hezbollah-linked fugitive
filed false ethics forms
$120k in equipment went missing from just 1 office he worked for
had a criminal record & massive debts
their leader is a literal demon from hell who smells of sulphur. Hillary clinton feeds on children so that her many crippling diseases which she got in hell don't consume her mortal body. She also feeds them to her vampire legions.
Yeah fucking no one makes $10mm salary. Even actors and shit often use "production companies" as pass throughs for a litany of reasons.
Yes. It's bretty based for a vidya game in [current year].
I miss him so much! He was great.
I swear on my balls that most of Sup Forums is smarter than this retard.
only 1/4 of our income to ssi state federal and god forbid you own a home property and school taxes kid
the "middle class" are nothing but drug addicts and retards to lazy to ever get rich. They already pay next to nothing in taxes and now they want to pay even less? fuck these welfare niggers.
>The document listed how many immigrants had received visas to enter the United States in 2017.
>More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained.
>Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled
>Forty thousand had come from Nigeria, Mr. Trump added. Once they had seen the United States, they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa, recalled the two officials
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Preaching to the choir with that pasta m8.
I mean, something like Samurai shit, or shooting, or gay ass ninjas, whatever, I can't bring myself to watch One Piss with the new animators, I enjoy the old school stuff of 10 years ago.
Most likely Trump just discovered the mole in his staff.
These people are so sick.
its like the media want no one to trust them ever again
it's classic pasta for the season
Also why'd he get got?
>anonymous sources say...
You're replying to bait, nigger.
You are justifying genocide.
Top trolling retard. I'm sure when you get out of college you're going to be a massive success.
oh look a retarded nigger wants free welfare because he's too lazy to get a real job. fuck off nigger, you already pick my pocket in the form of socialist wages, you should feel lucky we don't own you like we used to.
I live in California and will be paying $307 less this year.
Which doesn't come close to ofsetting the new gas taxes that they're ALREADY planning on raising topay for... who knows? A 50% literacy level? High crime rates? A train to nowhere?
Maybe instead of bitching that the gov is taking less, they should start WASTING less. But that's too complicated a concept for libs.
>Also why'd he get got?
I didn't. I deleted it because of an image swap glitch.
even the new LOGH is pandering to fujoshi
That's not the complete list for next season, just shit I personally plan on watching. They still make stuff like that.
WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. 95% of us want plagues to ravage Africa, and nukes to destroy the Middle East.
I'm already a huge success nigger, my family is rich.
>according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there.
> Mourning Joe
Guess I'm getting for Christmas, Brit. Your list of crimes.
>from july
this is so old i don't see why it would even get play
Fucking based. I love this man so much.
We are not worthy of him.
I was disappointed, possibly because of how overhyped it was. I played it on console and the controls were much too clunky for me. I have yetr to play it again since switching to PC, but I imagine that keyboard + mouse would make it much more playable. However, my other complaints should still be valid. Geralt is an annoying faggot and I hate having to play as him. The devs never miss an opportunity to make a cutscene with him with no shirt on to the point that it's just gratuitous. The map isn't really organized in an intuitive way. I'll go to a location but the enemies are way too high of a level for me to fight, so I decide to come back later but then I can't even remember where I was but I don't even care enough to figure it out. I seriously hated every single character in the game. Certain enemies require you to use one of your stupid magic spells to be able to defeat them, but it isn't even interesting it's just artificial difficulty. And the fucking "witcher sense" is retarded. So many quests are just "use you witcher senses and follow the trail." Great, I get to make the screen all blurry and run around like an idiot for 10 minutes because they couldn't be arsed to make actual content. Oh, and the sword breaking all the time shit pisses me off, might as well just play Oblivion if I'm going to have to worry about repairing my weapons. And that's just off the top of my head, haven't played it in like 2 or 3 years. So yeah, don't buy it.
Checked. Make it so. Considering Joe has beady eyes he is most likely English.
> it’s another “usual retard makes a series of posts pretending to be an exaggerated caricature of the position of his adversary to make a point” episode
On a Christmas Eve Eve that’s kids sad. May he has nowhere else to go.
Fuck off you cancerous nigger. I worked my ass off to reach middle class status after finishing high school. $60k a year and I'm still struggling to take care of my family, I don't have time for degenerate shit like drugs. I hate all these god damn neets on this god damn board talking about shit they don't know about.
The game was an absolute masterpiece on the PC. Do not listen to this nigger.
>the old school stuff of 10 years ago.
>and nukes to destroy the Middle East.
I would rather it be plague there as well. I wouldn't want a nuke to destroy historic places, monuments, temples and etc in the ME. ISIS is already running around blowing up ancient sites, including Roman amphitheaters.
>Go to some libtard site
>Mention that Obama destroyed Libya
who else does this?
Good evening, lads how th-
>*actually reads the thread*
...well! What the fucks got all the shills riled up tonight? Trump do a thing?
> Antifa college "students" are home on break, angry about DONALD TRUMP BEING THE PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES, and likely grounded for throwing a political tantrum while being driven home
The winter/spring break shills are the best, you can TASTE the impotent rage
>mfw I just recently saw “Darkest Hour”
Please don’t tell me he actually got his final advice on what to do with Germany from a bunch of random fucks in a subway.
Do you bring up the slaves?
Yeah, they'll be fucking pissed at Cali.
Is she /our girl/?
I bought it on Black Friday and I am having fun with it. I like exploring the wilds and fighting random shit around. If it is cheap you will get a lot of hours out of it, so your entertainment/money ratio is good.
>2007 was 30 years ago
You are responding to a disruptor. See . He’s pretending that’s the position of conservatives and supporters of this bill like he pretends whatever he says isn’t the unmoderated position of Trump supporters
what a dumb nigger
Kellyanne is very pretty! Merry Christmas!
Stop with the subversive e-celeb shit.
you mean the government forces job creators to give you 60k a year at gunpoint. you're a fucking disgrace. You socialist thugs think it's not wealth redistribution just because its a wage? news flash nigger, familys got by just fine on company scrip for years.
Most people don't think about that but plagues are good. So long as they don't hurt the Copts or people of Phoenician descent in Lebanon.
How do we fix the demographic downfall? Will the RAISE act move now that tax reform is done??
It was a figure of speech.
>Macross Frontier was 2007 ago
Maybe they should lower their state and local tax.
This article is seriously piss dossier level shit, I don't know why the NYT actually published it kek
Nah. Churchill was a drunken warmonger.
Folks make sure your wife eats plenty of fish oil capsules for fetus eye development when she's pregnant or else you'll get asshole eyes like Joe
See the post below yours. Makes perfect sense if you saw the last thread.
Merry Christmas friends
Corey looks toasted.