Dance, my dream! And smash the cursed mirror
That reflects forth the hatred at the core of this world!
I turn to that dream, for as inexperienced as I am now
I want to test the limits of what it means to be idle
Aikatsu and Pripara thread
Other urls found in this thread:
It's your president a racist little girl ?
Lala will always be the best.
This episode was quite mediocre besides the cliffhanger.
>Congratulations on your graduation
>Thank you very much
>Sena-san, you're dressed much more smartly than usual today
>But it's like, more than that
>I mean, you're even wearing a tie
>You really feel like an adult
>What's with that impression...
>I'm trying to say that you're very handsome!
>Pripara become a Trump meme like that tranny edgy nazi
Don't blame us for that.
Jewlie is pretty cute.
Those two are so cute together.
How do you upgrade exactly in this game? I got a level 90 aroma PPR, I know you need money but I can't understand what else you need to upgrade. Care to teach me the ways?
I want to fuck Lala.
>still can't name a single racist thing about Trump
>brings up unnecessary political confrontation
>blames Sup Forums
I thought this coord included that silly mini hat.
Only real kami idol get to wear the hat.
I wish I had maximum fluffy wings.
Ok, I'm probably wrong or misunderstood but if you look at pic related see how one of the Nons is faded out and the coin amount is in red? You need to have all the required cards/tickets things and enough coins to upgrade a card. Is that what your talking about?
Oh, I never knew they credited two sidle voice actresses in the first episode. They didn't have faces attached to their single lines.
RIP Saki and Chiharu.
Headpats ainon is DED.
Chiharu is one of the more frequent recurring sidles, but RIP Saki indeed.
>Solami lose next episode
>let's just throw a masive live with everyone and somehow that will fix everything
Why is Mirei such a friendless loser?
tchout tchout~
Or maybe they win and get their idol level reset as a bug.
>Karate-chop-chan filler before we get to the actual shitstorm material
Lala becomes a kami idol, literally taking the power from Jururu. She returns it to save her life, but at the expense of her idol ranking.
Aikatsu Stars haircut when?
>painting with the fill in function in Paint
Absolutely disgusting.
Sometimes I miss that little slut.
You can have him once I'm done with him.
Why is the PriPara subber SMC? Is it related to
>Sophie's mama is Lady gaga
I thought she was DED.
Looks like she would get along well with Ajimi.
Did they create this character design just to use it for 4 seconds?
Anyway, I wanna fuck her.
It stands for Sunohara Mei-chan. Had no idea that group existed at first. If you look at the credit page for the YuruYuri chapters or PriPara doujin I did as SMC-Scans, there's an image of her with green hair.
[muffled pure amore ai playing in the distance]
Where is this from? The new movie?
The Hibiki version of the movie.
>The Hibiki version of the movie.
The Hibiki route. Middle section changes according to which week you go see it and then the whole thing is on the BD.
They do multiple versions of a segment in the middle of the movie, and then set it up so each week, theatres show a different one.
Thus parents are dragged back to see the same movie three times.
Last week Lala got sucked into a Plack hole where she ended up in a parallel world where Nao is the idol who deliberately left her Priticket Bag in hopes of finding a partner, instead of Mirei.
This week Hibki is a pirate.
Next week Mirei does something.
When I first heard about this, I thought it meant that each week would be the same as the Nao one, where it's just an AU about who Lala first formed a unit with. I'm kinda disappointed we're not getting a Hibiki Lala unit, but at the same time Space Pirate Hibiki sounds amazing.
>This week Hibki is a pirate.
Excellent, I would just go to watch this version and not care about the other ones.
>not knowingly falling into TT's trap and going to see all of them
You're not a very good little girl allthough Nao a shit so I wouldn't blame you for skipping hers.
I'm just a little girl that loves Hibiki and wanna grow up with her as my role model.
I want to fuck a kig
Well done, well done, HOWEREVER-
I prefer the seiyu cosplay over this
I hope Mirei's version will be when she finally performs in her idol prosecutor outfit.
May I fuck those?
>there was a time when Himika got embarrassed from kashikoma-ing
Where does the time go.
I fucking love this.
Time goes into Idol Time with time-powered shows.
>wants to become cyber god
>wants to assimilate humans into new cyber species
Hibiki is basically SHODAN
himika is so cute
Is that Himika pantsu?
Oh hey, found the hi-res, HQ press release images.
That dress doesn't leave much room to the imagination.
No wonder they changed it.