Last Jedi

Suddenly it all makes sense

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


everything holdo did in the movie Ackbar could have done better

>I am very hungry

Looks about right

Only reason Luke Skywalker was such a defeated cuck is because he's an aryan white man. If Luke had happened to be female in the OT, the sequels would just be about how strong and wise of a leader she was and never gave up

> Dont pay jews to make movies inspiring white kids to give up

If she didn't have unnaturally colored hair it would have been better

The writers group is based in San Francisco. That's even worse than Hollywood

He deserved it too, not this nobody feminist insert... Ackbar got killed off screen ffs

>Going to see jew propaganda movies at all

who cares

Feminism is a bioweapon that is going to wipe out the human race(again).

[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

the movie was incredibly anti white male and anti family.

SJW Wars


topkek that fandom bullshit holy shit
this was the best disney company could find as writers for their new movie?

is the text on the left genuine?

>a fucking self insert


Good to have you back anon5

As far as I,m concerned they thought that the movie would sell itself by brand recognition alone so they went for the cheapest

This is literally true. A throwaway fish character would have been far less cringey than an obvious political allegory.
And the audience would have not dismissed a guy in a fish suit the way they did someone who did not actually exist until it was time for her to take command.
>also when did fiery Latino become the Fucking White Man to be put in his place by Admiral LGBT? Was there an amnesty off-camera or something


Duh. That's why the Jews aren't doing it intentionally, its just that there are a lot of jews and SJWs writing entertainment and media shows and that's just a reflection of their fantasies and how they view the world.

All of the movies and TV shows of today are a glimpse into the jewish mind. It's frightening, because its not real life. That's why the liberals seem so disconnected from reality. They're seeing the world through the eyes of a jewish fantasy.

Anytime you watch a liberal TV show, you're seeing what the jewish writer of that show wants to see. Especially for sci-fi and action movies, the plot is based around how the jew sees the world.

The new baywatch is a good example. The main character is a minority (the Rock), there's the good looking white guy but he's portrayed as being dumb and aloof (zac efron), there's the hot semi minority girl who hooks up with the white guy at the end (efron's love interest), there's the short fat jew who overcomes great odds to be wanted and liked, they make big penis jokes about him, and in the end, he uses his computer skills to save the day, and finally, the hot blonde girl who falls in love with the short jewish guy at the end after he plays the crucial role in saving the day.

This shit is clear as day and right in the open. Stop watching jewish fantasies for fun.

I won't say I'm still not weak user, but I did watch the 4/10 quality version of TPB rather than pay Disney.
For this particular movie I recommend that approach to everyone.

why did this stupid bitch kill herself in the movie? they have droids, just tell the droid to put the ship in hyper drive and escape out the back in an escape pod before the droid presses the button

identical scripted shill thread detected

>Written by Rian Johnson

Why are you guys falling for bait

oh so the new Admiral Ackbar is also a snackbar SJW cunt? incredible, almost as if Sup Forums wrote the story

it ends tonight

fuck they literally wrote a cat lady on a power trip for a character. what part of "long time ago in a galaxy far far away" dont they get

This is what happens when you hire someone from

Fucking hell they never learn.

Also if hyperspace kamikaze is a thing and works just like a real-world mass/energy equation would predict to to work, why do they not do this all the time? One cruiser could take out the Death Star.
>The answer is that better filmmakers avoided dealing with it completely so every successive space battle in Star Wars would not have to be asked this question

>actually spent money on this stupid SJW fest

If you really want to watch this garbage, you wait and pirate the blu-ray rip

Self inserts are fucking awful

Yup senpai

I have to live in the society with normies who consume this shit, leaf

No it's not brainlet


>the women who ruin
Freudian slip?

stfu dumb faggor streamed a cam rip

>knowledge about the galaxy
Leftists are absolute mental retard tier. Holy shit...

>Dont pay jews to make movies inspiring white kids to give up
This should be the next meme/slogan.
Lately I've been seeing alot of attempts to "redo" the success of IOTBW. Well, I think this is it. It's simple and honest and can be examined critically, causing those who "disagree" to have to try to defend their attempts to shill and derail a stable populace in favor for a degenerate one. This will both bolster the white-kids sense of self-identity and further bring to light the elephant-sized-nose in the room. I really think that this can be utilized to call out the bastards in hollywood that ruin Art in favor for $ and degeneracy.

"Dont pay jews to make movies inspiring white kids to give up"


not a bad idea. naming them is really the only way to raise the bar from defending ourselves.


Even Hollywood jews know how to cater to their core demographic, which is white men.

How in the world would they put this person in charge of ANYTHING. Rebels clearly derserve to fucking lose.

>study astrology
>Be put in charge or a starship

Welcome back!

Find a film showing at the same time and buy a ticket for that rather than SW, then use that ticket to get past the checkers to screens and just go in SW screening.

>Ackbar got killed off screen
fucking whores

Sad that Disney's taken over fucking everything and characters worth watching are far and few between.

Nice halo

>Stop watching jewish fantasies for fun.
YES!!! Exactly the point. Just another slogan I realized from reading this /thread is above.

"Stop watching jewish fantasies for fun."

We as a culture / society built the Internet to facilitate communication NOT propaganda. We were promised the international digital Library of Alexandria and instead we got this kikeish pile-of-digital-dog-shit on our collective steps. Enough is enough. It really seems like these jews are just creating Problems to guage our Reactions and then try to either sell or otherwise coerce a Solution (that almost always guarantees another Problem to keep the cycle spinning). Time to "throw a spanner into the works" as the left like to say. They are the ones' running the machine and they are not making the "better changes" that they claimed to want. They are being petty, vindictive and outright cruel. Time to start getting those Hoffman-Lenses out in circulation.

"Dont pay jews to make movies inspiring white kids to give up"
"Stop watching jewish fantasies for fun."

OK, but instead of putting posters up I'm just going to say this whenever anyone asks if I want to see a movie

no you dont

Merry Christmas fellow Shit posters! Here is a Star Wars Greeting from a Real Sith!:

(((sencorship))) on Sup Forums
Ben Shapiro's paid Jews at work

you mean Resistance?

lol what

Stop supporting Disney. Clearly there's a community of people who want to see something other than sjw propaganda. Star Wars was good back in the 70's/80's and carried on through a couple generations. Now it's just a cash cow milked by corporations to sell fandom shit. Hollywood's tanking anyways. Why do you think they're rebooting everything in existence? They've got nothing left. There needs to be something new. Something people actually give a shit about.

Hey that works too. I'm not trying to limit it to just posters this time. I'm just pointing out what I percieve as a viable slogan/meme that Sup Forums has "stumbled" upon. I think it's a simple statement of fact that needs to be examined further by the consensus and evaluated for validity.
I did the exact same thing when I introduced IOTBW. I'm just a humble user trying to contribute to this collective. It's ultimately you anons who decide how to implement it. Personally, I've learned quite a lot just from seeing the refinement process and the subsiquent results. Impressive, most impressive.


>Hail Admiral Ackbar


>Female characters who felt real

Why is "mary sue" the only character type female writers can come up with?

because mary sues are what they would be, if not for the patriarchy.

Exactly, I totally agree. This is why I was suggesting that,perphaps, Sup Forums could tell the story it want to tell. Shit, you could even collaborate on a "star wars" script that basically swaps out the "legal" characters for analogues and just fix or make it the way you want it too.
All Lucas did was ape previous shit anyways. "Jedi" is jsut a bastardization of:
so, make a "current year" Period-Piece. I've seen people render S.W. in feudal japan, TRY THAT, maybe instead of LazerSwords the Blades are empowered with the KI of a focused disciplined-mind-body-spirit. I got all kinds of ideas for this shit, but I'm only one user, you are the collective. I see all this talent and resources going to waste, it saddens me. 2018 is the year of Sup Forums, of this I have no doubt. the only question is:
What will you make of it?
Y'all showed me that you're capable of so much more than just trolling. Utilize your Creative forces to build the influence you want, not just twist and manipulate pop-culture. You already know what NOT to do and more importabtly WHY not to do it. So now, tap into your collective resources of talent and reach into the void of possibilities and grab hold of a form worthy of your craftsmanship and care.
This is your one-shot kid, don't miss. ;)

>who cares
I care that everything that people once enjoyed has to be taken over, rewritten and crashed into the ground with no survivors because SJW faggotry is so rampant. In the end everything that you love, no matter how obscure, will be ruined by these people.

because they have no consistency, the hyperdrive is meant to stop working as soon as it gets near anything with a gravitational force, and spaceships have gravitational shields.

If this was possible in pre-disney star wars, one of they greatest weapons would be a torpedo with a hyperdrive that you could destroy even the death star with.

Beat me to it

The Force is Slimed

Nothing worse than shitty self inserts


>That neck

one more thing before this /thread ends. When I speak, I am speaking to the Royal "we" and the Collective "you". I very rarely address any 1 specific user, because this is public and being archived. I'm addressing the thoughts of the posts and do not mean to imply that my comments are focused on any 1 particualr individual. I'm speaking to Sup Forums as an individual of collective individuals. Just incase anyone here thought I was trying to place a burden on 1 specific user, Sup Forums is NOT "muh personal army", obviously. I'm just trying to address what a percieve as problems that require solutions.
I'm not trying to be overtly faggy with this post; I'm clarifying for the archive in case a later user reads this and thinks they are not being addressed as well.

Not your personnal army Samantha.
> 0.02$ was deposited on your account

>he still doesn't realize that every beloved character had to be ruined, disgraced, corrupted, or killed for the Jew's victory to be complete
Akbar especially had to be destroyed as he was an example of how even a disgusting fish-man would be accepted and could succeed entirely based on his achievements. He had to be destroyed, to make room for an SJW that pussy-passed her way into his rank.

>Nice Christ-figure you've got there, goyim. Shame if something were to... happen to it.

Thanks for the refund.
See, now I read a post like this and I thnk, there's the insight that fuels the plot-points. What if, Sup Forums were to make a film (possibly animated cuz I think it's be easier and utilize drawfags talent pool) that brings issues like this to the forefront. Not too subtle.
Example: Fishman succeeds entirely based on his achievements.
SJW tries to pussy-pass her way into rank gets called out for obvious failure when push comes to shove.
These are some solid notes that should be taken for a script treatment.
This could be the Darth Vader of rebuttal-memes. A direct challenge to (((Hollywood)))'s bastardization of franchise(s).
Maybe even give Hamill the character he deserved? Show Lucas what issues needed to be fixed and fix them?
If done properly and with standards Maintained, this potential op could be where you throw the old-kike over the rail and down the chute to get vaporized.
I've got a GOOD feeling about this.

Lieutenant-Commander Gender Studies reporting for duty.

>"Dont pay jews to make movies inspiring white kids to give up"
oh I like this

making a lot of sense bro

Because hyperdrives are ridiculously expensive.
I could see doing a one-off thing to destroy some important target like the death star, but the rebellion wasn't exactly loaded with cash at that time

Fucking this.

Why is this garbage even being discussed? It's so blatant that they're not even trying to hide their agenda anymore and you don't need to argue over whether or not they have an agenda.

Don't watch, don't pay, and move on.

They needed to cater to the demographic of purple haired SJW. Even if it makes you trail $ 120 Millions since Force, shoving it down the throat of core Stars Wars fans is worth it.

OR, could counter this bullshit with an actual legit script and fire shots back. Like actually Do something that addresses the fact that they Do have an agenda and acknowledge that it's no longer up for debate about wether or not it exists, but rather challenge it head on.
Burying heads and averting eyes is apathy and that's getting us nowhere. It's time to take out the trash.
You can't live in a Garbage Heap, unless you're African or Chinese.

You're assuming I'm advocating for totally ignoring the problem. That's not the case.

I see she also has written Kylo Ren's character

I seriously doubt this is the case. X-Wings have a hyperdrive.

Ah, my mistake then, user. I was assuming. Text loses some of it's subtlety sometimes. Apologies.
looking back at this quote in this pic:
"As a writer I was very hungry to create female characters who felt real".
I noticed that she was focused on creating characters who "FELT" real, but didn't ***actually*** create characters who were real (plausible, relateable, grounded). It's more of the same ol' "Feels not Reals" meme. I get that this is space-opera fantasy, but shit, couldn't she at least try to put forth some fucking effort? (don't answer that, it was a redundant question.)
Also: >pic related would be fuckin' awesome movie. Especially if it was anime/cgi-enhanced, could be right up there with Ghost In The Shell and Blade Runner. *sigh*

fixed. yes it does.

No problem, my friend.

>an actual human, decent interaction on pol where a misunderstanding is cleared up without shitflinging

Well now I've seen everything.

so like what are her credentials for being an Admiral?

She's a woman.

checked. Based Anon5. Haven't seen you around for a while. Looking forward to a new thread on current happenings with the (((UFO's))).

Heh, yeah, I guess when the group's turned into shitflinging monkeys, the only way to rebel is to stand up like a man and behave as an actual Human Being.
I'm still not sure if half the crap on here is legitimate human interaction or shill-bots from the nu-droid army bickering with each other in some kind of (dis)Infomation War. Sometimes it seems like it's just shill-bots fighting each other on auto-kike mode.

Btw: I hope at least someanon on here is taking notes on these observations (not just in this /thread), because I've seen quite a few that are good fodder for character development corrections and plot-points that could be used to hang a narrative over.
>pic related was inspiration for my earlier suggestions.

well its not as if they had an entire faction of droids who had small ships capable of hyperspace travel being built at a near endless rate and could have just shot 100 into a planet and caused it to blow up instead of making an entire death star or anything

oh, wait.

but she has cataracts

The worst part is that the Marvel Star Wars comic book writers are a lot better at their jobs than the sjw movie writers.

How do we stop this sjw trash?

Dear god

Please don't tell me Melissa McCarthy is in fucking star wars please god

We're in agreement there. No need to act like idiots over disagreements.

I think this place is fueled by loneliness turned into bitterness and anger. It's just guys lashing out at one another because they have so much pent up anger over everything that's wrong with their lives.

Sneaky shop

Wow, true insight over here. Kudos user.

Thanks gonna read that to my kids.

I don't give a flying fuck about Star Wars movies.

I would rather see a 40k movie any day.

Also, Obligatory: