Hayate 563 raw

After this chapter there's either 5 or 6 chapters until the end. I'm not sure if the "6 chapters left" announcement counts this chapter or not.













In the spoiler thread, there was an user asking if Ruka would ever show up again. Which I thought was very strange, since this page was posted in that thread.






And that's it for this week. Just a few weeks to go and it's finally over.

Well, even if Hina doesn't win, at least she got to be a bad-ass and save her man.

It really is the end, huh. The fact hasn't really hit me yet. The concept of "no more Hayate" feels about as real as the idea of getting old: it happens, and it's a real thing, but it's not something that's going to affect me any time soon. But it's going to happen sooner than I think it will.

I haven't read this manga since chapter 200 back in Highschool. Did Hinagiku become the main character?

Not really, but she is defeating one of the major villains. There's still Hisui though, who is trapped in the royal garden with Hayate and Nagi.

Nagi's despair opened the gate, and she made a wish to live in a world where Maria never left her and Hayate loved her romantically. It resonated with the nearby king's jewels and sucked Hayate and Hisui in,

Himegami was going to seal the gate for good, trapping them forever, but Hina just stopped him.

No. This is just her final moment of glory before the series ends. She's the most popular girl but she won't win Hayate's heart, so Hata gave her fans a special chapter of her being awesome instead.

That sounds cool. I'll probably finish this series then. When Hinagiku first appeared, she was really interesting and appeared really intellectual to me.

This ending in 569? Is there some nip pun hidden? Something like 5= Go, 6=To 9=Ku?