Is there a particular reason why Israel receives so much money from the US?
Is there a particular reason why Israel receives so much money from the US?
no reason at all, stop being a bigot antisemite
Jewish special interest groups in the US have considerable influence in appropriating foreign aid
You're probably right.
Why do they have so much influence?
shut up we all know usa is a colony work for the change dont make obvious statements
If a politician says anything about this, their career used to be easily destroyed
Remember the six gorillion?
The real reason is because Israel is a u.s. ally and they need a lot of help in the middle East. pretty much everyone surrounding them hates them
It's not some comical big empty check from the US every year dispersed to every Israeli citizen that gets an extra 100 grand just for existing or something. Most of it is loans to buy our military equipment.
The biggest jews is the defense industry. That's where the real problem is. Keep in mind that the defense lobby VASTLY outspends and VASTLY has more politicians in their pocket than AIPAC and all the other Israeli lobbies combined. Don't believe me, go look it up.
theyre surrounded by people trying to cut their heads off.
Israelis in 2017 don't try to cut people's heads off... so ding ding THEY WIN THE MONEY
But Lebanon's government doesn't do that either.
AIPAC is an extremely powerful lobbyist group. They contribute $250 to $300 million to American politicians every year.
Yes there is a reason.
America exists solely for the purpose of serving the Chosen Ones of the Holy Land cause The Word Of God demands it. All these soygoys and mudslimes and wigger hicks exist for one purpose: serve the Jewish master race.
None of them fight it and therefore consent. We own you and your dumb race belongs to us.
i dont know man... the fuck do you want from me then
Literally the only Arab countries who cut heads off are the ones who are allied with Israel.
Nice try Chaim.
>Is there a particular reason why Israel receives so little money from the US given the close relationship and unbreakable bond they have.
It's our proxy state to keep the sand people in order
>Give them money
>So they buy our stuff
Your point? It's still a ton of free military aid. Also, most of the stuff they buy from us is surplus they buy directly from the DoD with the money we give them.
>It's our proxy state to keep the sand people in order
That's why they're fighting so many wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Kuwait, etc. right? Oh, wait.
>China: $25 million