>wh*Te race colonizes the world
>wh*Te race colonizes the world
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>I prefer winning to losing
What a hypocrite
don't steal /biz/ memes nigger
I didn't 'colonize' anyone. I was born here. Fuck yourself.
It's called rational self-interest, you breathtakingly dumb sack of pig shit.
OP must pass the ball to the other team when he plays sports.
So if EUropeans get colonized by Jews it is because of JEwish superiority then
Sure thing, if you want to displace someone at least be better. Swapping white people with savages is not a good thing for a mankind.
Why are wh*Tes so weak?
Listen, dipshit, I'm not saying the kikes should be sorry for anything, you are implying that WE should be, and that is the root of your false equivalence. Nice try, dickbreath.
We could easily kill all of you in less than a day if we wanted to. Keep pushing. Your existence is predicated on our kindness
No, if the Jews win its because they're cunning, nepotistic parasites. If the Muslims win, it is because they are lecherous, violent invaders. If the Chinese win, it is because they are hiveminded bugmen who zerg rush a country.
>I'm going to wipe you out with my superior Aryan str-
take a look at this faggot
this is actually how asians think, look at this level of gook projection
white people spread technology and civilization around the world, then voluntarily give up colonialism and slavery
chinks never did that
>Wanting to win instead of lose is hypocritical
Also: the issue is completely different than what faced the uncivilized countries before. If every white European woke up tomorrow and wanted nigger genocide, it would happen. If every black in Africa decided in 1892 that they wanted to kill whitey they would all be killed.
Difference is the colonized in the 1800s fought back and failed like shit.
We aren't fighting back. How the fuck are you retards not getting this?
got a point, and I'm a WASP.
buck up kids, be the change you want to see in the world, as they say
THe same argument is used against Indians.
>Lol a few thousand people conquered 650 million
>Lol a few Jews conquered 1 billion wh*Tes by controlling their money supply media and eJEWcation
Actually chink faggots sailed around the world just being cool and asking for tributes and shit. We largely kept to ourselves.
>Doesn't understand what rational self-interest is
>Completely missing the point of what he said.
K granny.
Jesus Christ that's bad.
That worked out well
And now the Chinese mindset is that of the European's of a century ago
>whites are the master race but 1 billion of them are subjugated by a handful of inbred desert jews
The level of control the Jews exert over wh*Tes is amazing. The very basis of their morality and philosophy, Christianity, comes from a jew. Their congressmen and MPs are full of Jews dictating the laws of the land. Their universities are full of Jews, providing all their research and scientific progress. The fee wh*Tes they allow to their level are so eternally grateful they'll stab other wh*Tes in the back to preserve their position.
Except for the fact that:
>Indians depicted as brave heroes for fighting back
>Whites depicted as evil retards for fighting back
It's called cognitive dissonance, and you've got a bad a case of it.
Colonization was not about genocide it was about conquering and creating “colonies”,new citizens and taxes.
>British use force to enslave the population, then rule as a despot intentionally creating famines and executing natives for fighting for their sovereignity
>die bombing the shit out of half the Middle East to appease their Jewish masters, creating a mass of refugees which by the "human rights" laws they preached to other countries they should accept
>then the chink faggot "emperor" ordered that fleet to be burned to the gound
>also only go as far as india
so much for "sailed around the world"
>we largely kept to ourselves
you mean trying to invade and make wars with every neighboring states when possible?
>White race goes to other countries, leaves behind schools, science, infrastructure, cities, industrialization, society, unity
>Brown races go to white countries, turns them into shitholes, destroys science, infrastructure, cities, industrialization, society, unity
We can claim we're spreading civilization too you cognitive dissonance fuck
Audio: Now wait, this armband doesn't mean I hate you in any way, so I won't fig-
well no shit they just mostly packed up and left, there are exceptions of course
also when will chinks stop enslaving peaceful tibet?
Only the British. The rest European countries resisted decolonization
only frenchies
White people are literal cancer on the Earth. Good riddance.
What have Asians created for the world? Fireworks? Abbacus? Think that about covers it.
technical foul: misuse of pink wojak
>delicious food
i wouldn't lie ,asian foods are really good
I guess the Romans aren't civilized too then since they did not spread technology out
>Civilization equals to technology
you mean foot-binding women and eunuchs and chink-jew level of backstabbing? also in chink culture most people act like self serving faggots
>roman architecture ruins in syria
>did not spread technology
Is it a competition then?
Fuck off Maori inbred scum. You owe your life to your Anglo colonizers.
Said the poorly-evolved shitskin who has nothing of significance to be proud of.
>they did not spread technology out
are you fucking high.
>White colonized areas develop a quality of life never seen before or after
>Black colonized areas immediately fall to violence and barbarism
>Indian colonized areas immediately become disease ridden toilets
>Hispanic controlled areas immediately become awash with corruption and drugs
>Asian controlled areas immediately become self-obsessed, empathy-free drone hives
Whites are the only group in the world that have died for the rights of others. Plenty of other races and cultures have fought for freedom, but never for the freedom of another. Whites are the only collective group who have actively set out to help others. You can argue that whites have committed atrocities, but you cannot argue that others have not, and the argument could easily be made that whites and only whites have ever attempted to atone and uplift others afterward.
White people of this generation aren’t responsible for their ancestors’ actions, retard
The white man is the natural ruler of the world. "White" is synonymous with "Good" in every language and that's not an accident (there are no accidents). European colonization was the best thing to happen to the world. What other race invaded a continent half a world away to liberate slaves? Our overbearing compassion makes us morally superior and thus the only race fit to be Earth's philosopher-kings.
You'd better hope we get our compassion under control and put things right, or humanity will find itself in a true dark age.
>white race basically creates the entire world
>whit peepls eebil deemums
I fucking hate blacks.
This. All we want is for the cucky liberal whites to stop being whiny bitches and realize all their favorite pets are still competing against them and stealing from them. The only reason the west started turning brown and technological progress in the third world ended was because whites stopped fighting and decided colonialism was bad. Everyone including the shitskins would be better off under the old ways.
This. People talk mad shit about colonization, but nearly all the hospitals, schools, roads, rail systems, and power grids in the 'developing world' were built by whites.
It is interesting to me that no matter how much money they're given, no matter how much time passes, the 'developing world' never actually develops.
Actually, the abacus goes to the Persians. Read a book, nigger.
omg brod I was just banned in rocket league when I critiziesed jews
Zheng He sailed to the Horn of Africa. Wasn't even the first one there, he was following routes known since the Han dynasty.
Can't beat the Abos though. The sailed across the oceans to Australia in 50,000 BC
>if you score a goal you're a hypocrite if you don't let the other team score.
what's it like being a retarded nigger?
what kind of fucking retard goes out alone in groidville with an armband like that
didnt he fucking watch diehard?
How stupid are you shill?
>white bring technology and innovation to the third world
>third world brings nothing but hatred and contempt to whites
this exactly
dont be mad when muslims and other minorities "conquer" the west by simply out breeding whites.
if whites win?
>conveniently leaves out the part about genocide of said third world nations
What's it like believing in revisionist history, user?
>Implying Jews fought Whites head to head and were able to colonize their land
Top kek (((they))) only have control from acting like literal parasites
>>wh*Te race colonizes the world
lol ok faggot
We brought you technology, justice, and then left when you wanted to be left alone.
Not one shitskins would be without chains if we wanted to. This was a mistake we will pay for dearly. But be careful.
if whites win, they'll have been the only ones on their side,aside from maybe some east asians. even a large portion of the white population sides with nonwhites
never argue with a nigger
yeah, liberals can stay. you, not so much
anyways, to answer your question, it has to do with an inability to have a sense of honor, justice, or integrity. the ability for self-preservation is distinctly primal and insectoid. which is why you never see whites commit seppuku. they're the actual insects