Only people who haven't suffered want to have children. Not because having children is suffering, but because if you have suffered you don't want to put a human into this world so that they will suffer too. Only if your life was a fucking cakewalk would you do such an unenlightened thing.
Only people who haven't suffered want to have children. Not because having children is suffering...
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is the beach covered with chicken bones?
What a stupid cunt you are.
Call me a mutt if you must, but I would def colonize that shit.
I agree
truth hurts
Obviously you're talking about those crystal waters and fine white sand beaches and not all those basketball Americans.
In all honesty that dark black skin in those pictures make the picture a lot better.
is this a pic of an american beach
Jarawa on the Andamanese Islands
So why did poverty stricken places with shitty conditions like poo loo land have massive birthrates?
No cream in that coffee. They’re like aliens with that jet-black skin and torpedo tits. I also want to spawn a race of lazy criminals with them.
lazy niggers
No it's a typical Swedish summer.
Looks like a cover from an early-70s fusion-era Miles Davis album.
>the only value in human life is pleasure
This shit contributed to the fall of Rome. It was seen as noble to kill your children when they were born, assuming only that an abortion wasn't attempted or had failed, because life became so difficult. You're just another "don't have kids" shill, no different from the people who want to see the West fall.
because when the white man brings gibs, nothing else to do but fuck
>Only if your life was a fucking cakewalk
Tell that to starving africans having 9 kids. Seriously, please tell them.
So kill yourself and never come back to this board. Honestly, "don't live because life is suffering." Okay. Kill yourself, and the rest of us will keep on suffering.
Nah you just haven't made it out the other side of your suffering yet to find it was all worth it and seen what a beautiful ride this life is. Once you get there, you'll absolutely want to bring others into this world to experience it.
Ironically the more suffering a human goes through the more inclined they are to have children since we evolved to go for quantity over quality in times of hardship since most of the kids would die anyway.
If you don't want your children to suffer than maybe don't be a fucking idiot and provide a good life for them.
their faces are horrifying
They look like sea lions, or some rare sea creature...
Well, I had four and I feel pretty good about it.
I would counter your argument by pointing out how only people with children understand the true purpose of life.
Frankly, your post is angsty psuedo philisophical teenage bullshit and it doesn't impress me. Then again, I have teen children so I understand how you kids go through these moody phases.
This is as far as a negro can go while still being technically human. That female on the bottom looks like she wants to cook me in a pot and boil me.
Did this tribe fuck homo erectus again after evolution or something?
No Swede. That is not the reason whatsoever.
If you haven’t noticed, humanity as a species is still primitive, and stupid.
Humans are literally hard wired to reproduce. Everything and everybody wants to fuck some pussy. That’s the way things work in this life.
As such, your average sub species, like the niggers, the spanish, the arabs all breed like rats because the fuck is the most important role in thier lives
What you are becoming is self aware. Like most advanced countries. You are becoming self aware of the harsh realities that our only purpose is to reproduce like a virus.
You are just trying to justify it as “why would we do this if you don’t live a great life” That doesn’t matter to your average spic or nigger.
Comon man you should know this.. fuck
>Only people who haven't suffered want to have children.
What a dishonesty. I've been through child abuse severe depression, being obese and becoming fit, facing the fact that my mother is insane etc etc. I am going to have children in next few years and my wife is Sup Forums shitposter with a cunt.
You just broke under the pressure instead of riding the tiger.
A man plants the tree of whose shade he will never enjoy. The reason why people procreate irresponsibly is because they rely on handouts, without papa gov't to back them up, they will have to deal with the harsh reality that their own kids will die because of their actions.
Im totally with you on this, in fact the most of us are here just by mistake
>you kids
I'm 33
Explain the birth rate in Nigeria.
I'd only have kids if I was some kind of god who could guarantee they would have pleasant lives. Sadly I'm not so won't be taking that risk
>I dont want to have kids because I know they'll suffer
lol what a faggot
You have it backwards the more advanced a society the lower the birth rate. The shitty hell holes have the highest birth rate
>my opinion is the truth
>the picture you posted completely refutes your argument
All my suffering has been worth it. It's pre-requisite for VICTORY which is the sweetest thing imaginable. Who would want to be denied that?
You aren't having kids for your kids' sake, but only for your own sake.
I've found that the majority of people who haven't suffered generally tend to think that suffering is so unbearable that people shouldn't have to live with it. It really is a sentiment expressed by a bunch of cowardly cunts.
The final redpill is realizing suffering feels good
Then why do starving niggers have lots of children?
Those subhumans aren't suffering. No OCD, Asperger's etc. in those places. They know nothing about alienation.
Then why do "refugees" have most of the young children in Sweden?
Life is suffering, as the Buddha said. You're a faggot if you think you should end your bloodline because your child might suffer.
Of course it will suffer and through suffering it will build character and grow tougher. It will also learn how to fight suffering through creating joy and art and technology and human connection.
Every ancestor before you suffered, a lot more than you'll ever know and yet here you are.
Then start acting like it.
Thats fine. The immigrants flooding your country will do it for you. They are brave enough to seize the future if you are not.
You have kids for the sake of the collective's continuity. If you think that life is "too hard" and that kids shouldnt have to be put through it, youre an effeminate faggot who should kill himself. Life is hard, don't be a pussy.
So you're first world crybaby problems are suffering but war , famine and crazy dictatorships are not.
He said "people", non whites are not human
My parents divorced in 75 and had me in 82 after a single instance of sex. I've always felt a bit off. Even when I was a baby I was a malcontent, a screamer. I'm like a brand new soul or wasn't supposed to be here.
ad hominem
Dose Niggas so dark they blood type be 10W-30
I was my parents 6th mom age 45 definitely a mistake
The logical conclusion to this statement is that life is suffering, by continuing life you are prolonging suffering, and therefore the morally correct thing to do is kill everybody. This conclusion is obviously self-destructive and therefore incorrect, so your premise is incorrect.
You must turn yourself to the Ministry of Love immediately - you are not smiling and provide impression that being culturally enriched is a negative thing.
Criminal scum!
If it consoles you all humanity is probably here just by universal accident randomness
Doze Niggas so dark they fart smoke
Those Niggas so black they disappear at night
I'm not surprised it's 99% fucking unevolved, uncivilized, unenlightened subhumans on this board.
If life or suffering is so bad, just kill yourself.
Dead serious.
If you're not willing to kill yourself then at least admit to yourself that the value of life supercedes whatever suffering you find to be overwhelming.
In other words, even if life is suffering, have children and give them life.
Non of us are suffering if you live in the west.
Those Niggas so black they don't even need colored film to take their picture
Cool feels.
But in reality, people like to fuck more then they like to worry about consequences. You're a shut-in low t autist to not know this innately.
Only brainlets and philosohical derelicts can't reconcile inherent suffering in life and gratitude for existence. You only don't want children if you're a selfish fag whose perspective only extends as far as the hedonism you can enjoy while you are physically in your prime.
Imagine the smell. What's their IQ, Sup Forums?
Correction: Only people who have not perceived and fully understand their suffering want to have children.
Existence is various degrees of suffering, and our only destiny is to eliminate all needless suffering. This does not mean to provide unconditional support to end the suffering of those less fortunate to develop higher intellect and the capacity for self reflection that comes therewith. Rather, it means we engineer ourselves to dominate and control what causes our suffering, especially those causes from within.
alright just ignore my quads boys
Those Niggas so black they shit coal
If that was the case, the West would have died out during the Middle Ages.
Those niggas so black that that's a picture of the highest functioning level of government in their society.
So your interpretation of the world is the only valid one?
>be Sven
>think things are going to get better in the future
>rely on the state to take care of you when you're old
>"only fools would want kids"
Those Niggas so black they ignore trips
Checked, made me laugh and nice digits
Those Niggas so black they born on unemployment
That's just retardation and cowardice.
Ignore anti-natalists. If they really believed their philosophy they would kill themselves.
>life is suffering and not worth living
>stay alive
How many more ingame credits do i have to earn to unlock those niggers?
Checked by nigger kitten
That's retarded. I've suffered a lot in my life but still want children. The fact I overcame everything, will instill that mindset in my children, and want to continue the heritage my family has laid out for me is important. If you want to be the dead end of your family because, wah life is tough, go ahead. You worthless piece of human trash.
Say that to this guy's face. You're all trying to act tough and think you're so fucking mature and enlightened on here. It's all delusion that your minds created to cover the fact your life was a fucking cakewalk.
Poor people in poor countries are either thinking like animals (short-term pleasure) or they're thinking like slavers (replicant workers). People who would have kids in suffering should be sterilized.
No child you don't have will ever thank you for its non-existence.
they are just stupid breeders
Sorry whitebois, Andamanese women belong to pajeet cock
Dumb bitch, you remind me of a stupid friend that said she would kill her child if it was a boy because there is so many chemicals made to harm men. Pain makes you learn and grow, or die trying.
You think that way because you assume suffering is equally weighted with existential joy. A few minutes of beauty is all I need to get through months of pain and anxiety.
These Niggas so black they get accepted into Ivy League schools when they born
Hahaha first world suffering
Muh I ate to much now I am a fat loser
These Niggas so black they use their own piss for ink
What a fucking coward. Life isn't pretty all the time, cupcake. Nut up and act like a man.
I have suffered my own share, but I'll raise you others: people I work with as a support who can't even feed themselves or clothe themselves due to severe cerebral palsy. Still have good senses of humor and get up every day looking to wring whatever enjoyment they can and be grateful for it. Some can't even speak.
And, individuals with chronic physical suffering like that are what percentage of people exactly? Most children born won't suffer that way.
And, if they do, they can use their own agency to decide whether it's truly unbearable and they can just kill themselves.
You're just some LARPing nihilist.
Until he's dead he still has a chance to get his act together and provide inspiration for others. Everyone has fucking problems m8, some much bigger than others, the trick is to turn solving them into your purpose in life.
nope, try again
That the best you've got?
And yet the future belongs to them.