Antifa Commie is an asshole and gets instant karma.
No, "Critical Theory" morphed into what we now call Cultural Marxism. Critical Theory was taken over by the university Social Science departments and was blended with Maoism,
>"I'm a CNA. I got a medical kit. Can I help? All right!"
God, I love women.
Divine retribution.
Best quote "Their obsession with freedom of speech means that they want to hurt people"
1000 internets says he blamed it on the driver
Everything about that was bizarre.
Ha ha! Serves you right, roadkill Antifaggot. My former hometown, too! That looked like the West end of the Hawthorne bridge.
It was a great place to live at one point: cheap rent, inexpensive entertainment, and fun community filled with friendly self-described weirdos who didn't take themselves too seriously -- and now virtually literally everything there has become the opposite.
Why don't people bring their German Shepard or malinois to rally's/protests?
It looks to be packing a pistol in the small of its back
it's a knife
lol what a fag hahaha
Somebody do a GIF. Not a WEBM. A GIF.
those anti-fa's are from canada.
>Somebody do a GIF. Not a WEBM. A GIF.
Someone do a goddamn webm
do it yourself faggot
Because only scum ass humans go to "protests", and scum ass humans are cat people. this is the power of the proletariat
then they arent worth any points. bummer
There were 2 last thread.
Eat shit and die, gook.
Found the iPhone poster
No, I'm posting from my PC, you vile spic, I just prefer the GIF format.
>i prefer the gif format
God, american college liberals are insufferable.
They seriously need to be genocided
>i get digits
>he doesn't check them
You fucking awful nigger.
They aren't proletariat, they are upper-middle class bored students following a fad.
wow, it sure smells like redit in here
>wow, it sure smells like redit in here
What is VLC?
thats a sweet ass fucking jacket that guy in the black is wearing, but it would be better if it didn't have the gay feminine hoodie.
I stood and clapped for that.
i don't want some faggot commie pepper spraying my dog.
That's better than doing what most women do which is just scream, I guess
If people wear a maga hat in public, they might want to invest in a family friendly dog. Those commies are unhinged. We can't blast them in the face with might, but our superior bred dogs can and will tear them a new asshole.
I understand, however dogs might be a part of the family but they are servile. The smell of soy and patchouli will just reinforce their hatred for faggots.
>then they arent worth any points. bummer
they have to go back, though.
That was soothing.
This video is fucking hilarious.
you said it
a sweet ass fucking jacket
>a sweet
>ass fucking
gotta have a uniform for faggotry, i suppose