Lil blak boiz BTFO
Lil blak boiz BTFO
nig if true
Big ifbrrue
race mixing is race mixing, you fucking idiot
big for you
Only if you have kids.
t. Black woman
9X% percent of kids are accidents
you're normalizing it aside for those who will
you wh*tes are really fucking stupid
>Jamarcus assblasted black bitches prefer the BWC
kek this
you wanna play this battle? you will lose white boy.
im a black nationalist man who has been trying to keep it clean and only fuck black women. but if you gonna tryna taunt us, my dick will be inside white women.
96.X people make up statistics online.
eat shit white boy
Awww, you mad LaQurius?
your women breeding black before your eyes and you tryna taunt us? you can suck my dick bitch
Before Sup Forums moved to Sup Forums it was only black on white threads. interesting that there is some fight back
Mad, you fucking nigger? Guess what, niggers in the U.S. have on average 10-30% European DNA and guess where that came from? That's right nigger, while nigger men were in the fields working 12+ hours a day, we were putting our superior seed in your women. And they WANTED IT.
Then they would watch their wife's belly get huge, ripe with the fruit of the Master Race. Then they would have to help raise the child, knowing that his wife ENJOYED fucking the Master, and she would do so at any opportunity.
"But mah dik, blacked!" A Jewish meme, did you know that actresses who preform those films ask for 50% more money than performing with whites? Ebony films are more common, and that's with The Jews shoveling money into it, blacked is a forced meme that no-one watches.
Don't chimpout Shitavious
How come blackbois can only get trashy thots while white men get top quality black women?
>Neo-nazi chimps out when white women race mix
>cause w-we must preserve the race!
>When white men race mix it's fine
>promoting any kind of race mixing at all
Absolutely disgusting. Kill yourself.
Does anyone have the original?
>this thread
Le actual 52%.
Bomb some more white countries for your Jewish overlords, Tyrone Hernandez.
Your county is going to be 80% non-white in 50 to 100 years time faggot but at least you weed is legal BASED Justin Trudeau!
>Lil blak boiz BTFO
It's still disgusting, but I think the point is the average black man does not measure up to expectations
Rotherdam and Rochdale.
and underrated.
All I see is 3 nigs in this pic? Holy shit is this supposed to be white in America? Damn the memes where true
>9X% percent of kids are accidents
For u
i never understood why anyone would make this type of threads or comment with these types of pictures