How much longer ?

How much longer ?

It'll be shit. This fight doesn't work unless you can understand Shirou's internal logic and reasoning.
Which works with a VN but not an anime.
Same with Herc versus Shirou.

>tfw emiya starts playing
>tfw they use this very same image you have in the OP
>tfw they actually pull it off

I swear to god if they fucking pull this off well i will be hype

That only applies to shit fucking secondaries that don't know what is going on in shirou's mind during the scene.

There are more people that have watched Fate/Zero or F/SN UBW than have read the VN.

And they are all filthy lazy secondaries that don't deserve to fully enjoy the experience of the VN

I mean, you're not wrong. But I think that the anime shouldn't require you to have read the VN to enjoy it.

I do agree that anime adaptions should be able to be as fully enjoyable of an experience as reading the VN, but it's a different case with fate.

I just fucking hate fate secondaries. Probably me being elitist over something that's so trivial and won't mean anything in real life but whatever. If you wanna dislike fate secondaries just read any comment section on kissanime for anything fate. I promise you will be happy that they aren't enjoying the full experience because of their cancerous attitude

It's even worse now, there are people who haven't even seen FSN/Zero and have just played F:GO

I'm unaware of FGO's story because I'm filthy EOP and too lazy to read the pastebin walls of text, but is it really that bad?

If you go to and search for Fate x Naruto you'd be getting the same experience

I tend to avoid anime communities in general since they're mostly trash

Is that really a crossover people think is reasonable?

I don't think reading cringy Nasu writing is """""""""""""""""""""""""""expirience""""""""""""""""""""""""""".

Reading a visual novel is itself an experience, even if the writing can get cringey

Consider ceasing to be such a faggot

Reading semi-interactive book with pictures is expirience?


You don't get the same experience reading printed novel or watching anime.

Dunno, if i want chuuni powerleves with below average writing i'd read some Banks, at least his concepts are actually cool.

You realise you're on an anime board right?
Anime is full of stupid wankshit writing.

Nasu is on his own level though.

Eh, there are plenty of works of fiction that revolve around wanky asspulls.

Yes, but Nasu writing literally works on asspulls (at least they are pretty cool).

In hindsight, how fantastic of a foil to Shirou is Kotomine? It's incredible how quickly he identifies Shirou's hero-complex and realizes that their existence together is symbiotic.

"Yes, the desire to protect something... is, at the same time, none other than the wish for something to violate it." The greatest failure of the ufotable adaptation would be glossing over this dynamic in favor of action. The end simply doesn't function without it. And this is likely the most probable outcome as HF is the longest route and 3 movies is just not enough to handle the nuances of the first few days.

Sure, there's nothing wrong with that though. People enjoy it.
Most anime comes apart if you take a critical look at it.

Yes, but (most) fatefags are extremely hostile to anything resembling critique.

You're probably right. As I said, I don't really interact with most anime communities.

i wonder how are the fights going to work animated, i mean nine lives takes like a second and shirou vs kotomine... they are almost dead and can barely even move, i know it was good in the vn but animated looking at it from a third person perspective would look really weird

Idk man if kojima can make a fist fight between 2 old dudes on the verge of pooping out one of the most epic scenes in videogames I'm sure ufo can make a fist fight between 2 guys on the verge of death (with one of them having swords for a body) be pretty epic.

I think the problem is that people are going to expect something on the level of Kiri vs Kirei.
Which isn't really the case at all

Kojimbo is actually a decent director when he actually does his fucking job. That's not 100% the case with ufo.

So, what's his logic and dilemma ?

I don't know how Kotomine did it but he immediately knew Shirou wanted to be a superhero when they first met at the church

They fucked up EMIYA in Zero, UBW anime, why would they do it right here?

When the best remix or usage of EMIYA is in a loli fanservice show and a fucking DEEN adaption, it does not speak highly of the chance to get it right now.

The DEEN adaptation had great soundtrack though
Kawai Kenji was in charge.

pick one