Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Why do millennials question religion but not science?
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because they're fucking retarded
delete this stupid thread
"Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”. - Richard Horton (Editor of The Lancet)
You can prove science as religion based on made up stories by sand people.
religion: shit some old dead people made up
science: requires experimentation and reproducibility, is self-questioning rather than pushing dogma. also makes computers and social media and shit
Since this thread will reach bump limit I'll take the opportunity to post this here.
I think the question isn't why don't they question science, but why don't they question pop science, and was on the money
Please read this
Because science literally questions itself
so who is this girl anyways?
I've been here for years and still don't get this one.
Why do I cum in the trashcan next to my desk instead of on the floor?
Why did I stop putting my feet on the wall and instead use a footrest?
Why did I just tell you to stop using meme flags when we both know your just some stupid wopdago?
>"I'm such an intellectual for questioning religion instead of buying into it's lies"
>believes anything scientists say because they're infallible and would never lie
It's as if it's a religion of its own.
that comment explicitly is about the social sciences which is barely science anyway
>is self-questioning
the problem is that millennials don't even wonder about that. they just assume it's correct as long as science man says so, and for the last couple years it's been "science could prove that [...]" which is literally not even sourcing a study, but just assume one will be done in the future and that it'll be correct.
You can test science theories. Can you test this theory about an existence of a deity?
No it doesn't. It relies on honest people to do the questioning. Do you know how politicized science has become? Government funded research where the funding is cut off if they don't procure desirable results. Science is becoming more cult like in this day and age.
The same way people were ridiculed for believing the Earth orbited around the sun, people are now being ridiculed because they don't fully subscribe to pop scientist gospel.
Because anything labeled as science is religious doctrine to them: despite any scientific evidence that can refute or even question their belief.
Drink some bleach and find out?
Science is too difficult for them to get their heads around.
Millenials are the dumbest generation
except scientists work with data which is objective
if a scientist lies or makes up data *REPRODUCIBILITY* will uncover that
There is science and then there is “science”. Another term that libtards fucked up to suit their own ends. But yes, I remember when the scientific method was once taught and people were expected to follow it. Now it’s “muh sex junk” and “consensus” formed by cartoonists.
Because muh religion has people doing things that we know are impossible and outlandish along with immoral which frankly makes whoever follows it somewhat or extremely crazy along with allowing them to pass the buck with a lot of things in life.
t. lived with "Catholic" aunt who sees spirts and thinks the Devil causes everything but never blames herself
While science uses knowledge and common sense along with investigative research via scientific method, evidence from such procedure can be witnessed before your eyes or used practically in your day to day life.
So stop shilling muh religion on a computer you would be killed five hundred years ago for owning.
>inb4 philosophical proof
>inb4 muh sky fairies r realeee tho
You completely miss the point of religion, insofar as that religion serves to provide mankind with a cushion of faith. Science is a useful tool for discovering and understanding the observable world, but it cannot answer the "why" question. It can only answer "how."
The religion vs. science debates are ridiculous, as they exist on completely different planes of thought. One serves to strengthen man's understanding of the natural world, another strengthens man's understanding of what is not (and possibly could never be) knowable.
because they are told from a young age that LE SCIENCE triumphs all and that religion is dogmatic garbage old desert shepherds came up with to explain what they couldnt explain
Lol u must be a rural or suburban retard OP. I fucking love science.
Nu-Science, the "science" millennials believe in is nothing more than a disguised religion.
Science is never to be questioned.
>religion is dogmatic garbage old desert shepherds came up with to explain what they couldnt explain
Day of the rake postponed due to truthful post. Live the live you've been given gracefully.
>inb4 philosophical proof
>inb4 muh sky fairies r realeee tho
This is such a blatant straw man. It goes to show that those who believe in science and those who believe in logic are not necessarily the same person. So you lived with a crazy aunt and therefore the entire religious literature is stupid? That's your argument? I'm not even religious, I'm heading off to medical school next year after being put on a 1 year waiting list. But I find these fedora neckbeards that advocate science to be the most unscientific in their thinking, and completely moronic in their argumentation.
It depends heavily upon the field.
I agree though, as a scientist, that politicized science is usually of terrible quality. That's why you have to be really careful with climate and social science conclusions. The "experts" tend to really be activists, so you have to read the individual studies and meta analysis yourself.
God hides himself from those who do not have faith. Religion always looks silly to those on the outside. Always has been that way. Someone get me the Bible verse for it. Anons are smarter than me in this matter.
False Equivalency
and if scientific studies say something they don't like they just shout PSEUDOSCIENCE
The establishment changed but people never do. Why do you think reactionists call modern science and culture "The Cathedral?" It's all the same.
It's worth noting that the millennials in nonscientific fields or pseudo-scientific fields tend to have much more religious, cult like "faith" in popscience garbage then actual scientists do. Actually being part of the scientific community teaches you how fallible it can be, and how skeptical one must remain.
Literally not a argument, muh medical student arguing over religion on a anonymous image board with a Nazi flag. Okay bud.
Tell me since your a medical student can people live to nine hundred years old? Can niggas rise from the dead? No.
So then can a magical beard dude make everything in six days? No.
I can write a story just as good if not better that has more meaning with better morals then any religion. So stop feeling bad for muh regions people and get back to off this site, go tell your patients about muh religion.
>keks for days
>this post
stop posting retard
Agreed. People in modern discourse more often than not use weasel phrases like "experts say..." or "they've done studies [without actually citing a study]..." to substantiate their lacking arguments. My criticism is more towards the culture surrounding science today and people's blind adherence to it, rather than science as a tool itself.
what the fuck kind of pseudoscience are you guys saying millennials believe in? climate change?
whatever their college professor tell them to believe
The eternal Leaf shouts abuse as he calls you liberal.
Highly exaggerated claims relating to climate change. Also, that race doesn't exist as a biological reality. Or that the genders are mentally the same. Or that IQ doesn't matter.
because science is based on observations while religion is based on holy books.
It has replaced religion among the younger generations but is equally faith based (scientists may as well be priests studying in a cloister given how utterly detached people are from the process).
Like people have done with religion (which is absolute shit), the same crew is picking and choosing what to adhere to and accept from science.
And like with religion, there is plenty of pseudo science to go with mainstream science which people will give credibility to for falling under the science umbrella in any fashion.
you keep posting this girl with a thread about millenials, and she keeps getting cuter.
>Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Liberals don't know shit about science...
They merely worship leftist propaganda like a religion, and "Science" is one of the things that leftist propaganda is claiming to be.
Like "Climate change", or "Biological race isn't real, but evolution IS real"
Climate change a is bullshit wealth extraction scheme...
Race IS real, and so is evolution.
we went to the fucking moon.
and the earth is a fucking sphere (spheroid)
Because you do not take yourself seriously, I don't exactly feel compelled to reply. This could be bait, but I'll bite.
Of course people can't live to be 900 years old. If you think religion is something to be taken literally, then you should excuse yourself this thread. The people that do take it literally (ie. creationists, jihadists, etc.) are criticized all the time. It's when you're confronted with a serious religious philosopher (someone of a St. Thomas Aquinas calibre) where your incompetence in the art of thinking is evident. Also, the medical school bit was just me explaining my background, and that I'm not a religious clerk or something along those lines. I did not mean for it to suffice as an argument.
You should try studying mathematics on the side, to see if you can follow explicit logic, as math is explicit logic manifested in numbers. It could help sharpen your other life skills.
Because the generation prior to them didn't raise them correctly
Because science is a method of questioning.
Religion is a method of believing in something with no proof or evidence.
forgot your picture of steve o
It's the other way around, faggot. They blindly tolerate Islam, while pretending there are 36+ genders.
I realize that humans as a group are wired to need a religion of some sort. Honestly I really wish they would go back to doing this shit over the hippie claims of a zombie Jew, because their uninformed cult like behavior tarnishes the reputation of science as a whole when they try to use it to fill a hole it is philosophically incapable of filling.
>and the earth is a fucking sphere (spheroid)
yeah? wheres your proof?
and you'd rather risk extinction then pay into the "wealth extraction scheme"?
Can you reproduce Evolution for me please
>I like reading fiction stories by muh aquinas muh think it so it exists
>medical school
>ignoring my bit about writing better books that mean more
Not the doctor I want, your pretty lost bud. Maybe you should be a neurologist to check yourself out.
dunning, kruger and freud went into a mongolian throat singing message board
the joke
Conformity and a mindless and easy culture born from social media. We have all these indulgences and comforts to keep them complacent, so much even slightest discomfort is unbearable. Parroting someone else is easier then forming your own opinion and views and enduring the criticisim and the freedom it brings.
This is why being "progressive" became so popular. Being anti religion, accepting diversity, accepting a suicidal ideology that only degrades and lowers standards until everyone is equal was made appealing through entertainment/media and was reinforced on social media through censorship and buzzwords (racist, bigot, etc) to shame dissidents.
Been done. Look up the Russian fox experiment. Or how bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. Or how various pests have become resistant to pesticides.
>And muh argument is?
Have a child. It's just like you and the father, except a little different. That's evolution.
>provide mankind with a cushion of faith
That's just delusion, if I need one I would rather smoke pots instead thank you very much.
I should just stop believing in Gravity then, since its obviously said by my proffesor and believing in science is stupid. No Wonder this Board is average IQ of 90, holy shit i tought it was a meme lol
just buy one of these buddy
I mean of humans or anything greater than a single cell organism ... nvm now replicate anthropological global warming please.
>>TFW you see moon-eyed qt3.14 then see degenerate shoulder tatt.
You are the Sup Forums equivalent to "everyday until you like it", except you're not even a good meme.
just go outside
notice how the weather is fucking up more and more every year?
You've provided no argument. You've ignored everything I've said. Maybe get off Sup Forums and get some fresh air, spend some time with your family, get a girlfriend, aspire to be something.
>rather smoke pots
I don't get it, did you want to be taken seriously?
science: whe don't make mista..
what the fuck are you talking about
I have all those things which is why im on Sup Forums, trigger as nigger. Also >>>/Leaf/ I knew it. Goes to the Plus you gave suggestions why can't I ignore suggestions? Damn some medical student you are.
Yeah I had noticed that it changes 4 times a year. Annoying.
Because science questions itself.
Nothing you would understand, nigger.
Must be an American and Europe thing. Australia seems like it is no different in the last 35 years. Although it is probably a Northern Hemisphere thing as Antarcticas ice is slowly increasing, but the Antarctic ice is rapidly decreasing.
what a stupid fucking question
The actual belief in a deity is such a ridiculously small part of what religion actually is and what purpose it serves
very stupid question and stupid thread
Science is based on the principle of dissproving a theory. If it is imposibble to dissprove it is fiction, if its possible to dissprove, but instead is proven to be true, it is accepted as Scientific fact. I barely understand it myself, so dont expect anyone else on this stupid Board.
>Inb4 T.Rick and Mory fan
Also sage, fucking niggers conquered pol
but seriously dawg the hurricanes and the fires and shit dont scare you? and the rising sea level swallowing up miami that we aren't supposed to talk about?
STFU with this bullshit. I acknowledge that climate change is a serious problem, but this is a non argument retard. Fuck I hate it when people say shit like this.
Because the science is settled.
Let them present their """arguments""". I guarantee more then half don't believe ninety percent of the shit they shill. They just do it because they got nothing else, serious pathological problems in the world the more you stroll through it.
Just trying to help you out, user. Your projections of insecurity and self-perceived inadequacy are a reflection of your character, not mine.
cheers mate
I'll be using this.
The problem is that all of the things religion does that are key to a stable, well functioning society are exactly what science simply cannot provide.
The eternal """medical student""" has been defeated.
based on lies though? why cant we have a religion based on truth?
No you can't go ahead and try to replicate what they're doing with the LHC and tell me that what they're saying is absolutely true
Science for the most part reaches areas where you're not in a place to reproduce it or question it because of lack of knowledge and resources
Why would you believe a bunch of dead guys you've never met spout a bunch of shit that doesn't apply to modern times?
nigga it aint that hard now you just gotta boost up the power levels and you got yourself a home LHC
Fiction doesn't scare me. Plus I live inland cobber.
I really do think that it's time to build a new philosophy that can replace the old religions. But I don't want science to part of it. It also has to be simple enough for normies to understand it, which is where the problems start.
Normies trying to water down complex scientific findings is exactly whats creating this weird cult in the first place, though.
Science constantly questions itself; it requires no outside help in that regard