Jesus was Jewish?

Yes and Hitler would still be right throwing Jesus in the oven.

Jesus told the jews to pay their taxes and keep their kikery out of the temple. He was then betrayed by the jews and killed by the jews. These are things to consider.

Merry Christmas!

Refugee? He spent his whole life inside the Roman empire.

1. Jesus was not a refugee - his parents went to Bethlehem for a census. It was part of their "country"
2. He was not a "Jew" he is the son of God.
3. He was not middle-eastern in theodern sense (Arab) he was middle-eastern in the ancient sense (Semetic).
4. Yes, everyone agrees we should help the poor.

Is this another case of the aethistic chattering-class lecturing the religious working class? Seems so.

"Jesus was a refugee." Sure when he was like three. They fled to Egypt where I'm sure they demanded welfare and housing and then drove some ox cart into a crowd of pedestrians at the Saturday bazaar.

Tired of heathens and atheists and blasphemers lecturing us on the history and values of Christianity.


"This story of the Christian hero is a syncretism, a palimpsest of many personalities and events that are taken and mixed. Possibly the life of a certain Zelotes, the son of Judas of Gamala, a guerilla fighter against the Herodian Kingdom who may have been executed, perhaps crucified. Then, an Essene Master influenced by Buddhism preaches love and equality in the Dead Sea regions. Bread and wine ceremonies will be taken from Mithraism, highly popular among the Roman legions, taken from the banquets for the Sun God and which will later become the Mass (from messe, harvest), dedicated to the God-Father. Alexandrian Gnosticism will also contribute with its concept of Devil (Demiurge), extracted from one of the halves of the God Abraxas. And from Dao and Tantra, from China and India, come the idea of "Resurrection of the Flesh."

“To avoid defeat and stop Destiny, the Jews plagiarized the cosmic crucifixion of the Sun God, the Black Sun and Cold Birth, with their Christianity, with the crucifixion of a Christ they call ‘Jesus’, the name given by the Gnostics to the pituitary gland in the skull within the cerebellum where there was situated the knowledge of our divine past, with the UR Rune. This material crucifixion is, in truth, the representation of satanic ritual murder in which the Jews bleed an Aryan victim on a tree or log offered to their God of vengeance, Jehovah….Wotan is crucified for Nine Nights in Mystic Death on the Iggdrasil Tree of Terror to recover the Runes. This stellar adventure, zodiacal, of Celto-German Astrology, an Archetype and Celestial Cosmic Drama that has taken form in the sensible and permeable rocks of the Externsteine where the Irminsul Tree stood that the renegade Charlemagne destroyed….In the Zodiac, Baldur, Son of Wotan, ‘identical with his father’, is crucified on the Hagal Rune which, when moving with the Mill of the Gods, Grotti, will be the Gibur Rune, that which gifts and is the Donor Oak of Dodona, Jason and the Argonauts who, in truth, sailed through the constellations, the Way of Iring, in their ship AR-go, where the Heroes will become Aryans, will be twice born.”
- Miguel Serrano

>Jesus was [insert religion here]
No, an aspect of God has no reason to worship himself.

Jesus isn't Jewish he is an Israelite from Judea.

>Jesus was Jewish?

>Yes and Hitler would still be right throwing Jesus in the oven.
Along with your mother

Jesus thought blm
Jesus knows there are more than two genders
Jesus is pro sex work
Jesus is for haes
Jesus supports polyamory
Jesus would have like a gajillion upvotes on reddit and reddit gold and top comment on everything
Trump would've crucified Jesus

Oh BTW I'm an atheist but I was raised Jewish so w.e

>Jesus was a refugee
Any evidence to back that up?


Looks like a Scythian to me.

>Jesus was jewish
>Even if he was like the kikes of today, the kikes of yesterday hated him so much they told Pontius Pilate that they wanted him dead instead of a murderer (Barrabas). he was by no means Jewish in spirit.
>Jesus was a refugee
debunked ITT already
>take care of the poor
sure, we should look out for the UNDESERVING poor: those who had a rough start in life and are working hard to get out of their situation. not niggers and welfare queens.
>twitter bio states she's a feminist

aaaaaaand yet another godless cunt telling the religious how to religion while she herself knows nothing. sage


Jesus was also virgin. I can't be like Jesus anymore, i have sinned.

Mary and Joseph fled Judea and went to Egypt to escape Herod's death squads. But the Bible doesnt say they crossed the border illegally and sold meth in the public schools while Jose worked for cash I see the table and Maria got SNAP gibs.

jesus was killed. lets follow that refugee example.

Jesus was Jesus. He wasn't a kike or middle eastern. The guy was God.

the western term 'jew' did not even exist till the medieval.
other killed 'ex-jew' founded no religion to fool in obedience

Isn't there a smuggie about this

Christians = Cucks
You're delusional and you know it, cuckolds.
GTFO to your (((Holy Land))) asap or get purged. Europe is Pagan Holy Land, and it has no place for middle eastern horsecrap.

He was trying to redpill the world. Even Paul eventually figured it out. He hated being a jew.

No but in all seriousness, when the fuck was Jesus ever a goddamn refugee? And he never told anyone to take care of the poor, he just thought it was an alright idea to if someone had the time or resources.

aurite bois, time to stop being Christians

Jesus is a special oven maggot, he tried to fuck up the other kikes.

>Jesus was Jewish?
yes he was king of the jews

So... basically... a jew.

Was a he a hebrew?

>roman empire occupied israel = jesus was a refugee = you have to accept immigrants
>jesus was middle eastern = your country has to have middle eastern people in it
>jesus was jewish = you can't criticise jews
>jesus took care of the poor = the government has to take care of the poor

I love how Sup Forums is so preoccupied with the BLACKED meme that literally all this shit shilling is just helping (((them))) to convert others.

Did jesus demand luxury apartments or more gibs?

worshipping a messiah as god. DEMIURGE YES

>No but in all seriousness, when the fuck was Jesus ever a goddamn refugee?

Matthew 2:13

>Sup Forums is one person meme again
First day on the job huh?

this term was only used to mock him and try to convince the romans he was declaring himself "caesar". The jews demanded he be crucified and said "we have no king!"

Read the gospel of John for the full story of how the Jews killed Christ.

Not really, Jesus is God. He inhabited a human body born to a Jewish woman, in order to give the Jews one last chance to fix themselves. Obviously, they fucked it up.



Nice to see someone else understand the reality of ancient cultures and myths.

Austin 3:16

No, he was a self-proclaimed Jew who thought he was the son of God, Jews figured he'd gain too much influence and power. The Jews didn't like this and pretty much

Except the Jews literally did have a king, Herrod, who ruled as a vassal of Rome. But a threat to usurp Herrod was an implicit threat to Rome, so that is what the sleazy kikes were trying to convince the Romans of.

Jesus was an Anti-Semite. Jews killed Jesus for that reason.

Didn't Saint-Paul state that a man who refuses to work, refuses to eat?

>poor 200AD
I am starving and my child might die and I have no socks and I have leprosy too

>poor 2000AD
pay for Jamal to study sociology at university or the government will take away your home and socks and child

>Read the gospel of John for the full story of how the Jews killed Christ.
why would i care about reading a book about jews killing a jew
>he was a self-proclaimed Jew
>he was a Jew who thought he was the son of God, Jews figured he'd gain too much influence and power.

Where do you think jesus shat? I mean the guy had to shit right? Did he go in the bushes? What happened when he had diarrhea? Did he heal himself? Did he recite the torah? Or quote the prophets of israel? Do you think he miraculously removed the shit from his bowels onto the ground? Or did he squat down and lay a steamer like everyone else? Do you think his divine shits smelled? If a dog came accross his shit in the bushes and sniffed or ate it did that dog attain superpowers?

>I'm not a Christian and I hate Christianity but if I use it to blackmail you then you'll do what I want.jpg


King of the judians. Modern Jews have barely any connection to that ancient race.

Today's "Jewish" kikes arent Israelites.
Read the Bible instead of your dickgirl anime comics and learn something.

Satan has confused the entire planet by calling his children "Jews". Jews arent even mentioned in the Bible until 2 Kings chapter 16, and Israel is allies with Syria fighting against the Jews. Furthermore the word Jew didnt exist until the 1700s.


>Guys arabs nowadays are quite dark must means Jesus was even darker then them

Yeah this is as retarded as people that believe all ancient Romans were shitshits like many modern Italians, meanwhile we have the historical descriptions of many emperors which prove they had grey/green/blue eyes and light hair.

Every other Semite in the middle east was brown, what makes the Israelites White bu all other Semites are sand niggers though? It doesn't make sense.

He literally called himself king of the jews


So Jews have been conflated with semitic tribes in general this whole time.

>Wtf I love Palestine now


>King of the judians. Modern Jews have barely any connection to that ancient race
thats where youre wrong little kike

kek of truth

keep in mind this image of jesus was mad by literal israelis, i forget the sauce but im 99% sure thats the case.

You're just fooled by a God that has standards. Shit like that is to weed you out.

The Canaanite Semites stole the idea of God from the neighboring Aryan mythologies around them, like from Egypt with Ra fighting Apep (God vs Satan,) the lake of fire (from Egyptian mythology,) and Noah's ark from the Sumero-Akkadian stories of Atrahasis, Utnapishtim, and Ziusudra, which are in turn cognates with the Vedic Aryan Manu. The Hebrews stole Aryan mythology and repackaged it as the Semitic Bible.

Ashkenazi Jews arent even Semites(sons of Shem), they are of Japeth who begat Ashkenaz. This is why even the long ass boring geneologies are important to read in the Bible. Noah had 3 sons, Ham, Ahem, and Japeth. Japeth is the father of Europeans, Shem Asians, and Ham Africans. The 1611 KJV has detailed family trees.

huge logical leaps in that tweet. Ridiculous

all of this is ok because islam didn't exist yet

>Hello fellow white goys

Stop eating grain. Agricultural society was designed to enslave. It's not called bread and circus for nothing! The human body in its natural state is powered by fat. Modern humans are powered by glucose. Paleo/Keto diet is the definitive cure for obesity, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among many other benefits. Caloric restriction and metabolic efficiency are the keys to health and longevity.

Christmas is a psyop designed to gaslight children and promote consumption. Ex-WWII propagandists working for Coca-Cola designed the idea of a fat man in their company colors delivering presents.

These elite families have been actively manipulating and subverting human society for millenia. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are weaponized concepts. These systems of belief make it much easier to control the majority of the world's population. Judaism is a convenient meatshield for (((Zionists))). Hitler and Nazi Germany played right into their hands, whether or not they were consciously complicit or not. Nazi Germany wasn't the first nation to massacre Jews. Massacring Jews is like digging up your entire lawn when there are only a select few elite insidious weeds dominating your yard. Don't hate the player, hate the cheating banker who's fucking the game up for everyone. Same applies for all the racial, political, and cultural division being shilled here 24/7. Zionists engineer continuing holocausts in order to cry ANTISEMITISM any time their dominance is questioned. Playing the victim at its finest. We're all victims, including the black guy who mugged or assaulted you. Those liberals you scowl at in disgust are just as much a victim as you or I. Forgive your fellow human beings and turn your attention toward the psychopaths steering this shitshow. Divide and conquer is their mantra. Don't fall for their tricks.

Furthermore in case it wasn't clear enough, the white pasty kikes are European converts with perhaps a trace of Semetic DNA. Palestinians probably have a shitload more Semetic DNA seeing as they are actually descended from Shem.

Yeah right. Jesus was not a virgin.

Jesus was not a refugee. Jesus was born a Jew, in Bethlahem, and the only reason he was born there is Joseph was there to be counted for the census. Jesus returned to his family home, and was raised a citizen of Galiea. Fuck off, liberals, you can't not believe in Jesus, and them claim him for your bullshit politics.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth are all mythological figures who weren't real, you sound like a fucking idiot saying population A or B descends from them.

Jesus was Odin. This is so retarded.

You experienced that marketing ad, too?

>Jesus was would be put to death in any majority muslim country today, if he wasn't killed by a mob in the street first
>you should invite these people in

This lmao


>jews believe Christ is not divine
>Christ believed he was divine

So she is implying that Judaism is a race and not a religion, is she... DARE I SAY IT???????????? OUR !!!!!!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!???!?!?!??!?!?!

They have literally no shame. No respect.

That mustn't have taken long to find.

>Shem, Ham, and Japheth are all mythological figures who weren't real
Prove it, kike.
That is in fact where the term Semite comes from, Shem. Semites.
Now gas yourself and check into Hell early. Your father the devil is waiting.

What is a Semite to you? Racially speaking.

No, he was the son of God
>Matthew 3:17 'And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'
You think God would say this if Jesus was actually God?

They only care for the punitive personal drama, Jesus has also told his apostles about not being lazy unproductive victims. The Parable of the Talents is the best example.

Top fucking kek

What skin and eye color did he have? And what was the shape of his nose? Maybe to you he was transparent to you fucking dumb ass.

This is the problem with sticking with Christianity.

There will always be the "Jesus the Social Justice Warrior" element.

Literally just typed her name + "jews" in the Twitter search bar. Her author profile on another website confirmes it's the same person.


Yes God would say that. Why wouldn't he?


No more refugees. Either fix your nations, or die.

Egypt was still part of the Roman empire though...

>Ham Africans
yeah, no. Ham > Cush > Nimrod wasn't black.

If I remember correctly Herod was dead by Jesus's adulthood.
The jewish kingship was then abolished and a roman governorship was appointed which ruled on secular matters while the jewish priesthood was allowed to rule on religious matters

That's where Pontius Pilate comes in as the Governor of Judea

It was a big deal that he was called king of the jews though because there were a bunch of prophecies around that time that a messiah was going to come and restart the Jewish kingdom of old and kick the romans out
The priesthood benefited too greatly from roman patronage and didn't allow for any threat to their authority on religious matters which is why they conspired to murder jesus