UQ Holder 134 gook scans

Here are the gook scans for 134. I don't have time to dump so if someone could while we wait for English that would be great.


It's another Kirie episode.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully this will be the last chapter with heavy focus on Kirie.

Jap raw here:

At least we are getting a new chapter Negima next week.


Asuna is bae

When does the UQH anime start again?

It's rumored to be fall, and we are also getting an ova first sometime in spring.

No kidding she's such an attention whore.

Isana has wings too, just call her Chibi Setsuna already


Well she's a plain whore too.

What did he mean by this?

He wants to have an Harem, and he'll fucking get it.

Touta is easily the most Springfield among Springfields..

It would be the worst thing ever.

>It's another Kirie episode.
Really now?
What about the other characters?

fine by me, love me some Kirie

Why is she so lewd?

>What about the other characters?
Kirie is basically the main girl here. She gets more attention than even Eva. And now she even managed to get Tota flustered, which was something only Eva could do before this point.

>Kirie is basically the main girl here. She gets more attention than even Eva.
Kiriefag please.

I'm an Evafag, dimwit. But I'm not blind. Kirie gets more attention.

If you mean in this arc, yes. But overall? No.

So is Cutlass about to get befriended by force?

No, I mean overall. The most screentime Eva got was during the Kitty arc. Afterwards Kirie got all the attention. Just go read the manga again, you'll see.

wow that cyborg guy is grabbing them by the ass like a boss

This guy is right. Eva's relationship with Touta has been completely supplanted by Kirie.

Eva is a cuck queen. First by Arika, then by the rest of 3-A and now Kirie. Cucked by three generations of Springfield.




We lack the imouto archetype.

Eva is best

We know.

whoa what is this? we legit getting a negima and school rumble chapters? sigh me up

yes, they are doing one shot chapters in the next shounen weekly for negima and school rumble.


Is Santa relevant yet?

Any idea if it'll be a full volume or just a chapter, for the new Negima 1 shot?
Also, why is UQ's main team still trying to fight Fate? He's on their side, for the most part.
He blocked one of Rakan's attacks, then got mind raped by Imma. This is the most action he's got in a year and a half.

If only she could stop getting cucked by tsunderes.

One chapter.
>Also, why is UQ's main team still trying to fight Fate? He's on their side, for the most part.
They had a common goal in that situation. With Negi gone again nothing says he won't try to take Touta.

The superior series is here to remind us of better times.

>one shot of Negima
What a pointless crap. Is this why he went monthly?

Kitty doesn't seem to think Fate will try and pose a threat, considering she let him go. Fate and Kitty have gotten along pretty well ever since they knew Negi was coming back to earth.
No, Ken went monthly because he's getting older, and he doesn't have a 50 man team like he did with Negima, he's down to less than 5 people in total.

Well, Kitty is not the others. And Fate is probably too sad to try anything right now.
More publicity for the upcoming UQH anime.

that is a lot of cuck

He's just getting old. He flat out admitted that he can't keep up with a weekly schedule.

Which is weird, with the software he started to use in UQH it was actually easier for him to make the manga, the first chapter was a test just to see how any pages he could do before the deadline (it was 80), and chapter 2 was how many can I make in one week (40), the reason he didn't have as many breaks as his time with Negima was because more often than not he was at least one chapter ahead of schedule. Then again, going from 20 assistants to 5 can be tiresome, and with the anime coming this year he probably wants to get more involved in the production.