

Wasn't it one of his campain argument ?
>I wanna say Merry Christmas again
or something ?

8-8-8-8D C-Chess

Fuck off shill

1488D chess

I ask a question. If you can't answer it, just don't reply, but don't cry, fucking slut.



He’s just being respectful of all the holidays at this time of year he doesn’t hate Christmas

He just doesn't want to insult his jewish friends and family.

55d chess

Kekistan was a mistake.

That's not my question. Did he make it a point in his campain that we should say merry christmas again, yes or no ?

He better blast a big motherfucking MERRY CHRISTMAS tomorrow or I'm calling for mutiny.


He kicked out "muh wurming" argument from presidential target list. Which means 3rd world still has a chance to develop to post-industrial 3rd world.

haha no he's playing some sort of 69D chess what no way he's not a puppet by the goyim shit europeenor haha

I'm glad he at least got 8 years. No one does jail time for hiring spics. Not even this kike, he only went to jail for the fraud. Unfortunately, hiring illegals is only a slap on the wrist.

>tweet from 2010

More like 8=====D chess amirite?

It's from 2010 guys. He must have changed since the War on Christmas. I had to check his recent tweets to be honest. He has turned into a massive Kike lately and I would not have been surprised.

this is FAKE NEWS

>he was gon say Merry Christmas REEEEEEE
>daughter and pardoned bank fraud rabbi each proclaim and receive hannukah gifts and blessings from jewvanka and jewnald

Merry Christmas, you fucking kike.

>protestant american
How the hell have you ever confused him with one?
Also saying Happy Holidays just to not trigger that combined 6% of Juice and Musli is dumb, desu.

Trump is a red pilled jew.

kek Trumps hires illegals all the time and most of his shit is made here in Mexico, he even wanted to fuck Salma Hayek.

Fuck disappointed

Exactly. Right wing is full of fucking jews. I hate jews so i hate right wing people.

Reminder that Trump wished the international kike community a happy hanukkah

Trump-Russia collusion irrevocably confirmed

Wouldn't wanna offend his Esther-LARPing daughter.

White "men" really up the faggotry when interacting with their whore daughters.
>"I'll do anything you want, just please love me!"

Fucking cucks. Ur women have precisely ZERO respect for you, and you cucks have no clue just how little these fuck meat whores think of you. Trust me when I say this. I've had plenty of ur white sluts by the asshole at the end of my thick brown dick. Filthy whores all of them.

Bassseddd. Epic trump, n based jews

Fake as the day is night.

B A S E D Trump protecting Syria from itself.
Also RARE.

boring and shit for brains and predictable as fuck. completely meaningless

you dont seriously believe trump is christian right

>ronald hates kikes
>ronald is a based heeb

And you bet your ass they're made in America now. Loser.

I dont give a flying fuck what he is.
I do know that tweet is fake though.
Netherlands go back to your shadow of irrelevance.

its a real tweet

the mental disorders in those eyes, KEK

If it wasn't for Putin Trump would have led the charge into Syria at Bibis request.

They're not illegals if they're in mexico

>Mexican intellectuals

Rejected by a blonde White woman Mohammed?
Go fuck a goat and vote for an increased refugee quota you faggot.

>Holy day

It is indeed a holy day for christians.


Once a bitch, always a bitch.

The Messiah can tweet whatever the fuck he wants to tweet

My brain read this as Trump
>finger wag and pause
>has BEcome
>An Epidem-an epidemic it has it really has folks

It could be worse

That thot is begging to be raped.

>"bullfighters don't need to change a thing, bulls need to learn to stop charging at us."

kys toothpaste
>in all fields

the absolute state of trumpniggers

If people spent as much time being productive as they do looking through Trump's tweets, world hunger might be solved