
Kirei version of 89.2 is out.

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Sometimes it feels like comparing apples to oranges with kirei vs user scan quality, but in my (biased) opinion I notice more times where a line makes more sense in kirei's translation than user's than the other way around.

>It's because everybody else does it, and our TS has an easier time fitting all the text!!!1
These fucking morons.

As I understand, the digital raw is what user uses, and the magazine raw is what kirei uses, which is higher res. Maybe I am wrong about that?

Is the sick mother still alive?

Yes, you are wrong about that. The use the web raw and upscale it.
Helck is released on 2 platforms: the mangaone app and the web. The web has a 1 week delay. The author uploads chapters to the mangaone in bad quality on purpose in order to make people buy the volumes.
Some other people upload the chapters to the web one week afterwards and those are usually better quality than the app.

Ah, okay. I thought it was something like that, just couldn't remember exactly what.

Jesus Christ. Not only do they upscale the chapters, but they do a disastrous job at it, too.
What the hell is this? Where did all that noise come form? And why have they modified the contrast?

Kirei's is definitely a lot better, but I don't think user's has gotten any of the translation... inaccurate. Perhaps only inaccurate in tone

Yeah, this is really the only major difference for the chapter.

>Comparing the translation to a spoof made for fun

It looks better than the anons one.

For some reason all translator teams need to shit on the scan with the fucking topaz filter, even when the scans are perfectly fine.

If anything, it's impressive a speedscan only has one error. Not sure why you think I'm on shitting on them, but okay.

It's because you're not comparing translations in that example. user's is more long-winded, but still correct in meaning.

KingĀ“s face is the face of a man who knows he has to fight and he will lose anyways.

Huh, I must've missed the v2 user put out. Thanks for correcting me.

user's translation is barebones and done the same day the chapter comes out, while Kireicake takes their time with theirs and is also looked over by two proofreaders (according to their chapter 89.2 credits page).

Like said, there's a trade off between speed and quality, but user's translation is far from being bad.

I think you got the edit instead of the real page by accident.

That's a joke edit you fucking retard

How can one person be so dumb?


You can pinpoint the exact moment where her heart rips in half.

Is she doki doki for Helck?

That woman is the witch of the island, calling it

That's one bogus reason

There's no way Helck could merc some kid, even if the kid was batshit evil.

That's still a bogus reason. If not Helck, then someone else. And if all else fail, then Helck would.

>Posting a comparison without posting the raw itself.

Both user and kirei do a good job imo.

Read the rest of the thread and listen to this


I wonder why they feel the need to use any filters if they can rely on digital raws.

Image resampling is a problem unto itself though.
Adobe likes to go their own way.

The one's on the app are shit tier.

Both the app and the web raws are garbage.
