Are Japanese even human??

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Shit like that happens more often in other countries

But seriously, the perpretrators of this incident should be crucified and their entire families put to death. I still believe it's not too late.

whats goin on here?

He is a murder

I don't know. Why most of the hentai is mind brake and rape?

quick rundown?

This pic was after The moment he go arrested by police. He stabbed woman to death

Alright so the japs spent 1000s of years killing each other (similarly to Europeans). They didn't have christfaggotry, but they did have this thing called bushido, which means samurai and men in general should act honorably.

But then the meijii restoration happened in the 19th century. The japs started to copy the west and bushido died. This created new generations of jap men were genetically violent and had no bushido to keep them in check. -----> they raped Asia

2 nukes + the remnants of their violent tendencies slipping into porn


japs are fucking crazy

You're omitting the details you dirty Chinese.

He was under the influence of synthetic marijuana (spice/k2), imported from China. Says so right there in the GIF. Your country is fucking up the Japanese youth with your chemical drugs, filthy as fuck.



Japanese mafia kids torture a girl to death over a protracted period of time and hide the body in a drum filled with cement.

30 years after it happened it's still noteworthy.

Something that happens every week in Europe and gets forgotten about

japanese and koreans are gods on this earth, so were white people before they went extinct.

Nah all asians are are half robots with little capacity to think for themselves and be creative.
They love hierarchy, slavish obedience, and group think.

Its why despite their more consistent higher IQ than whites they still managed to get conquered like the retarded niggers and browns.

Bushido is basically a boot camp.
> shit on private brains until he would want to kill himself
> send to battle
Jap honor is a post-nuke meme, when they wanted to still have national honor, but where not allowed to use their old ways under nuke threat.
> we do this not because nuke, but because we aru honoraburu
Peasants take it as fact, but elite remembers their true nature.

Furuko was a peasant girl. Her killers where from jap elite.

Should have done it a third time.

I always wonder if Junko from danganronpa was named after this bitch

>a single dumb whore killed nearly 30 years ago
Show your real flag subhuman scum.

Don't get too triggered, whoever uses a democrat flag on this forum is either a troll or a massive fucking faggot.

Fuck off pedo


>still spouting the "Japan raped asia" meme

I see another normalfag discovered about concrete girl.

T. Issie Sagawa

>During their trial, they stated that they thought she was faking a seizure, so they set her on fire again

Are Americans even human??

Japan was never planning to invade the mainland. It simply conquered for resources like oil.

I'm Japanese, this seems reasonable.

Read the meme again you fucking gook.

>blame Chinese for producing the drug and not Japs for buying it
what a retard

t. jewish edgelet

exactly, seems like this happens everywhere. the japanese psychos are just abnormally kinky about it

>"I watch anime, let me tell you about Japanese history"
The post.

Japanese today masturbate to pornography made of this incident

>Not knowing Asians reached the peak of civilisation by the 1600s and closed themselves to the world because they knew if they moved forward it'll only be downwards.
>Whites lacked critical thinking, continuing technology and civilisation. Now we have WMDs, Muslims and nigger infestations, aids, chemical warfare, porn, recreational synthetic drugs etc etc.

>they raped Asia
*tried to liberate

Americans today masturbate to child porn.

>"Japanese society is sick. It really is morally sick compared to western socities. We need to fix it"

Japan is filled with kiddie porn, dubios and twisted things. The sickness in Japanese society reflects japanese people

>(((we))) need to fix it

right, nvm

>They love hierarchy, slavish obedience, and group think.

Someone on Sup Forums wrote this, let it sink in how shit brained this guy is.

Leave my hentai alone you fucking finn.

>Multiculturalism will never work because people *thinking differently* will result in eternal conflict and that is why I'm stuck working at Trader Joe's.

Is a classic talking point around here btw.

Daiz is already seeing to that :^)

Probably not, but then again, who am I to talk? Who knows what happens in our more remote regions.

Damn dude

They all got light sentences too, what a shame, very sad, those boys should be drawn and quartered.

like anime character

The problem isn't even the torture or the murder, it's the persecution. It will make your blood boil. They basically got a slap on the wrist for being minors then went on to live the rest of their lives. They all should've hung.
>he fell for the Tom Cruise Noble Savage meme
Bushido was a loosely defined meme that changed over time and was later used as a tool to romanticize samurai and fuel the zealotry of WW soldiers.
In reality samurai were blood-thirsty narcissistic savages who happened to have noble titles. While it's true that they had a "gentleman's code" they only gave a fuck about it if suited their interests. Backstabbing and switching sides was common. They also used their status and wealth to get away with just about anything and used the peasants as their little pet goys to go and die for their interests(whenever they weren't burdened with excessive war taxes of course)
Oh and killing a peasant who insulted you was considered self-defense:^)

Can't pin the fin

well if wikipedia says so..

Bushido is literally a lie. The so called "honorable samurai" could kill any peasant they wanted if it suited them, just to test their blade.

Slavery and debauchery ran rampant. It was literally japs roleplaying at having honor.

Feel free to look up japanese history yourself.

this, there's a reason we say asians have no soul

"Chivalry" was just as much a lie. There's too much debate that knights even knew what it was, let alone followed it, and it was mostly code for how to act in court - a knight could kill a peasant with impunity. It was also code on how to support the Church, which is why I laugh when atheist neckbeards start mooing about chivalry, because it stood for the one thing they hate - the Church.
The Samurai codes were basically rules that were invented to keep them from hacking each other into bloody cubes in the court. It was stylied combat and rules of etiquette that favored the court, not common man. Even the Mafia came up with rules like that, the concept of not killing "made" men, because without that rule, the whole thing would cease to exist in a generation.
But nothing sells fake katanas to lonely, pathetic nerds than romanticized fables of "Bushido".

When the Bugmen snap they go to extremes.

Difference being, everyone EXCEPT those neckbeards know that chivalry is like that. "Chivalry being dead" is in itself an ironic joke, because chivalry was never good in the first place.

>and men in general should act honorably.
Bushido was NEVER applied to anyone but Samurai. EVER. And the word didn't even really get used in Japan until around 1899.

Anyone who has studied Japanese culture in the slightest would know that the Samurai were one of the most insular, protected classes in human history, and their lifestyle and code and behavior was NOT tolerated, allowed or ever encouraged outside of the Samurai class. How you can miss that blatant fact, and then run your mouth out it, is beyond me. Even looking a Samurai in the eye, as someone lower class than them, would get your head removed.

Oh, look, how adorable, the Weeaboo is insulted.

I love when Weeaboos are confronted with the dark underbelly of Japan. They get so freaked out, they lose their tiny little minds. And then blame China, like the obedient little Weeaboos they are.

Rape of Nanking, motherfucker. The Japanese raped the youth of China with literal pitchforks.

Now go fuck your pillow.

Rei bezt gril

My little criminal can't be this cute!

>Bushido is basically a boot camp.
No, it's not.
>Jap honor is a post-nuke meme
No, it's not.
>elite remembers their true nature
No, they don't. The only subculture in Japan that has any regard for Bushido and Samurai are the Yakuza, ie. criminals.
>Furuko was a peasant girl. Her killers where from jap elite.
You're imposing your bullshit Western Weeaboo ideals on a Japanese murder. Stop it.

that's a good point, I guess it arises naturally once people realize that if every man just does his utmost to get to the top, nobody will ever stay on top for more than a few weeks because killing people is just too easy compared to staying alive

is there a redpilled book on this case? it has always interested me, ye i dont trust wikipedia

Japan is and always has been the worst culture and country.

When you first take the anime pill you think Japan is le uber cool and become a weeb

Then you go further into Japanese art, history, etc. and realized how fucked up those people are.

That's true though. Rei is def. best girl

>Canadian flag
hahaha i love this site

>linking to the mobile version of Wikipedia
Are burgers even human?

Japanese people are some of the kindest I've met, but there's no doubt their war crimes and capacity for evil are second to none

Exactly. When a group of people have moved past morality and ethics and can kill with impunity, one of the first things they do is make rules that make them immune to murder. To an extent, we do that with the police - killing a cop is extra bad, because if criminals get the idea that cops are easy targets and they can get away with it with impunity, the whole things falls apart.
I'm a long ways from my sociology courses and reading to remember the labels for it, but it's a common feature in organized groups that have no qualms killing. There are aspects of it in our society, protecting cops, and within the military - you never want the troops thinking they can take out their leaders with impunity, like was happening in Vietnam.

the world is a fucked up place, I don't blame them

but japanese childrearing practices were VERY barbaric it seems. incest and whatnot... this causes a lot of violence later in life


Maybe if you legalized regular weed, you wouldn't have this problem.

Damn look at those noses!

thx for brining this up
they're all out, should've been executed

Don't worry about it we know, any moderatly educated person knows that whites also commites horrific crimes, this is a divide and conquer shill thread.

there's horrible subculture westerners know nothing about
widely popular movie 10-20 yrs ago:
suicide club

we have suicide pacts, too. didn't realize it was so prevalent in japan, though

delet this

we had that nigger bake her babies in the oven on facetime a few months back

people are sick

>because chivalry was never good in the first place.
why ?

How did Yakuza survive the American intervention in Japan after WW2?

the Yakuza actually got stronger after the american intervention

>a knight could kill a peasant with impunity
this is not true murder was illegal for everybody

But how? Did America do it on purpose?

it is sad though that we have to lie to people in order to convince them to stop using violence. Although it could just be an artifact of time, over decades and hundreds of years our systems stop understanding why they exist and they just reinforce their own need for continued existence, so suddenly simplistic logic like "violence is bad!" is being repeated when there was actually important conditions and information hidden in there that is necessary to understand the reason for these beliefs and also why they might not be as true as we think they are.

Based black



top kek

>culling the peasantry

t. Chang

>(similarly to Europeans).

sub redditcuck.

unlike atheist asians we had christianity holding us togheter

>Implying the perpetrators were Japanese
From your own wiki link (
>Most of the participants were friends of the teenage boys, who were low-ranking members of the Yakuza.
Now let's take a look at the wiki page for Yakuza (
>around 60 percent of yakuza members come from burakumin, the descendants of a feudal outcast class and approximately 30 percent of them are Japanese-born Koreans, and only 10 percent are from non-burakumin Japanese and Chinese ethnic groups.
Oh look, minimal investigation shows that this crime was most likely commited by Koreans or what basically amounts to Japanese gypsies.

And this my friends, is a retarded weeb.

Just because Yakuza have few Koreans in their branches, it means Yakuza is a good thing? Fucking retard.

>, it means Yakuza is a good thing
who said Yakuza is a good thing? but the yakuza are better than the nigger gangs in usa

>christianity holding us together