Why are Asian girls always the biggest sluts
Why are Asian girls always the biggest sluts
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They're not. They're stiff in bed like a dying fish outta water. Boring.
Look at the buttmad gook
That doesn't mean they won't allow any foreigner to fuck their brains out.
Rice dicked yellow gooklet
> MPAW mutt poses as white.
Dying fish jump around a hell of a lot.
You need work harder on that photoshop
Go to bed Tran.
>Why are Asian girls always the biggest sluts
Sexual market value
Plus, they age well
Tiny gook micropenis
quit jerking off at mid night, mutt.
> vit
Asian masculinity is out in full force i see
sauce on that one?
Because cheating is ingrained in the asian culture.
Japan, China, Korea and all the little islands.
They won't be mad you cheated, they'll be mad you didn't hide it well enough. When that's the issue, it's safe to say it's something far more widespread than here in the west.
> muh masculinity is beyond measure.
a larvae mutt work at mcdonald graveyard shift to make nuggets for niggers trying to find some confidence on internet. Go burn yourself.
This is a politics board not a 'I want people to affirm my yellow fever'. I hate these threads cause they slide the threads of potential value.
She's a hot chink though op.
Gook sluts are mad for Big White Cock because asian "men" are tiny dicked beta soyboys
even the mutted whore dont want to fuck you. retarded loser.
source ?
Usually yes. Once however I got one with the tiniest snatch who basically started cumming the moment I put my dick in and never stopped until I was done. It was insane how responsive she was. It was hard to keep from jizzing for more than a minute at a stretch though.
Ching chong ooga booga.
Speak English you yellow faced ugly gooklet nobody understands what you are saying
They rather fuck with dogs than you. hahahahahahaha
Only for BWC
What nationality? Westernized or traditional?
Oh my nigger brother...the cracker cumskins are gonna lynch you if you keep making those noises.
Going to a birthday party on Friday, I'm gonna be the only guy there. The others will be 5 Chinese girls and 2 Thai girls.
>mfw I feel the colonising Anglo-BLOOD rising inside me
Virgin detected
This is just not true
Nah, white chicks are way more slutty.
How can asian """""""men"""""""""" even compete?
Asian women are for white men.
no way indeed
>not teaching them how to fuck
wtf is wrong with you??
Hi Eurasian Tiger? Still longing for death? I know I would if I were you. Fucking half gook faggot who cant get laid by any race.
Depends. SE Asian Monkeys are are basically escorts at this point, no different to R*ssians. Worst Korea are facing a feminist and sjw epidemic that will overpass the west's very soon.
Japanese women are fine. Some Chinese are fine, I don't know about western/central china though. And I know nothing about Best Korean women.
Whatever happens, when they come to the ((modern)) west, they're worse than the Caucasian women that are already there. They either become SJW's, or become one of these Instagram women who live in SoCal, who try and be like the Kardashians. Yeah, other women get affected by this too, but the Asians seem to enhance it.
You can just take an Asian girl off her boyfriend and he will just smile because Asians are decent and still worship whites.
sure, muttkraut
Do Asian women really do this?
Asian "masculinity" is so fragile! LOL
Do what?
mutted subhuman mongrel
>holding hands
that should be the sensored part
it's too lewd
Let White men cum in their pussy raw
I swear why are white people even stooping this low to diss Asians. Brahs get a life and get off Sup Forums.
We Asians truly worship whites like says, so get out there and go fuck some chinks, gooks, and nips.
Hey Pajeet. I'm just gonna assume you're not white if you feel the need to entertain Asians. We're so far beneath the whites. Yes, that includes you, the curry munching faggot who wishes he was white passing. Maybe your sister Dinusha will have a white bf.
tempted to post my OC asian girl pics, cba to remove the geo tags though.
Yeh asian girls love big white dicks, I hear some like blacks but most do not find them attractive.
Majority of the ones I have slept with have just layed there and let me pull them around / move them to the position I want. They don't do much work in the bedroom and often times they like the "chase" that would seem a bit rapey to white women. They say no but act like its a yes, it's a kind of tease they do I have noticed. Just be persistent and keep at it, make those moves, Asian girls love neck massage and ear kissing etc. gay shit like that will get you into an Asian girls underwear
A lot of them stateside use birth-control to negate their period so generally yes.
Then tell your fellow gooks to stop posting nigger cuck porn on Sup Forums
Sup Forums automatically removes geotags you massive newfag
this one loves JAV, he masturbate so hard that cant even have a erection.
"I use birth control for my periods" is a whore's excuse.
My fellow white anonymous what have become of you. Do european parents give their children to martial arts schools or afterschool courses
>12 Post by this ID
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
t. Butthurt gook
I bet you don't even come from something like Korea or Japan, otherwise you wouldn't have any reason to hide your 3rd world flag.
And here is the 13th.
why are we bashing asians again , i don't mind them, they are usually really nice people :^(
no souls. sideways vaginas.
t. ass sore gopnik
your country is going to be the first 4th world in human history.
yep, Asian "Masculinity" very fragile. Sad!
Nobody is safe get over it pussy
Pretty much. It's funny because all those twitch whores have Asian bfs who set up their stuff. They have them serve them food and shit it's hilarious. Asians are the biggest cucks.
Why would I be ass sore when it is you who's being butthurt about asian girls craving white cocks? Also I don't hide my flag.
he's probably American flag or leaf
asians girls always take bareback loads from white chads hoping to improve their genetics. they also always swallow white seed.
the opposite is true for asian men.
in uni i used to have a few asian cum dumps that would beg me to just come cum in them raw or feed them cum. man my balls were always empty in those days
Things that never happened
pro tip, drink vodka with your anus could increase GDP.
>15 posts by this ID
Lol the fragility from Asian "men" is real! Fuck off back to /r/Asian"Masculinity" and bitch to your gook friends how assblasted you are! You'll never get pussy you gook soyboi!
>two trips in one day
what did kek mean by this
>This thread
I think they let everybody to cum into their pussies
They are trying to out do white women with their competitive degeneracy.
support you
Is this shopped to be lighter?
Tfw recently fucked a chinese woman and she was saying how she wasn't used to dicks as big as mine
lol cuckland "men” is mad. curb your "Masculinity" mohammad.