Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, aka The Phenomenology of Spirit

When i was studying Hegel on my college, i had noticed something weird, but pretty accurate:
Has anyone noticed that Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is some short of a The Phenomenology of Spirit allegory?

Try to compare the first part of TTGL with the first part of hegel's book (Self-Consciousness) and the 2nd part of TTGL with the 2nd part of PS.

You will notice that not only Hegel, but there's also Marx and Lukacs references when the Lordgenome's police shows up and they are a bunch of bestialized beings. When the plots advance and we discovered that the anti-spirals were another spiral race, this reffers to Lukac's thesis (on marx) about the degeneration of bourgeois consciousness, movement that happens with the worldwide death of bourgeois modern project and illuminist ideals, marked by 1848, when the bourgeoisie leaves the stats of a revolutionary class to a reactionary class, killing the spirit of french revolution and starting an era of repression to the new emergent class: the proletariat.

Furthermore, according to Hegel, the human history do not moves into a straight line, but into some kinda of spiral movement. This is at the introdution of The Phenomenology of Spirit. This also occurs at TTGL timeline, history and characters progression. The "spiral energy" is a clear way that shows how the creators of TTGL were influenced by hegel's thoughts. This happens not only at Gurren Lagann, but also on Kill la Kill at its beginning, when Satsuki is speaching and says that "Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth!": when hegel is on the Reson, he argue that the reason make everything explainable so you can justify everything, even the worst estate's crimes. This is also another clear reference to the dialetic moviment.

I was writing an article about this subject, but it become so fucking long that i dropped. What do you think about this? Would you like to see the rest?

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See, for a quickstart, at this analogy, you have to understant that there are two Consciousness at The Phenomenology of Spirty, one that is watching another one, and this second one is constantly passing through a lot of different processes. Here we have Kamina as the first Consciousness, and Simon as the second one.

Simon's speech on kamina's death is his aufhebung (idk the english word for this, suprassunction) on his brother. Simon here is the new Consciousness, after the aufhebung process on kamina. Both the first and the second Consciousness become some short of a 3rd one, superior but with some elements conserved. This is our Simon now, and it's now possible to move to the second part of TTGL and also to the second part of The Phenomenology of Spirit. There we will find critics against the reason, the Estate and so on.

you're drunk ESL-kun

War is life.
We fight and we die.
All else is sophistry and pretty lies.

Spiral Power is a spook you limp dicked fucks

>be Imiashi
>throw a whole bunch of mecha tropes you loved as a child into one anime
>some kid in a Philosophy 101 class thinks it's some sort of philosophical allegory


I always thought it was because there were just so many philosophical and sociological theories out there relating to ideas of conflict stories regardless of the plot will always have some root and branching idea.

A modern way of saying it is.
"Everything is a Jojo reference." - Anonymous

That's the point.
Hegelianism is so fucking complex that perfectly fits with TTGL crazy development.

Have you seen kancolle? It has girls that are actually battle cruisers.

I feel that, especially in regards to Marx, if you try hard enough it can apply to anything. You're over thinking this, but as a philosophy major, or someone of equivalent interest, that's what you do. Carry on, if only for your own sake.

>Hegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan who reached the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense. This nonsense has been noisily proclaimed as immortal wisdom by mercenary followers and readily accepted as such by all fools, who thus joined into as perfect a chorus of admiration as had ever been heard before. The extensive field of spiritual influence with which Hegel was furnished by those in power has enabled him to achieve the intellectual corruption of an whole generation.

Hegel BTFO


why was Shoppy so angry at everything, who hurt him?

Congratulation you now realize that finally anime have run out of ideas just like every industry in capitalism system

>run out of ideas just like every industry in capitalism system
happens with hyper-efficiency

Read Schopenhaurs "On Women"

>capitalism = stagnation
Is this a meme?

There's no battlecruisers in KanColle. There's battleships, fast battleships, aviation battleships, heavy cruisers, aircraft cruisers, light cruisers, torpedo cruisers, destroyers, armored aircraft carriers, standard aircraft carriers, light aircraft carriers, submarines, aircraft carrying submarines, landing ships, submarine tenders, aviation tenders, an oiler, and a repair ship. But no battlecruisers. The closest class in the game is the Kongou-class which was originally built as battlecruisers and later modernized into fast battleships, but the game treats them as fast battleships from the get-go.

Oh yeah and training cruisers, forgot about those sluts.

It's a good story that at some point in the production got derailed from the original plan and unable to connect with the first eps foreshadowing.

The disconnect somehow spawn convenient fan theory that then accepted by the makers as the somesort of canon.

OP, TTGL is a /leftypol/-approved anime.

Also check out Kaiba, it is very Hegelian.

kick reason to the curb, dumb Stirnerfag

this makes me like Hegel more


what is the žižek of anime? asking for a friend

Good shit OP.

Look for something pseudointellectual and pretentious. I'm sure many shows would fit the bill.

Wait. You're accusing someone who can understand and explain Hegel of not being able to speak English.
Rot in hell, redneck trash.


Then there you have it. Slavoj Zizek the anime.

It is worth turning it into a full-blown research paper so why not

t. guy who inspired trash like Nietzsche

Someone who hates himself and looks homeless, so probably Mr Anno.


It's all about people drowning on ideology

He may have read and understood Hegel, but OPs writing ability is barely High School level. Maybe its just the abhorrent American school system, but reading OPs post was painful.

Grammar is all over the place, sentence structure is strange and there are quite a few spelling errors. OP also doesn't understand how to use punctuation.

He does sound like an ESL.

Idk, it's not crazy to assume they would go so far. They even had the baddies names align with DNA nucleotides with the bonding pairs as friendships.

>Grammar is all over the place, sentence structure is strange and there are quite a few spelling errors.
But that's .. Hegel.

Hibiki, of course



nigga wat

I read it as "The Phenomenology of Spiral" the entire time.

No OP, what you should be looking for is eastern philosophy. Spirals pop up there more often and in many different ways.

I just like how simple the core idea was a Spiral

Spiraling outwards
Helix Spiral (evolution)
Drilling a hole though a wall

Simple metaphors are the best

OP you are the epitome of pseudo-intellectualism. You are THE pseud. Congratulations.


And so on

absolute madman

schopenhauer is a disgusting indirect apologist, the typical degenerate bourgeois. This guy is an irrationalist who says that the capitalism is a final stage of humanity, highlighting its barbarism not as something related to the socio-historical context but as a general existential caracteristic, inherent to human life. This is a mystical bullshit, there isnt any historical evidence of something like this. Schopenhauer is a stuppid ass who cant even understant hegel. lol

yup, also heidegger and other irrationalist proto-nazi

>you need to know english to read Hegel
Maybe he isn't some pleb and read the original instead?


hey. only based Kierke is allowed to bash Hegel


>literally story writing on acid
>thinking it's that simple
>being this retarded

You said it yourself, it's story writing on acid, how is that not simple? You don't actually try to find some kind of deep meaning behind these trashy shows, or do you?

The only thing trashy here is your life, get rid of it.

TTGL is greater than ur whole family

>I can't form an actual opinion or argument so I'll call it a spook

Man, Shopenhauer was one angry bastard.

Kierkegaard was a talentless hack

gg, u got me

Did Kohacka actually read Camus and Kierkegaard? It honestly feels like he did considering the general themes of the games.

>listening to le no children man
don't do this

I can see Camus falseflagging on Sup Forums already

>Hegel's Meme-menology of Spirit

I kept this thread open just to see where it could go, but now I´m realize that I don´t even know who Hegel is

Then you're in good company. Always remember, according to Hegel himself, only one person ever understood his work and even that person didn't understand it correctly.

i'm not alone

then hegel died and people started to study the oldman

just like Imiashi. Then he created gurren lagann

Oh shit, so the mecha piloting a bigger mecha piloting a bigger mecha that challenges god is a metaphor for the hierarchy culminating in absolute idealism?

It's so ingeniously simple, it's almost as if I could have come up with it while drinking whiskey and shitposting on Sup Forums.

>It's so ingeniously simple, it's almost as if I could have come up with it while drinking whiskey and shitposting on Sup Forums.
But you didn't and that's why you are still a nobody. It's the modern art principle.

>TTGL is based on Hegel's Phenomenology
>LWA seems to be a Nietzschean masterpiece
How can other anime even compete?

Hegel is the modern father of dialectic. He inspired all of a humanists and left-wingers generation, from Max Stirner and Bruno Bauer to Marx and Bakunin, and even Marx surpassing him, both hegel and marx were vulgarizated in 20th century. Some historians and philosophers, like Lukács and the Budapest School, try to get back their method and legacy. Nowadays intellectuals like Domenico Losurdo, José Chasin and Zizek continue this job.

Endless memes

Exactly! The mecha piloting a bigger one being piloted by another bigger one and so on develops in a spiral sequence. This scale is a hyperbole to this movement.
You see, also is a spiral the way enemies appear in the history development.

It's completely acceptable to this hegels allegory the size of the "premecha" controlled by the another one is in comparison to the bigger one which is piloting the smaller one if you consider the aufhebung process (previous moment getting surpassed [a negation with conservation] to a further moment).

go home Sup Forums you're drunk


The most TTGL had in terms of intellectual commentary was its message of pushing past your limits and not taking people's shit.

No, the most TTGL had in terms of intellectual commentary was its core message of accepting loss is necessary to keep things moving forward.

ergo proxy