Does anyone else get angry when they see a nigger in every fucking commercial? I get violent angry... Beat my wife last night because of a toyota commercial with a pack of nigger cattle. When will this force diversity stop?
Does anyone else get angry when they see a nigger in every fucking commercial? I get violent angry...
ive never laughed so hard in my life
>implying that it will stop
What's so funny? You think my failing marriage is funny huh? Fucking punk
Never realize Elijah woods has done so many horror type films. Outside of being Frodo, he’s pretty scary. As in Ed Gein scary
>nigger cattle
Whatever you say Terry boy. I didn't realize they had an internet connection in jail.
It won't stop until you white cucks actually man up and start getting violent.
as white folks we could have and should have said no but we left it to others and they fucked it and we cant do a damn thing now
>Beat my wife last night because of a toyota commercial with a pack of nigger cattle.
>Beat my wife last night because of a toyota commercial with a pack of nigger cattle
Now that's your wife impression of white man. Now she will go after black men due to your shit behavior.
Not been caught yet
i wonder if there's like a black msg board
doing the same thing bout us whiteys
I ain't listening to a bunch of taconigger sand scum. Beating your wife is the right thing to do and is what they are designed for.
You deserve a life sentence, sick fuck
I would hit you with my car, not even the dark of the night will save you from your destiny... Fucking CIA niggers
sounds like you're bullshitting, you don't even have a wife
>I ain't listening to a bunch of taconigger sand scum
But, that's exactly what they do.
>Beating your wife is the right thing to do and is what they are designed for
Enjoy being cuckolded, then.
I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial. Turn off the Electric Jew.
>Chimp out on wife because of images on TV
>Call people niggers in the same breath
Wew lad
Beating your loved one ensures they wont whore around. She knows I'm judge jurry and executioner. Its how real love works. You cant trust bimbos, they are not rational. You must beat them into submission
How else will I watch my nightly Pawn Stars after a long day at the mill?
entertaining bait OP
Just look at the fucking diaper ads, a black boy and Chinese girl on the box of Huggies in America representing the population... Get the fuck out
Fuckin disgusting. Black babies are so disgusting. Nappy ugly hair, weird fucking faces, and they make gorilla sounds until they learn ghetto english
Have not seen a black Santa Claus yet. He steals from the rich kids, and gives to the poor.
Are they even trying?
They're nderaged cucks, no point explaining shit to them
>implying the nigger wont beat her up even harder
reported to the FBI, you literal nigger
Making my blood boil. To bad she is out getting me groceries..
>Beat my wife last night because of a toyota commercial with a pack of nigger cattle
id say this is a joke but your also a burger soooo
Oh nooo! What will I ever do!!!
>I get violent angry
Are you a nigger yourself?
Are you a troll or a moron?
You are just a boy if you need violence for a woman to see you as a man. You must have a small penis.
I've never lain a hand on my woman. Yet she is worried about pissing me off. I bet she would rather I hit her than be disappointed.
Though I make her cum buckets, guess manlets only option is force when they can't fuck a woman into submission.
There are so many chinks here now that advertisers have started to market directly to them. Literally every ad has asians in it now. Its strangely hard to find racial demographic data now, but id say we're about 20% asian atleast. 25% of children have atleast one parent born overseas.
>beating your wife for something she didn’t do
That’s not patriarch discipline that’s just abuse and you should be raped.
Good thread
she's probably out fucking a real man.
Hello Shareblue
we can all see through your shit. All of us :)
Oh yeah? Because she loves me, and if she ever fucked another man she knows both her eyes will be swollen.
kill yourself, nigger
>not just amputating her legs and making her fully reliant on you
Fucking normalfag
Big guy
i don't think she loves you , bwana.
I can smell the jewish off this post
Is there something wrong? Name one thing she needs legs for. don’t be a weakling
Need her feet for toe sucking
You act like a nigger, you have no self control like a nigger, you speak like a nigger, you're dumb like a nigger
You are a nigger
Also, your wife is obviously cheating on you
How does everyone know who terry is out of fucking nowhere
You’re going to hell
degenerate feet fucker , you're almost as bad as diaperfags.
>I get violent angry... Beat my wife
kill yourself.
Swat on its way
For you ;)
Who the fuck watches commercials? Not white people. They have niggers in them because only niggers watch TV.
I feel you OP, same thing happens to me all the time
>I hope this is satire
>I don't think this is satire
> still can't tell if this is satire...
>a nigger in every fucking commercial
>I get violent angry
>Beat my wife last night because of a toyota commercial with a pack of nigger cattle
take one and call me in the morning
I stopped watching TV in 1970, so it's not a problem.
Jim made a video about him
Hahaha oh wow how do you do, fellow Sup Forums goer?
Can your shilling be any more obvious