>Americans unironically defend this system.
Americans unironically defend this system
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>hurr durr I am to lazy to get up in the morning we need communism now!
dont do it then
go innawoods and survive on your own
oh you wont?
They have woods in the Greater Britain? Thought you feckers chopped it all down for your navy and had to go carpet bagging...
>i dont wanna work
>want magic fairy land system where i dont have to work
>system does not exist yet
>this means capitalism has failed
go to venezuela there the government takes care of you
If you need a car to go to your job then you deserve this misery
Everyone has the opportunity to get rich. Its not the systems fault if you can't achieve it.
The redpill is that the average American isn't in fact a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, but a chinless slave.
kill yourself shill rat
B b but goy, how else would zuckenberg pay for his golden mansions!
Seriously though, work time and quality of living would be all around much higher if we didnt let companies abuse loopholes or concentrate wealth on top
yeah man you should see wales where i live
randomly drop the orange google maps man anywhere here and it looks like paradise
exceptions are town centers
i just dropped him straight in the middle
and yet, bukowski worked for the postal service for 20 years.
> Implying people in Communist countries aren't forced to work.
Boomer detected.
You try finding a job in this job market, being crippled with 35k in student debt, no one wanting to hire, and even if you do get a job, if you breathe the wrong way, you get let go because there is always 10 other people ready to take your place.
Fuck you. Get some perspective.
It's not that I don't want to work. It's that even if I do work, I'm literally just running on a hamster wheel trying to not die.
This guy gets it.
So does this guy.
>Hurr Durr everyone can get rich.
Yeah. Everyone can just pull themselves up by the bootstraps and find a job by walking into places and buy a house by the time they're 30, and start a business, and be successful and not be choked out by the .01%.
You clearly lack perspective.
Cry more,poorfag. Maybe your mommy will give you some spending money.
if you spent the energy you use when replying to posts on Sup Forums on looking for a job, you would have one.
also, you sound like a crybaby.
Wow, who would've known life isn't all ball-fondling and cookies. Work isn't "supposed" to be fun. I get feeling cynical every once in a while towards it but eventually you gotta grow up and realize work is necessary.
>It's not that I don't want to work. It's that even if I do work, I'm literally just running on a hamster wheel trying to not die.
turns out that is your fault not the systems. Look at every philosophy that takes note on man's struggle for fullfilment. purposeful existence is hard to attain but worth the struggle. be better before you want to chance the system
>Taking advice from one of the biggest degeneratea that ever lived
I'll stop """crying""" when the system works for everyone, and not just for the rich so they can buttfuck the poor.
Bitch, you think I don't put 20 times the effort I put into here looking for work?
I'm not unemployed by laziness or choice, dumbass. If the system fucking *worked*, then my schooling would actually matter, and my hundreds of applications and hours looking for work would've paid off.
And yet purposeful existence is nearly impossible in America unless you're rich as fuck. Otherwise, you're being assfucked by big business and the greedy.
Because being the closest thing to a slave our laws allow is totally a meaningful and purposeful existence.
>be me
>commute to a cheaper public college
>have college credits from a high school program
>out in 3 years with a bachelors
>cost 20k total, only 10k in debt, paid 10k with Burger King meme job
>chose an in demand field, making 50k within 6 months, paid off other 10k
>lol debt free buying a house at 24 LIFE IS SO HAAAAAARD
try making better decisions soyboy, the market is designed to fuck people who choose a field the market doesn't need, like muh psychology
Says the cuck from a country of cucks, who literally made a law that every time you want to fuck someone, you have to get it in writing.
Don't talk to me about degeneracy until you look at yourself in the mirror and realize how fucking degenerate your country is.
Life is a struggle
>why doesn't matter just spontaneously arrange itself into whatever my mind desires
Sorry, kiddo, but reality requires action in order to influence the environment. Unless you can create machines that will do that for you, leading society into a post-scarcity state, you'll have to use your muscles and mind to contribute to the overall system.
Communism isn't going to change that fact that we still need people to get up in the morning, force piss and shit, and come to work.
few redpills here
>70% of the money fades in the second generation getting their hands on it
>hurr durr only rich people have fullfilling lives
fuck off most of the "rich" worked hard for their success the stereotype you hate is the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. guess why they are fullfiled (not cos someone threw money at them)
>ever heard of the lottery
getting that much money and investing half of it means even your kids are rich for life (all the money fades in 5-10 years cos people who need the lottery are losers who are bad with money)
back when the population was smaller everything was relaxed.
now it's wild.
>everyone can become rich
Kek,true delusion right there. 1/100 starts ups succeed and some fields are out of bounds thanks to bigger companies choking you out. Same goes for enterntaiment industry and such.
Yes, its up to you to achieve middle class income but that isnt being rich. Rich by definition is a selective club that most people cant achieve. Even if you have million or two you might not be considered "rich" by everyone
The fact you imagine everyone can become rich makes you a retard.
>oh no that sucks
That degree in Pan-African feminism not working out for you?
Sounds like you just suck at everything. Other people graduate and become gainfully employed. Why cant you? Because you suck.
I live a very comfortable life freelancing the equivalent of part time hours. Sounds like you just wasted your time on silly bullshit and are now economically worthless OP. I bet you consider the latest iPhone and soy lattes an absolute modern necessity too.
bukowski didn't have a family to feed
>being richer than 99% of the people in one of the most advanced and rich countries is not rich enough
clearly capitalism has failed
Yes. the quote isn't saying not to work, it says to work for yourself. People are afraid of the idea of growing their own potatoes and broccoli. They are afraid of losing the security of a job, so they never stray from it. they drive back and fourth 40 hours a week so they can buy potatoes and broccoli is a bright shiny superstore.
WTF I hate waking up and brushing my teeth now.
if you can't buy a house by the time you're 30 you're a fuckin failure lmao
Some people have the smarts to make it and some don’t. Guess which one you are.
that's your life
in this system I run my own business. I get up whenever I feel like it, work as long as I need to finish whatever I consider important and if a 'client' ask for somethsing I don't want to do: i fire them
there are plenty of people that want my skills and expertise
Being rich is subjective. I wouldnt consider myself rich If a magical fairy gave me two million dollars, I couldnt retire on that
Let me put it this way.
>My high school didn't have any sort of college credit program, so I couldn't fucking skip ahead like you
>Tuition costs 28k for a fucking associates here
>Also chose an in demand field, can't find work anyway because shitty job market
You tell me to make better decisions, yet you blind yourself to the opportunities you were given that I wasn't.
Fuck off.
Fuck off, m8. I'm not a fucking retard. I know that humanities degrees are worth less than dirt. That's why I'm getting a degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Because that shit is currently in demand and will be for the foreseeable future.
You also probably have a much lower cost of living and don't have any real hobbies. And no, I didn't waste my fucking time, I fucking tried to follow the advice I was given and fucked over by a system that doesn't fucking work. And no, I don't see those as modern necessities. I see those as a waste of money that could be better spent or saved.
while the average brit is what? a faggot waiting to be sliced open by his neighboring paki?
You're right, most people won't ever be "rich" as you're defining it, but everyone who is able bodied and minded can be well-off. The problem is that we tell people they need to go to college, get any degree they want and they can use it to make money, but the truth is that you need to plan to have skills that are marketable, whether that's by going to college, going to trade school or just working for those years. Even then, there are tons of office jobs that pay decently and even have nice things like flex hours, so you can decide to come in later and leave later if you want, and teleworking is only becoming more common and accepted.
wrote code you can learn to write for free and made a multibillion company
do the same or shut up
if you can access the internet, you can do what he did, you are just too much of a faggot to do it
Don't want it don't do it. Go live in the woods and stop crying.
I am a drafter for a company that makes windows for skyscrappers. It's a pretty stressful environment but I think I can keep-up with the workload. I live less then 15 minutes driving from work. I feel more satisfied with my career than say your average blog poster.
Always the fault of the system when success doesnt fall into your lap. News flash you useless millennial faggot: it is hard to be successful and you are supposed to struggle and fight to get to the top. Jesus you sound like a fucking nigger!! Wahhhh, ebil rich peepol holding me down!! Fucking loser. Also, no one forced you to take on student loans you can afford for a useless degree you cant earn any money with. Your choices led you to where you are today, nothing else.
whats your degree in?
whats your field and are you willing to move? cause ya I chose network security but I still had to move to a city to get anything but it's pretty cozy otherwise
>realises defining what rich is and deciding whether or not to chase that subjective goal is his choice
>blames the broad system for this
wew lads
>implying zuckenberg did it alone
Kek,he fucked over his partners to get where he is now
I havent blamed the system user
I don't actually have my degree yet, but it's in Computer Science and Engineering, basically.
Fuck yeah, I'd be willing to move. Have a steady job and get out of Commiefornia? Sign me the fuck up. My field is going to be in IT, making sure companies servers are working and fixing people's PC's and crap.
>born into bondage
Who said you are born to enjoy life?
>being crippled with 35k in student debt
who forced you?
> no one wanting to hire
must not have skills
> breathe the wrong way, you get let go
you really believe that if you are an employee that brings money in you are let go?
I have seen whole companies go down and the MVE was there until he left
companies with thousands of employees don't owe you a thing, they have a paycheck to give to someone that will make something with it, not someone that will sit around and do fuck all
they don't owe you a paycheck for showing up
>running on a hamster wheel trying to not die
so what do you expect? does someone owe you a life?
>This guy gets it
no one owes you anything, let alone quality of life
>So does this guy
you are in a country that has a huge market and business is revered, yet you think it is comparable to a country that had to be forced by one of it's clients to employ minimum standards so that their employees didn't commit suicide every day?
>You clearly lack perspective.
no one owes you shit. you are just a piece of meat that arrived here. no one requested you
you are responsible for being successful at what you do, sought out by your peers and others.
we don't owe you shit. start a business, see why this is true with your own eyes
ok so why do you sound like a salty asshole here abou middle class not being rich enough for you?
>apparently projecting
i am defending the system this thread
>and yet, bukowski worked for the postal service for 20 years.
How else would he know the facts?
Can't trust some faggot who never slaved for the Jews to tell you that slaving for the Jews is a scam.
>Bukowski = BASED German-American
There are 2ways to secure 3square meals a day.
One is (((good)))
The other (((bad)))
why are you crying about not being able to find a job when you don't even have a degree yet? Get an internship or something
>salty asshole
Im sorry truth hurts but not every can become rich
>middleclass isnt enough for you
Goddamn right,have some ambidition
>if the system actually worked my schooling would matter
>i dont have a degree yet
Just fuck off
>the system works for everyone
it doesn't owe you that, the system is other people. the system isn't designed to give you a free ride, it's there to ensure basic interactions can happen without turning into blood brawls
you aren't owed shit
once you realize this you will realize what you need to do
>yet purposeful existence is nearly impossible in America
you expect purposeful existence, but you don't want to do what is need to achieve it
look at this image
study it carefully
if you think this was handed to anybody you are a fucking mongrel
you have never worked hard enough in your life to realize how much you haven't been working
Not slaving away for the glorious American capitalist system?
>can't get a job
>litterally everywhere in the midwest is hiring
Yeah, fuck the system that let an alcoholic without skills survive.
It's not slavery, he could've left his job at anytime, nobody is forcing you to work.
Except, it's fucking harder to survive in the woods than to organize a bunch envelopes for 8 hours get a nice wage that enabled his degenerate lifestyle.
>work hard
>make lots of money
>you can be rich too
Thanks Rabbi. Keep up the good work. You're doing a fine job.
Noboddy is forcing you t do it, wagecucks bring it on themselves.
Under the current system, people are not meant to enjoy life, which is why i will not vote for the right wing that keeps this status quo
I'm sorry it was hard to hear you with that jew cock in your mouth.
American goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
>that's why i'm getting a degree in computer science
You don't have it yet?
>ome fields are out of bounds thanks to bigger companies choking you out.
yes, do you know why that is?
because they worked to get there, they aren't about to give it all up to some loser that thinks they are owed a position in the world
wake up: no one cares about you or your life
maybe your parents, you are lucky if you have that
you have to make your path, you have to disrupt that business, because others were here before you and they conquered it for themselves
did people find easier fields to conquer, of course, but each generation creates fields and takes on the old.
this is what YOU have to DO
crying about it on a basket weaving forum won't change the world. protesting on the streets won't get you a free ride.
only doing stuff will change your situation, whining is for whiners
why weren't you working the entire time you were in college? why won't you take a crappy job to make it look like you're trying? are you holding out for a management position?
>Americans unironically defend this system
Okay, any alternatives you can suggest?
Oh, so you want to starve while the government secret police beats the shit out of you for ciricising the government?
If you want a better job find one. If you want a fun job, make one. If you want more money, start your own business. If all you want is for other people to had you a better life, better work, and a better pay, you are a child.
Not an argument.
You do realize this same thing happened under every communist system ever right?
You will always have to get up and work you fat lazy fuck.
yes, do that. you think become ultra rich like that is done by allowing someone that paid for serves to take half the IP?
you are an idiot
or do you think someone saying: we want mySpace for frats is some amazing idea?
they couldn't make it themselves and they had money, they were already rich and Mark fucked those guys, took their money and became best buddies with Bill Gates
>socialists can't into protestant work ethic
imagine my shock
Shouldn't have taken out student loans, dumbass
You realize literally every country operates like this, right?
>don't work hard
>expect things to happen
>people owe you a life
thanks mongrel
Bukowski was a degenerate shit. His work was shit, too.
One working class man is worth more than billion Bukowskis.
We are all here today because our ancestors worked hard each and every day.
We must always honor those ancestors by continuing the great work that it is to be truly human, to always pursue greatness, no matter what it is we do. Our ancestors always thought of the generations to come. They wanted to make things great for you and me. To honor them, we must do the same for our future descendants, the future humans.
Degenerates don't get that. They only ever live for the moment, like wild animals or uncivilized "humans" like blacks. Degenerates are genetic dead-ends and must never be celebrated. Let them all die out.
>write code like zuckenberg
Nice backpedaling desu
It’s not a law it was a fucking suggestion.
>thinking the government owes you a good life
You're all missing the point, this nigger doesn't even have a degree yet, and being as entitled as he is he's probably "too good" to even do hard labor. This is actually a very good example on why most of antifa want communism, they're litterally lazy drug addicted faggots who can't get up before sunrise.
He doesn't have one because there isn't one. You were right. Bukowski was a pissed off loser who wrote the same book 6 times and attracted other losers.
>It's that even if I do work, I'm literally just running on a hamster wheel trying to not die.
Every living creature does this. I'm sure you'll point to a few examples of ultra rich people who don't (chances are you will be wrong) while there are exceptions to every rule what you need to focus on is this.
Whatever convinced you that your happiness and prosperity is dependent on the actions of someone else is what is really enslaving you. The only thing any of us can change is ourselves. I'm not saying sell your soul for employment, I'm saying think about what you could have and work toward that.
>people are not meant to enjoy life
how will people enjoy life? have you finished building the machine army that will allow us to do only whatever we want?
you haven't.
no system can achieve what you seek
only technology can do that and capitalism feeds tech
communism is the retarded half-sister of hell that think that we will all work in factories or plow the fields, even though in capitalism these jobs have ended up being 2 percent of our total occupations
so as long as a system that advocates for the rapid creation of machines that can do every repetitive task we want to stop doing
capitalism is the next best thing
Working People are great
They pay taxes so I can get My montly neet bux
what is the alternative system you propose that allows your lifestyle to exist, but doesn't require you to work?
>Technical brilliance
>Social blindness.
Always doing the right thing once they've exhausted every other option.
Your greed, nihilism, depraved capital culture where money is a God and moronic shallow reasoning is why every country bar Israel hates you.
You think this is jealousy. You are literally the Eric Cartman's of the world but far far worse. KYS.
do you think he wrote magic code?
Shit or get off the pot sand nigger.
I wake up at 4:30 that's why.
Whitey always tryin' ta keep a bruffa down!