Sup Forums unironically defends this

>Sup Forums unironically defends this
>Sup Forums unironically voted for this
>Sup Forums unironically loves Jews controlling our wealth because "HAHAHAHA NIGGERS AND LIBERALS BTFO!!!!!!"
>Sup Forums unironically believes Trump will fix this
>Sup Forums unironically believes this makes America great again

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and most of them are lefties

If statistics are your thing, find me a period in Murka's history where 1% did not own 50% of the wealth.

I thought communist lefties don't have jobs and live on welfare.


zuckerberg from facebook
all of hollywood
amazon owners / ceo
google / youtube owners ceo
any silicon valley people
disney corp

All rabid lefties, all the richest people in the world.


pol loves sucking jewish cock now
this will be defended just watch

>All rabid lefties

>any of those people

That's because of what happened in 2008 you fucking retard, greatest transfer of wealth in human history, do your fucking homework before spewing your autism


Yup and now Trump is doing the second great transfer to the top 1%

are you retarded or just pretending to be?

So another great depression is right around he corner. Neat.

they literally are

Sounds like obama fucked up? Is that what your point is?

>caring about money
sure is nigger in here.

kill yourself shill rat

would you prefer that wealth go to the chinese billionaires instead?
I dont really see an issue with the elite being really wealthy, as long as the standards of living and purchasing power of the people in the country continue to improve.

>be soiboi wannabe leftist douche
>lives in USA
>consumerism is rampant
>uses mommy money to buy stupid shit
>economy built on capitalism
>DOW and NASDAQ in record territory
>mommy has more money for me to fund the #resistance with my equally douchy and useless cunt #freedomfighters when we meet at the mall, sip latte and talk about doing shit


Communism these days is a consumerist lifestyle pursued by bourgeois youths

>muh 1%

Did they steal that wealth from other people? Not in a stupid communist "paying a wage in exchange for labor is theft" kind of way, but through actual nefarious means that disadvantaged everyone else? If not then why should I give a fuck? I'll never understand the eternal jealousy and resentment of leftists.

The only problem I have with the rich is they don't pay their taxes. Trump appears to actually be addressing this issue, and he's given this topic way more lip service than any politician who's been around in my lifetime

>All capitalists

All using the 'free' market to exploit fucking everyone and make millions of dollars.

Your point?

>so leftist that they're poster children for capitalism

Go home, Summer

This dude gets it.

One of the main reasons for the recent increase in income inequality has to do with illegal immigration.
I mean, Clinton raised taxes on the rich and inequality still increased under his presidency.

Just wait, it will trickle down, you'll see!!!

If you say this, its always true because their money is gaining interest.
>Its right now......
>Even more so now......

Intriguing they managed to do that just days after the tax bill will passed. The new rules haven't even been implemented yet

The useful idiots do. Most of the 1% vote Rat.

Oligarchs don't have any problem with communism. They get positions as top Party officials.

>some people having more wealth and money than others is something that should be "fixed"

Get this commie out of here.

Why don't you take a guess as to who owns the Washington Post. Here's a hint, they're from the 1%

Not an argument. Look a quick google search will show you that you are being ridiculous.

A lot of them do, especially nonwhites.
But the richest also vote left, not for communism, but for globalism.


This. Labor has a supply demand curve like everything. Flooding the world with labor reduces it's value, causing benefits to acrue to capital holders.

Leftists generally know this, they just want to make you poorer so you'll support their commie bullshit.

You didn't even read the article, why are you posting?

So it is not a zero sum game. Get out there and join the 1%. It is nice up here.

I honestly can't wrap my head around the left on this issue. How can they pretend to advocate for the poor at the same time they're flooding the country with people who are undercutting their wages?

>wealth automatically makes you a capitalist.

Spotted the commie.

>People having more up top is bad
>Doesn’t account for any improvements in any other metric
>”I have an idea: let’s make everyone poor!”
t. Socialism

>OP blames Trump
>I prove Trump couldn't possibly have anything to do with that
Shill harder you cunt

>pic is holding $16

ohh, wowwww, thats ahhhmazing

You're not entirely wrong, but most of the 1% vote republican. 1% of the US is 3 million people. There's not 3 million George Soros in the world. Millionaires vote republican, billionaires vote democrat. This makes sense when you consider that you can become a millionaire with nothing but a good idea and some hard work, but billionaire usually requires benefiting off of governmental corruption.

But Obama created that gap

What ever the left vilifies they are engaged in. Whoever they claim to care about is their prey.

>You didn't put a stop to this 8 years ago
>You didn't put a stop to this 16 years ago
>You didn't put a stop to this 32 years ago
>Now, after snowballing for 50 years, you wanna cry about it because Trump has been in office for ONE (1) year.
You know what we need? Another war for Israel and the Qataris. Hillary should have won, it was her turn.

Pretty much

>It makes libcucks mad lmao

The absolute STATE of this board.


It will trickle down.

Just like my tears.

Friendly reminder that returns on capital have always outpaced wage growth. We're at a unique time in history. WW2 an the Great Depression hit the reset button on capital accumulation. Wealth inequality WILL return to its historical mean. You fellow anons were born in a small window in history where its possible to rise out of peasantry. Build wealth now so that your family isn't resigned to be second class citizens.

>Hillary stopping corruption
You need to go back to plebbit

>you unironically think this is a bigger problem than White Ethnocide
Oh no, wealth concentrating at the top of a society? Better bring in 100,000,000 poor brown people and wage psychogical warfare against whites to submit to it!

You know wealth isn't something which is set in stone, there isn't a fixed amount of wealth in America.
Wealth is created all the time, GET A FUCKING JOB AND CREATE YOUR OWN WEALTH BOY!!!

>banks take over the world, people fail to stop them
>suddenly out of nowhere 2 jewish banking families own MORE than 50% of world's wealth in the form of made up money and debt that doesn't exist
>(((Washington Post))) doesn't even mention bankers, scapegoats businesses that create value, create jobs and give their employees enough money for them to live better than any generation in the history of the world
Really made me think

I'd like to point out that 1% also pays a majority of the taxes.
>r/pol will defend this
Hell yeah, I will.

And hillary gets none of it to endorse her child sex ring. It will all go to creating jobs. Have you seen the math nigger?

THIS is the executive order made by trump just a few days ago. Would the shill op care to talk shit?

>unironically believeing Hilldawg would have fixed any of this
gas yourself my dude

This is a video showing OP is a stupid faggot

This is a video explaining in an easily digestible way unlike democrats who just talk shit and give ficticous numbers like a gajillion while trying to get you to believe in a lie rather than explaining.


Then why not punish businesses that hire Illegals? Even Trump hires illegals.

Trump doesn't hire illegals. I agree with you though. There has never been a serious effort to crack down on employers who hire the illegals. This is partly because the laws around it are vague. An employer can't hire an illegal immigrant, but he's forbidden from investigating the legal status of an employee as long as they present documents that "appear on their face to be legitimate."

>Implying that money is "earned" via hard work instead of via corruption

>Trump doesn't hire Illegals
You've gotta be joking.

We definitely should. People who knowingly hire lots of illegals should have their citizenship stripped and be exiled to Mexico.

80/20 law motherfucker, do you even it?

His contractor hired Polish workers. I don't see how Trump was expected to know they were illegal.

that story was debunked.

jealousy does not motivate me. Fairness isn't stealing from others. Want nice things? Go out and earn it.

All the crooked, all the swindlers, all the thieves will get theirs in the end. "Day of rope" you spineless faggots call it.

>implying this isn't the doing of neoliberalism, aka substitute to communism, brave new world over 1984

Then try to become the 1% instead of complaining about it. It's only about 500k $.


That's all it ever was. Karl Marx was just some degenerate kike who never worked and who fucked his friends wife. He was a contemporary with Freud right?

There's a real argument to be made against this kind of corporatizing though, and I'm sad I never see anyone, right or left, make it. Getting rid of these kinds of legal structures people use to insulate themselves from consequences of illegal behavior (corporations, contracting firms, etc) would do a lot to fix all kinds of problems.

1% are mostly leftists
44% of the 1% are Jews

The 1980s were the greatest time to live thanks to Reagans tax cuts. Sorry that you've had your brain programmed to hate prosperity.

Shouldn't a business leader know this was happening?

But this story was never debunked

>false dichotomy

Is the bar really that low? I'm not surprised, 1% of the US is about 3 million people. If it is, then my grandfather literally became 1% by driving a truck.

Technically, legal structures only insulate a person from liability. They are still responsible for criminal acts. As an aside, hiring illegal workers wasn't illegal in 1980. Reagan made it a crime when he foolishly gave illegals amnesty in his second term.

The only reason corporations get away with illegal activity is because they are "too big to fail." Justice Dept lets them off with a few million dollars in fines.

He contracted the job out. The contractor used mostly union workers, but hired a bunch of Poles in order to meet the deadline. He knew the Poles were there, but he wasn't the one paying their wage or hiring them, so I'm not sure how much he "should" have known. He only threatened to have them deported after they filled the lawsuit admitting they were here illegally.

>muh fixed pie
boo hoo hoo hoo why can't we all be equal :^(

>He was a contemporary with Freud right?
Just about, though Marx died before Freud became well known.

To be fair most successful people haven't been doing much in the way of new schemes or tactics in order to become super extra rich. Yes there are the evil puppetmaster types, but they are like 1% of the 1% of the 1%.

The average person has however been fighting with every ounce of strength they have to waste their money and destroy their families, they have been rabidly straining for the bottom for decades. What are the rich supposed to do when tens of millions of people frantically spend their money erratically with no thought of inheritance, savings, pensions, or the future of their children in any way shape or form? All this big time money that should be in property or savings drains into the pockets of the people who own the alchohol companies, the make up companies, the chocolate companies etc. Now the rich are supposed to apologise because retards kick their door down and ram cash right into their fucking mouths.

Most of the older members of my extended family have almost nothing to show for their entire lives, for absolutely no fucking reason.

>that reading comprehension

Trump is fucking poor compared to others. lmao. even eastern euro countries have more rich people than him

Global wealth increases ( not a zero sum game ) disproportionately. Billions of people lifted out of poverty globally, but your pissed because the US and its collection of concentrated wealthy add 1.4 trillion in wealth.

A dollar earned is not stolen. Increasing efficiency has increased global wealth, and while the most productive reap the benefits disproportionately, they also disproportionately add more productive capacity than the world's poor.

Sure, but wealth hasn't increased at all since 1980 for most Americans when you adjust for inflation.
Returns on capital have always outpaced wage growth, so you always end up with wealth disproportionately accumulating at the top. The problem with is that when this wealth inequality continues, it will hamper future innovation and motivation for the working class. Without a way to increase their wages or join the upper class, they'll have no motivation to to work. The wealth reset after WW2 is what created the middle class in the West. It's slowly going away as capital returns to the oligarchs.

Honestly the shilling for rich people here on Sup Forums is pretty hilarious. I really don’t think you guys appreciate how big the gap is between rich and poor.

I make 180K which places me in the top 10%. I probably save more in a year than your take-home pay. With the tax cuts you’ll save an extra 500 bucks - guess you can buy an Xbox or whatever it is you working class are buying these days, while the 5K I save will just continue to expand the gap between you and me.

And trust me I don’t even make that much compared to my peer group - I often feel poor around them.

So I don’t know why you keep wanting to give me more money at your expense, but I guess just shows a fool and his money are soon parted.

Merry Christmas faggots.

I guess, Herp, that Herp, you having more money hurts me, Herp. But I just can't figure it out because HERP I HERP I DUMB HERP HERP

And billions of people in China and India were lifted out of poverty. USA working class tired of this, want more and vote in Trump. I defend this and the 1.4trillion, manufacturing jobs gains. You have the reasons USA asks for more in one hand and the complaints about USA's wealth concentration in the other. Figure it out dipshit.

Capitalism is alright, we just have to get rid of all the corruption.

I don't give two shits about India and China. I'd prefer their populations still be in poverty. We have too many people as it is. Their development is putting too much strain on our planet.

I can't figure out the rest of your post. I wish you'd go back to whatever shithole country you came from though.

stop using the word "unironically" you cringey pseudo intellectual tryhard faggot.

Sh-shut up

No you idiot. Big companies lobby the government to impose regulations that disproportionately effect smaller businesses (like the minimum wage) allowing them to price the competition out of the market.

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