usa LOSES. Our prime minister ACTUALLY gets things done! (pic related)

when will you amerimutts realize that Trump can't do anything, and anything he does is wrong. LOL. Come on join our team, jump on for the big win vs "conservatives"

Other urls found in this thread:


canada's head of state is still the queen of england.
usa won back in 1776.

please play again.

Literally everything Trudeau has done is wrong, against Canadian interests and particularly against the interests of natural born Canadians.

Bait thread probably from some pajeet fresh off the boat, delighted to have an actual toilet to shit in.

Why are you retards responding to this obvious bait?


I highly doubt pic related. What is “ambiguous?”


They never put "gender" on the card. They put the sex. Male or female. "gender" has no relevance to health. Sex is vital information for health care.

Fuck off. If you don't like it, get out

You ain't coming here bucko

Jesus fucking Christ


Calm down there Sanjay, you're our guest.

Don't you have your shift at Tims to be getting to?

Hahahahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


But seriously, take all of our snowflake genderqueers so we don't have to burn them at the stake. Let them enjoy their mental disability

Maple tree fuckers

Oh! you win alright.. wink wink

I'm convinced now that whoever posts this nu-Canadian tripe is 10/10 a shitskin. You see it all over r/Canada too

Saged, faggot

Of course your prime minister actually gets things done.

We don't have a prime minister. We have a president.

People don't really think about Canada. It's a very boring place.

Makes it easier for the hospital to give you the wrong baby.

I don't even like Trudeau but you look up almost any of the shit about him posted here and it's never fucking true either. The "if you kill them they win" quote was literally made up by Breitbart, it's the first place the quote shows up and there's no other records of it before that

The point is that it's basically something he would say

This one IS fake but it's still good propaganda because it's what the government is pushing anyway

how do you fulfill women quotas if chicks dont even have "no benis" on their health cards?