How old can a male get before buying a house without being considered a failure?
How old can a male get before buying a house without being considered a failure?
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society doesnt dictate your life it is whenever you can afford or want one man quit living for other people and live for yourself you nigger
Where I live you need a min $120k cash to consider buying a bachelor condo. $3-400k for a house.
So I'm guessing mid to late thirties.
Just paid off my mortgage on a 500k home by 30. Also have two kids. I don't know how people struggle with life. It's really easy desu.
21. No exceptions.
You're right. All of the UK is a failure.
It's sad really that we are so brainwashed by American consumerist culture that we believe buying a house dictates success or happiness.
sure if you want to do 3% down and be in debt till 50 lol
Is that in maples or Oil?
Gta fag, move man unless your some chunk or something then please stay in the gta
I only know 1 person under 30 who has a mortgage, and i assume its because his household income is over 250k.
Everyone else rents. So lets say 30.
your parents pay for college? if not whats your field?
Never. It is anti communist to not live in a state owned commie block
Bought my first house at 24. Currently 28 in my second house (had to upscale after the second kid was born)
Honestly if you dont own a house by 30 you should probably kill yourself and help keep the population lower.
Most people aren't even out of college until 23, retard. And sorry, not everybody wants to go into a trade, I plan on teaching which needs a degree.
kinda leaning towards this, only exception is you're in a field where you need to move very often
You buy a house when you have a wife and have kids. Buying a house when you’re a single male is a waste of money. Buy land instead
I had the money to buy one with cash by the time I was 30.
Just build your credit rating and get one as soon as you can. It's better to have equity even if you have debt. Especially if the unthinkable happens and you get sick and are unable to work. Something like cancer can set people back 100's of thousands of dollars even if they're insured.
100's of thousands in the bank and medical debt could mean you are broke if the hospital chooses to go after it. With a house you have something to bargain with, and even secure loans to help pay those bills, so you can keep your house.
Only cost 10k for 3 years of college tuition and 300 a month for rent. Automation engineering now working in radiation protection for nuclear applications.
Yes, yes take a loan! Very good!
25 is maximum before people think you are a liberal faggot if you don't have an house, wife and at least 1 kid in the oven.
I just bought my first house. Just turned 33. Wife is 27. DMV area is getting more expensive as years pass and they are building houses and condos/apartments at the same rate..with only relying on VA to make infrastructure change as MD is a shithole...that allows itself to be raped by the grape ape
> t. somd
The house I wanted in 1998 was 80 000$ now worth 350 000$ - fuck this scam market
Married by 25
First kid by 26
House by 30
Done having kids by 35
Any variation on this numbers by more than a year or two and you are LITERALLY a fucking failure waste of oxygen and should cull yourself for the good of our species
As long as he buys a house at some stage in his life he isn't a failure. There are plenty of people that have gone their entire lives without buying a house, they weren't necessarily failures.
except when it comes to paying taxes, all of a sudden then i break down and cry like a little girl
So you have a one bed, one bath in Medicine Hat?
Getting married and having offspring before owning your own home. The fuck is wrong with you burgers.
Unless the market is depressed (which in Canada hasn't happened in 25 years), I'd rather invest my savings, use a fraction to cover my rent, and let the rest build.
It's funny those with no money, the dumb ones, will jump at buying a house worth 5x what they are and think nothing of the big mortgage and risks that a massively leveraged single-asset investment strategy carries.
If you actually had the money a house sells for around here (talking about inflated Leaf land), you'd probably appreciate how much more productive that capital can be elsewhere.
t. worth more than a house... I rent.
Duel income means stability you inbred piece of paki rapemeat
I'm 34 and my gf is 35.. we live in a rent place that cost us half of our salary..
That's life in London...
we can't afford to buy anything as everything is crazy expensive (unless you want to live in nigger ghetto)
I wouldn't mind living on the country side, but my gf doesn't want to.. as you can't go shopping or let your nails do in country village.
I'm not very good at dueling, unfortunately.
>Not marrying before you buy a home
Fuck off, inbred.
>buying a house
if you have to buy a home your already a failure
you build your home with your bare fucking hands like a man
Built first house by 21 here, using own hands that is not paying some other cunt to do it.
Any kids? How long have you been together?
Doesnt matter. If ypu buy that house and maintain it at 20,30,40,60 you have finally moved on.
If mommy and daddy will it to you, you are an uproductive leech.
Looks like North Georgia
Early 30's
And use your cock as a hammer!
rent=1600-2200 in the city for a 1br/1ba
house 1000/mo payments
At 13, I already owned 450,000,000 homes.
Now at 79 years old, I practically own all of Kazikstahm
In my area a comfy 1bdr condo goes for about 115k, going to buy one next summer. Will be 26 then for what it's worth
Mortgage is cheaper than rent here and at least I get to keep the building I'm paying to live in.
What’s the deal with the crazy property prices in Canada? Did chinks buy all of it like they do in California?
no kids yet, we can't afford it at the moment.... Been together since 2012.
>Did chinks buy all of it
That's EXACTLY what happened.
goyvernment regulations stand in the way of this
they buy everything in London as well.
Also another thing.. A friend us rents a place.. The owner of that apartment has 800 other properties in and around London and is jewish...
That and coupled with everything being more expensive in general. Even a shitshack house 40mins from Ottawa in rural Quebec can be 100k+
I've got enough to cover 20%, buying would still be cheaper than renting where I am.
aaaand posts an image of a prefab faux McCabin
>mfw it costs money to apply for PERMISSION to build a cuckshed in this hellhole of a country
>i already pay 50% of my money in taxes
Haha so that's what the burden is like. The burden of supporting Achmed.
but at least you've got that nice healthcare system riiiight
Only answer here. First house at 25 second at 28. The only people who should be allowed to vote are land owners. Zillow says my houses are worth combined 1.3 million
Ouch, buy one of those neato volvos from the 70s.
that's a plywood box
How does it feel knowing how much of that tax money being forced from you is going directly towards the feminization and racial displacement of your own people?
All I need is my PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, chair and leds
>t. neet parasite
Yea i'm keeping an eye out
Feels like pic related
what's so funny about that?
Honest question. What’s really stopping you from moving to the states. I don’t see how cultures could be very different in northern Idaho, Montana, ND compared to Canada. You could probably make more money and have a nicer estate as well
24 yr old male is the cut off for home-ownership as a 24 yr old male
I drive a 2004 toyota tacoma, but some of the features on the newer trucks are so cool. My boss's truck has an integrated backup camera that comes on in when you put it in reverse, that not only shows you what's behind you, but also shows projected path based on the angle your wheels are turned to. Doesn't even need anyone's help to hook up a trailer.
I would just pop some out. Your ancestors all had kids in shittier conditions than you live in now. Yeah it's going to be hard, yeah you're going to work yourself half to death, yeah none of that is in opposition to a rich, fulfilling life.
Man that's cool but i'm happy if the car has 4 wheels, can fit wife and 3 kids and runs well in minus 25 celsius.
tap into the rage sven, you know you have it. Eat some whale sopa, you'll tap into it
You.. you need help to hook a trailer?
Brainlet with no degree/marketable skills. This is my home, for better or for worse. I'd like Vermont though
>prefab faux McCabin
you're alright squarehead
That depends on what you me by "buying" and "a house"
The work I do is seasonal so during my work season I live near the work sites, during the off season I visit family on the other side of the country.
Why did you post this you clueless inbred? Those shrubs don't exist in GA. Why do you think anyone cares about your dumbass opinion anyway?
home ownership is like a college education, it can be a good choice for some but is by no means a necessity.
don't let the boomer memes get you./
>Poor homeless american doesn't even have a back up camera.
Honestly each of those numbers should be lowered by 3 or more
Buying a house takes ages here, considering an average one costs 500k and the average net wage is 25k per year
Someone listen to this Kraut
>Be Me
>Was making good $ when I bought it so I didn't care about the 8% interest rate and balloon payment at the end of the mortgage
>Have had my hours and job duties cut so I'm making about half of what I made before.
>Been treading water not paying the principal down for like 3 years now.
>Can't find another job and credit is bad will be hard to refinance.
Don't do this Sup Forums. Don't just jump in the worst possible mortage. Don't get scammed by old men. If I could do it again I'd get a compressed earth block machine for like $3,000 and just buy land and build my own house minecraft style.
that seems hilarious
>I'm going to pay some contractor hundreds of thousands of $ because I can't fill out forms
the post
Looks pretty complicated desu but then again if you're going to build your own house you should stop being a nigger when it comes to paperwork.
35 is just about the mark.
Why do Amerifats feel the need to move out as soon as possible? My sister is 28 and she still lives with us
European culture seems really different
rammed earth is great
so you were a registered gas and electricity engineer by the age of 21?
lmao the larp is real
You need an f150.
Americans pay a lot of lip service to family values but in reality they're atomised creatures.
The multi-generational household is the proper family unit.
>My sister is 28 and she still lives with us
where is her husband she hit the wall 3 years ago
Probably because my fellow Amerilards have been brainwashed by every single capitalist marketing scheme ever.
We've been brainwashed to adopt many marketing campaigns into our culture and beliefs.
Young people will willingly go into debt to move out ASAP, then, once they get a good job and recover from that debt, go into debt once more to buy one of the 1000 shitty cookie-cutter same-looking cheap quality homes made by the local real-estate mogul.
My fellow Amerilards treat multi-generational family households and close family ties and aid as if were the greatest sin known to man only to be done by the lazy rather than something that is natural in a caring family unit.
WOW nice Minecraft house
>300 a month for rent
you don't get to talk faggot
She is overweight and ugly and spends all her time at work
>Honestly if you dont own a house by 30 you should probably kill yourself and help keep the population lower.
what about killing someone else and taking his house?
Thank you for this, only correct answer
i think that's a silly question.
owning your own home gives you pride of ownership.
Technically, he never said he was QUALIFIED to build it.
(Can you even GET planning permission that fast in .uk?)