Woke honorary nigger calls out Joo and his Jewish supremacy.
Woke honorary nigger calls out Joo and his Jewish supremacy
Fucking based
Did the driver tell him he was a Jew?
Does Britain have special Jew cars?
>van driver
Really makes you think, doesn't it? He's just another Sup Forumsack blaming the jew for everything that has gone wrong. You never see any actually influential people being antisemitic. And if they do, it's a part of a joke, like Bowie's brief nazi stint.
Influential people cant name the jew because it'll sabotage their connections. Just because famous people arent saying it doesnt mean it isnt an issue.
that area is all jews, the police are fairly powerless there and have a no stop rule for minor offences like driving without a seatbelt, using a phone etc because the Jews defend every case and take it to court.
Who the fuck edits these articles?
>Benjamin beigel
You can't make this shit up
>the four men claimed they were performing a citizen/s arrest on Mr Pond, claiming that he 'deliberately ran over' Mordechai
The jews cries out as he strikes you indeed
This is what paved the way for Muslim no-go zones.
You let them get away with it and now you couldn't stop them if you tried.
Why is praising Hitler antisemetic? WW2's victims were only 3 - 4% Jewish. It's more anti-white if anything.
Ironically looks like my dad. He drives a red truck, just shave the beard.
The article could have been written without these adjectives. With the writer adding these, it is no longer an objective news source and can therefore be discarded as biased.
Fuck that newspaper and please refrain from linking it here in the future. Use a more reliable and objective source.
Idris Elba looks like a hobo.
After reading this, the van man makes sense
Van drivers of any race are antisemitic.
No, but seriously, Merry Christmas to all you kike and nigger lovers. Sieg heil faggots!
There are a surprising amount of Sup Forums-type niggers from this country.
It's good because, if jews win and whites are gone, the Sup Forums-types and muslims will inherit our nukes as well as our hatred for jews.
Now for the real funny thing.
Muslims aren't the worst option to have. A culture that encourages being a martyr and dieing for what you believe is hardly likely to be deterred by a little thing like the Samson option.
Muslims are the white races dead hand switch should the jews get what they want.
However, if non-muslim niggers inherit, they'll still know not to trust the jews, because the saw that whites allegedly saved jews, and jews quickly set out to eradicate them. They'll know the jews betray all, it's in their nature.
Jews will be exiled, enslaved or relegated to manual labour only jobs.
Vans are racist.