I'm a burger visiting Vienna.
I see happy white couples with children walking around everywhere, more than in the US.
Barely any non-Europeans except Turks and Arabs, and the ones I've interacted with were all polite. Some East Asians here too, not many but nice to see a cute Chinese girl or two in addition to the Austrian hotties.
Everything is clean and orderly.
B-but Sup Forums told me Europe was being overrun by hordes of migrants and falling apart...
Hmm, about that Europe collapse
Go to Paris, London or Berlin-
It really shouldn't surprise you, Uncle Adolf was Austrian and liked to clean things,
You gotta understand that amerimutts pretend the sky is falling over 5% arab population
Vienna isn't like most Western Euro capitals. Most its migrants are from Eastern Europe
> Chinese
> female
Nice meme
Or Copenhagen or Malmö
Go to London, Brussels, Paris, Marseilles or Rotterdam and revise your post.
I don't know why, but I find there to be something really hot about an Asian girl with a German accent. I fucked one back in the states a few years ago and it was like being in some weird BDSM movie.
Shitskin population should be 0% in all of Europe. The sky isn't falling, but we can't pretend everything is fine
Alright, I get it, you guys are telling me that Vienna is the exception and not the rule. Well, I guess I'll have to travel around a bit more and see for myself.
Then you try to crosswalk and see gay light couple holding hands. Then you can go when its green.
Or lesbo lights. Full immigration also
or Oslo
What did you expect? Even the worst catastrophes of europe are pure bliss and pleasure compared to whats going on in a shit-pit known as United Kennels of Amerimongrels
best snow skiing and snowboarding
Switzerland or
You don't see it because you are all around the tourist and old money places in vienna.
It's the other way around as in US cities, those with money and good jobs stay in the city center where all the good shops and infrastructure is located and all the dump is in the suburbs where they usually create some segregated fucked up parallel societies with no reason ever to leave that hellhole beside begging, loitering and shoplifting in the city center.
If you want to see the not so beautiful face of vienna take the UBahn to Heiligenstadt or Favoriten and take a stroll around the area. Suddenly nobody speaks german/english, the streets are a mess and you will probably get approached by a group of young unemployed doctors, pilots and engineers that smell like weed that will ask you for a small donation in form of your wallet, smartphone and shoes...
Every Muslim you said was polite and friendly was doing recon for a attack. Looking for weakness, how many people are in the area, police presence. Don't be fooled.
Edinburgh here and it is virtually Aryan wonderland
That's pretty funny coming from a fingroid.
>I see happy white couples with children walking around everywhere, more than in the US.
>t.Cuck who just works arund in the historical centre
Take the subway to the 10., 11., 21., 6., 16. or 15. district and stop being a disgusting tourist. For the jewish experience try the 2. district. Get the fuck out of the 1., 8. and 7., those are not Vienna, just a charade for stupid tourists
If I had to choose it would be austria, specifically the Arlberg ski region. Great skiing across all those countries though.
Go to the 10th district... Disgusting shitskins everywhere... It even smells different there...
You guys have far-right wing government, thats why.
If you want to keep it that way, I suggest you continue to support your Austrian government.
it's a tactic they use to make them feel better about being on the brink of becoming a non-white country,
pretend europe is falling apart
Our shitskin population used to be 5%-10% in like the 1950's. Pretty soon youll wake up one day and wonder what the fuck happened.
It's not the number of muds that is the problem, it's the cuckhold mindset causing thirld worlders to flood in mass our countries
Vienna is more communist than Moscow between 1917 and 1989. The city isn't Austria it just happens to be in Austria
Our migrants are well segregated. We hardly ever have to interact with them.
So a 45% British London and a Muslim mayor of your country's capital are nothing to worry about?
Ok dumbass. Your cities are a multicultural nightmare, just as bad as many US cities.
Fair enough, point taken. I've been staying in the 5th district, maybe it's given me a false perspective. Still, the crime rate seems very very low for a city this size.
>hey I went to china and it was totally nice!
>what? yeah, I went to the city where they recommend you to go to
>what? the rest of china isn't all like that!? you're a lair!
Thanks OP! Europe is saved!
>The 5th.
Maybe stroll a bit trough the fifth. Go up the Reinprechtsdorfer Straße to the Matzleinsdorfer Platz and back over the Margaretengürtel to Westbahnhof and come back with pics
Are you a total fucking retard. In Europe we don't lump White into on group like you mutts.
The issue isn't really about what percentage of any given region is white. It's that IF the percentage increases, that necessarily entails a declining standard of living for the white population. Maybe such and such a city or country is still mostly white and still safe. But the government will actively force that to change. If not the country's own government, maybe a foreign one. Really, no one is safe.
>Matzleinsdorfer Platz
You just want the poor fellow to get mugged...
Yet all those cities are still 10x better than any big city in the US.
Yeah but that's because Edinburgh is in the middle of fuck off nowhere (Scotland) Anywhere north of Hadrian wall is the devil's land desu