under what circumstances would you stop hating black people.
pic unrelated
under what circumstances would you stop hating black people.
pic unrelated
if we gave them all weapons then shipped them to the middle east to destroy your country i wouldn't mind them any more
I don't hate them now. They are just pawns, too dumb to hate truly. I just dont want to live in the same country with them.
If they had white skin because race is literally only skin deep.
We don't hate black people. They simply do not belong in our lands, any more than we belong in theirs.
i don't hate black people. I just don't want to see them, ever
if they all went back to africa and we never had any contact, travel, trade or anything with that godforsaken continent and we just left them there, any boats or planes (lol) coming out of it are shot down automatically
we go back in invisibility suits and film the natives fucking like animals for a new blacked.com
because the domain is available
because there are no jews left
turns out jews need nigger plasma to survive
We need to ship some of our local niggers to Jordan. Maybe you'll learn to love them too!
If they are all deported and stay in Africa.
blame the democrats and niggers larping as fucking nazis you fucking commie bitch
If they did like the Japanese and created a functional society that co-operates with the Western world while remaining ethnically homogeneous and keeping their citizens in their own country.
Which will never happen because niggers are retarded.
Out of sight
back in africa.
>b-but we helped make da west
>b-but whites don't belong in australia or america
we colonized it
>b-but why can't we do tha
because you didn't have fuckin boats when everyone was colonizing. you didn't even have wheels.
there is my answer
If they were equal bar the skin colour desu
Blacks can still try to violently colonize. Large scale black aggression would finally give us a reason to genocide them.
>If they had white skin because race is literally only skin deep.
except when forensics determines race, gender, age by bone structure. fuck, we have unlimited access to research and there are still retards like you out there. race is more than skin color you nob gobbler.
You know, if niggers could simply come to the realization that this recent uptick in whites hating them is a rational consequence of their own behavior, not some dormant virus reawakened. Most whites are conditioned to view niggers with sympathy and admiration.
I don't long for mended fences though. I want them gone. That's why you don't fuck with whites. Our entire history is sorting out shit like this. Sail on, niggers.
I love black people, they make great lovers.
and they're the best at being single mothers and estranged fathers, right?
What is the deal with black people? They are not black and they are no people
I swear, leafs are like mischievous children.