Say something nice about reddit!



it contains people like you

They have good bulls.

hi rebbit

it's not tumblr.

Not the worst thing ever.
Pic related.

They found the Boston Bomber

>in all fields

It's a good source of comedy when the faggots sperg out there.


There are a few decent subreddits relatively free from shilling and degeneracy, although these are an endangered species on the site.

r/watchpeopledie is okay...

They have sections of the site dedicated to specific issues, but obviously mostly garbage advice.

Username checks out.

*downvotes the thread*

nothing personal, kiddo

They would look good in a mass grave

I'm guessing you're talking about r/The_Donald?

No better place to find walls of impotent rage text.

Good OC self produced porn.

There are a few subreddits like /r/milliondollarextreme and /r/ShitPoliticsSays that are good at taking a piss out if the rest of the retard heap. /R/the_donald is okay also, because the rest of the sure believes them to be huge neonazi Russian bots.

they have a few good ddl subreddits with stuff you cant find anywhere else and no other reason to go there though

thanks for the gold satan :D