this is what you look like
This is what you look like
>implying I think all lives matter
t. nigger
Wrong. I would never get anywhere this near of a filthy nigger.
This is why you lost.
if they didn't try to turn every other place into the shithole they came from, i'd be okay with them immigrating.
sage motherfucker.
>implying both things cannot be true at the same time
most lives don't matter.
Major projection.
Fat women can't help it.
this is why trump won
It's what the whole world looks like, faggot. Stop trying to make white countries weak. We have want to defend our culture like everyone else. Grow the fuck up.
Nobody matters to me unless they are my family, friend, or lover
OK. I had no idea America was.created to be the "cat lady" of the world.
Once you look beyond the facts of immigration and racial tension to the primary people pushing for it and their reasoning, all things become clear. Lurk more.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.
Nobody cares what you look like
>a shitty strawman comic is indicative of the attitudes of near 50% of the population of your country
This is why the left lost. Now go back and watch your lecture porn with John Oliver and Stephen Colbert.
Be careful, that same ideology was pushed by hillary
This it's how you look like.
99.78% of "refugees" are parasites. They're looking to install Islam and turn America and Europe into the shitholes that are "running" from. Fuck them. Drown them. Shoot them. Send em back I don't give fuck. They can't stay.
Pretty sure our motto is "all fucking niggers must fucking hang". Most of us are also not fat American women.
Really subtle
For a more accurate representation of whats happening to the US, Someone should switch it to that nignog standing menacingly over the fat white lady, screaming
Damn... left can't meme.
HI what geographical location are you from?
please remove your 'i am a stupid faggot jew' flag and show your origin.
I think you posting from mexico personally.
I'm not a fat lady though.
This is LITERALLY me
why are the dumbest people attracted to conservatism/fascism?
reveal yourself you nigger faggot leaf
If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.
Facts about America:
- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously
America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.
The mexicans have a rich country in resours and population,if they can't take advantage of this and give to thiefs and whores the power,just for look the narcos take the control of the entire society,is not guilt of the americans.
7 more years + another 8 of Pence or whomever DJT campaigns for. Deal with it. sage
Thats right! Just because you infiltrate foreign soil and claim rights you aren't awarded, you don't have the authority to lower the quality of life of it's population. Children deserve the tax dollars wasted on incarcerated thugs.
No lives matter. You're a stupid nogger
Thing is, children like in that picture are just as much victims of illegal immigration as legal citizens are.
Little kids don't choose to take the dangerous trip across the border, their parents force them to. If Mexicans actually just sent in-need children alone to the border, America would probably let them in and take care of them.
But Mexicans don't do that. They also send adults, often career criminals or scabs looking to steal employment from, among others, legal Mexican immigrants.
If Mexicans just respected the immigration laws, there would be no problem. Literally the cause of all human suffering related to illegal immigration rests on the shoulder of the Mexicans who thumb their noses at America's sovereignty.
This is the consequence of eight years of Obama. Eight years of Trump will make America great again.
Of course, you'll be sobbing about a strong American middle class -- you'd prefer poverty and big government, no?
> tries to justify illegal immigration by comparing it to the reverse racism issue
> overestimates own intelligence
How about this: stay in mexico so you don't die crossing the desert.
Nice bait
All lives don't matter, though.
It is 100% correct though. All lives matter, but not all equally. Some lives matter more than others, and human lives matter the most.
No, nigger lives are not human lives.
But I don't think all lives matter.
republicans like me love good diversity and hate the bad kind. The legal indians and asians are good diversity while the mestizos and niggers are the bad kind. Liberals are so retarded that they can't tell the difference between good and bad diversity.
> non-whites cannot survive outside oppressive white countries
Thats right bitch. America is for the white man. Niggers, sand niggers, faggots, and jews stay out.
> assflag
I'll never get why you cucks think everyone has the right to immigrate to any country of their choice.
Give me your address please. I would like to come into your home, take a little food, watch some tv, maybe take some of your clothes and stay a few nights. Address, please.
>America belongs to the white man
Keep believing
Have you ever been to LATAM?
40 minutes in a hospital of Port au Prince or Santo Domingo and you'll be singing the anthem every morning. Be grateful for what you got.
unironically this
Why can't their lives matter in their own countries? Someone's life can matter; doesn't mean I want them living in my house.
Think I am falling for that shit? What Euro thought police agency are you working for? Fuck off inspector Nigel flufflebottom.
cute doggo
Well fuckboi, you don't like it here feel free to GTFO permanently. Let me know if the grass is greener in whatever shithole country you end up in faggot.
Lol non-whites lives don't matter
yes and it's beautiful
Only a liberal gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks. Wait until we leave the UN.
White people is more your family than niggers are retard
Fuck nigger. You learned to copy and paste. You must be a smart house nigger. Too bad you are still a nigger and need to die.
Only white lives matter. I would bash that shitskin in the face with my bible.
Say that to my face and not over the internet and see what happens.
Down to 13%, Margrette Sangers Planned Parenthood coupled with LBJ's "Great Society" i.e. welfare is proving effective at least in that respect. Thank you, Democrats?
Keeping people out is proof of how gracious and caring we are.
The weakest leftist meme of all. Muh smarter democrats.
I would rather save a dog than a million niggers from a fire.
Who in this board even agrees that "all lives matter"?
I think no lives matter.
Also, "all lives mattering" doesn't mean that every person has to have a good outlook.
They matter, just matter somewhere else where it's legal.
let be real, shitskins don't matter and should stay the fuck away from us. They are racist pieces of shit that always vote against white people's interests and try to oppress us for "MUH WHITE PRIVILEGE"
Suck my dick shit skins. Suck my big fat white dick.
This is what you look like. Fat lispin child fucker.
I mean this thread pretty much proves why Nazis are scum and won't get anywhere in life.
>when the first post is also the best post
Who's the author?
Seems to be a "Stein" problem.
If you dig into the numbers, the number is closer to 3-6% commit 50% or more of murders in the US. This figure is taking into consideration that the majority of these murders are black males between the ages of 18-30
Thus coming to only 3-6% of the population is committing 50% of the murder.
Lmao illegal beaner gtfo my country
Go get a job
In the grand scheme of things, only maybe 1-2 Sup Forums users will go down in history