Muh native americans were violent

>Muh native americans were violent

So if in the 10th century asians had gone to scandinavia and killed, enslaved, and raped people, that would have been alright because the vikings also were violent?

What the fuck are you even on about?Gather your thoughts Tyrone and try again.

Cannibalism and child sacrifice are bad enough without having your entire culture/civilization/cities built around it.... Faggot.


You must be new to this board or retarded

vikings also had their culture built around killing, whats your point?

Lol. Not hard to tell you're a pussy mate. Bet you think war and self defence is murder too, don't you faggot?

lol, you think what the vikings did was self defense? does Sup Forums know any history at all besides what they heard in a steven crowder video?

This pic accurately describes the behaviour of modern central and south american people today. The scale of violence is much less now than before. So violent were these natives, that the alien gods eradicated entire tribes. Almost worked.

Unirronically yes. The more civilized have a moral obligation to tame the more savage species of man. In fact my only hope for mankind's future is that Asians will recolonize the planet after white people become extinct. I know they are a poor substitute for western civilization but anything is better than nothing.

The argument is their are degrees of violence and morality. I'm not defending a bunch of Viking Niggers, but to compare them to a bunch of castrating, cannibalistic, bone tomahawk motherfuckers is a stretch.

aha! but by asians i meant arabs, and not the other, superior asians

how are they different? because the natives had piercings and sometimes killed a person or two in a sacrifice? its pretty much the same! they were just as violent and murderous.

It's a bit more complex than that, OP
I view it as Cortez saving the non-Mayan tribes from Satanic tyranny. Mayans killed on an vast, industrial scale ( a human head or heart would be rolling down the stairs of the Pyramid of the Sun, one per minute, every minute, every hour, every day, 24/7, for 6 months per year, in the months when they were not farming), but vikings were just nigger-tier retards

Vikings were just a couple dudes in boats playing pirate, while the majority sat back farming the land. Their historical significance is overstated simply for the romance and fantasy factor. The Incas had cities on the time scale equivalent of New York, with a sky scrapers dedicated to cutting out hearts of small children and eating them in front of a live audience, this being a societal institution.

It's not equal.

seeing as their economy was based around looting and raiding, id say yes it was in a way "self defence"

It's not that they were savages and thus we were in the right to conquer them it is that they were weak and were thus conquered morality is the sole privilege of the winners

Yes, they were savages.

And, yes, that would be savage behavior.

You trying to make a point or what?

vikings killed children too, at least the incas treated the children like emperors before sacrificing them, and it wasnt an every day thing, neither for mayans

I'll put it this way.

Imagine Cortez and his merry band. These were criminals, veterans of various wars, mercenaries and other people who have seen everything in their life. And then they've seen how Aztecs did human sacrifices. This was something that absolutely shocked them.

Fuck off,Moro

>vikings killed children too
I do not deny it but this was not an everyday occurence
>wasnt an every day thing, neither for mayans
Please see: I do not exaggerate the scale of this state-sanctioned carnage.Mayans fell due to their cruelty, if Cortez has not happened to overthrow them, someone else surely would have. You seem to have an overly romanticized view of their behaviour and systems of belief.

The Aztecs were the strongest tribe in the region and attacked and wiped out weaker tribes as they moved into their territory. One day a stronger tribe moved into the Aztec territory

yes, they felt so bad for those children that they enslaved and killed them, sure....

This is Sup Forums , everything that 'civilized' white men does is always right even if they're 10 times worse than the 'barbarians'

friendly reminder that Sup Forums is rather racist and hypocritic rather than nationalistic

Research the deity "Tlaloc" and see if you can still justify your rose-tinted view of the Pre-Conquest civilisations.

A country of bald fat cucks stepped on by feminism can't criticize anyone

Your culture still views human life cheaply, Argentinian. How many of your "Disappeared" turned up hale and hearty? It is no wonder you long for the days of state-enforced mass killings done as a public spectacle.

Lol, you really do sound like a faggot bitching about straights now.

Get it through your skull. The Nordic people are as much responsible for the moral crimes of Vikings, as a State or Provincial Governor is responsible for every crime commited by gangbangers and thugs in the ghetto, since the Vikings could be ANYBODY who arrived in on a boat from the North, and started killing people. Meanwhile, the attrocities commited by the incan people, was funded, supported, and approved by every branch of physical and spirtual willingless of their society. Not done by some crazed thug in a act of disfurgured passion, but methodically pre-planned and done by a strict set of rules, and done in MASS, by the equalivent of the Incan governement, with the support of the people spectating the whole shabang.

If you can't see a moral difference between to 2 scenarios stated above, I'm sorry, but you're simply not smart enough to have this conversation with.

Whats the problem with tlaloc? He was cool as fuck, if you want to see something terrible, look for xipe totec... Or salinas de gortari.

God has a funny way of enacting karma on societies that against His way. Aztecs acted like a bunch of savages, they got done away with by merciless criminals and thugs. Europeans act like sexual deviants and abandon God, they get replaced by deviants who rape children and men as a form of humiliation and get replaced by fanatics of a particular religion.

Snatching the kids and then rejoicing in the parent's tears is cruel, Tlaloc was one of the worst.

Stop coming here then, you cheeky fuckers.


>Top Kek
Vikings would have raped the shit out of them figuratively and literally

You mean the Mongols?