Is this the future of anime?

Is this the future of anime?

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Holy shit I'd rather kill myself than watch this.

Precure's always played around with CG. It's just the next step to make a full series with it.

Precure saving anime yet again

>All their other movies and even the latest crossover looks amazing. Almost indistinguishable from 2D

>They shit this out.

Is this hell?

I'd be fine with CGI "animation" if it didn't look like garbage. This stuff belongs in Sup Forums shows for infants and toddlers, and nowhere else. Keep it out of my sight until it looks good.

That part was cute, too bad she didn't gokigenyou.
I miss Haruharu.

did it sell better than other precure movies?

Mofurun sells.


I wouldn't mind it as long as it's done well. Plus, it'll continue getting better as we advance through the ages.

What the fuck is this shit?


Yes but it's far from perfect.

All the people who hated this special are just edgy contrarians, it was objectively cute and looked really good considering it didn't have a western-style 900 million dollar budget. Mofurun's fur looked really nice.

3D is the future.

The death of 2D animation


we should have had cg like this years ago

last year's movie had cg too.

The day anime is all CGI is the day I drop anime

I don't understand why people hate CGI so much. it looks fine. Even beautiful in some cases.

CGI belongs in video games.

no it doesn't. it was in film long before it was in video games. even if it was, that's just a reactionary sentiment hating on techniques because they're new.

>no it doesn't. it was in film

Irrelevant, anime isn't film. The second CGI told over animation in the west, they stopped making animation for anyone older than 12.


Bout time Berserk got a good CGI upgrade for S2.

>anime isn't film
I don't think you understand what film is. it's not just live action, animation counts as well. there were CG animations as early as the late 70s.
>The second CGI told over animation in the west, they stopped making animation for anyone older than 12.
1) Implying the west ever had a culture of making animation for adults in the first place (there are a few here and there, but it's clear that the west always saw animation as kids stuff at least since the 50s)

>I don't think you understand what film is. it's not just live action, animation counts as well.

Oh, you're just retarded.


>literally should have been an anime
>except video games are cheaper and nobody gives a shit if you use CG in a video game
A Xenosaga all cutscenes video is 8 fucking hours, and that's for the FIRST GAME. OUT OF THREE. AND THEY WANTED TO MAKE SIX.

>if I mock my opponent, that means I'm right!
I'm right, dumbass. Have you literally never heard the term "animated film"?
Notice how the above definition doesn't specify or require the use of a movie camera to be considered a film?



>Sup Forums is one person with one opinion

Film is film because the picture is recorded on film, retard.

3DCG is not anime, so no, it's not the future of anime.

that's the history of the term, yes, but the thing about language is that it -shocker- changes with time! kind of like how "new" york isn't new and and US states are called states even though they're actually provinces. It's not like I pulled that definition out of my ass, it's written in the dictionary and in common usage.

anime is animation made in japan. this is animation. this is made in japan. therefore it's anime.

What is this? Precure had nice CG ED before but this is horrifying.

>muh words change meaning argument

With that logic, "literally" is now synonymous with "figuratively." Just accept that anime is animation not film and CGI movies definitely aren't film.

it's one frame taken out of context because OP wanted it to look bad. if you think judging the quality of animation from still frames is in any way fair, you don't get animation at all.

In US English "state" connotes a subnational unit in a federal system while "province" connotes a subnational unit in a unitary system (think "provincial"). Which I think is actually more conservative than the Canadian usage, where provinces are like states


>"literally" is now synonymous with "figuratively."
well, yes, it kind of is. that's how language works. it's not some objective, static, unchanging thing that lies outside of people waiting to be discovered. language and meaning is defined by how they're used by the people using them. Also, you still are avoiding the obvious fact that the definition of film as including animation is a completely accepted and acceptable usage with recognition.


proving my point. if you were hold exactly to definitions as they were originally defined, "state" literally means an independent country with its own ruler. it isn't limited to that usage in US english because the meaning of the term has changed over time, probably to reflect the changing meaning of what being a state meant in the context of the USA.

>because OP wanted it to look bad

This is more appealing to look at than this >make a fully 3D project
>limit the framerate
Fucking stupid

It's just the eyes that are bugging me.

More than animation it is a terrible design

I think "state" as a semi-sovereign unit in a federal system originated in the United States but is now more common. Australia, Mexico, India, others use state or a word with the same etymology in the American way


>he still watches precure after gopri

Is this the future of anime?

I mean, Disney keeps making money.


cel shading is the future, France already do it:

japs are just getting good at it

You are a little bit off the mark m80

Is this a "she sees your dick" thread?

>Sup Forums's desperate acceptance of the long time coming cgi take over.gif

Guilty Gear Xrd has done an insane job at it, I'm surprised no one is picking up.

>in some cases

Key point here. Most anime cgi still looks like this.

It's okay now, user. Maho is over. The dark times are behind us.

japs are slow when they have to implement something new. but when the do it, oh boy, they become better than their peers in other countries.

>that finger
>those repeating digits

It's almost as if she planned it.

People like this exist

no please no.

its bad enough disney refuses to make anything 2d again. not the japs too.

>watching shows made for literally 6yo girls
you are worse that ponyfags

Looks nice to me, infnitely better than those animations with limited frame.

Are there any examples of stuffs that have this level of animation and framerate while doing the whole "fake 2d" look?

I guess.


We wants the dreamworks grin

Picked the fuck up.

>we want the Bee Movie audience
wise marketing move there

No, they are just beginning.

That movie is like 10 years old, though.

Japan needs to do more CG to get better at it. They mostly suck.

Better than Berserk(2016)

Xrd char models looks like trash. Japs have done better than that before it.

If that is the future i'll keep living in the past.

They actually are the best at it. They just rarely have a worthwhile budget.

Just no.
The best is clearly the west.

Hopefully, then all you miserable bastards will get the message that anime is for CHILDREN and do something with your lives.

Still better CG than most anime that try it.

I rarely see Japan use CGI properly while the West produces good-looking CG animation on a regular basis.

I am reminded of Miraculous Ladybug

That's kinda cool

Meanwhile, in America.

>I rarely see Japan use CGI properly
Look at videogames. Anime CG just often goes for a limited framerate thing in order to mimic anime's traditional limited drawn frames which is just stupid.




Why are they so happy?

I downloaded and watched it at 1080p with SVP. The scenes with the bear were terrifying. I think I'm going to have nightmares.

What the fuck is that thing, and how do I kill it?

>this shit looks better than berserk 2016

Those are terrifying as fuck and give me nightmares.

He is not wrong:

Thats fucking terrifying

They had characters civilianing and moving without any motion...
How the fuck can those 'people' live with themselves?