Resume in 1953

This resume got someone 12 job offers in 1953.

What the hell happened to the job market?

Are the job postings by HR partly to blame?

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Everyone has a bachelor these days

Human Resources are the main culprit.

less than 10% of the population had a bachelors and less than 5% had a bachelors + military
that's a great resume you retard


No one ever got hired with this resume

>What the hell happened to the job market?
The rich realized that paying Pajit in India $0.03 a day was a fuckload cheaper than paying anybody in the US anything. Don't worry though they always have your best interests at heart just trust me.

>What the hell happened to the job market?
>retardos think $200K degrees in underwater basketweaving while having no technical skills should get them a $500K/year job

Thats fucking shit

Fuck off if you think this would be remotely presentable today

Nowadays you have to write 12 pages of bullshit to get 3 offers even though your employer knows it's bullshit. It's who's bullshit is the most believable desu.


Disgustingly accurate

You can just pay a company to set you up with whatever references you need, bullshit and money making the backstabbing mediocrity go round.

>while having no technical skills

Even if you have the technical skills you might now have the 4+ years of Swift* experience demanded by the job posting

*yes I know it only really came out 3 years ago

I never applies in places where there's a HR dept.

Well, we allowed lonely, judgmental cunts to comprise the majority of HR departments.

>“This person might be a perfect fit for the job, but she’s white, so...”
>“This person liked a post by DRUMPF on their Twitter feed, so lol, boy bye...”

These people make hiring decisions and job postings without having any relevant experience themselves, and are somehow deemed fit to screen candidates. Fuck HR.

Freakin' this

he fought for the jews and they liked that, so they hired :)

>10 years experience with programming language that came out 2 years ago
Surprisingly common because in the us at least the employer has to make an effort to find local talent before he can hire the h1b visa Indians. So they pull this bullshit and then claim pajeet is the perfect match

>10 years experience with programming language that came out 2 years ago

Heh, there's a post on rinkworks that literally detailed a posting about asking for like 5 years of experience on Windows 98... when it just got released.

I love how straight forward that resume is. Based 1950s strikes again.

>name something normal and masculine, not Hunter or Jaquarius
>fought the zips
>useful degree
>takes care of body with weightlifting but also develops intellect with music study
That’s a fantastic resume. Sorry you wasted your time and money playing with CAD but the market is saturated with numale pencilnecks already

Not that I disagree, but try applying with that resume today and see how far you get

this it makes my blood boil 50 year old woman who know nothing about IT or what skills are actually relevant now control the job market

>develops intellect with music study

kek fuck off retard


ITT: Butthurt losers who couldn't adapt and now just whine.

I never had my HUMAN RESOURCE indoctrination.
I consider being called a "human resource"
an insult and surprised to see how many people don't mind being called one.
This is what they do with HUMAN Resources in Chicago after the Mayor sanctioned street gangs shoot someone they harvest parts.That's a HUMAN RESOURCE

I am a living breathing man created by in the image of God.Not a piece of dirt.
Obabbacare creator Zeke Emanuel is the Chicago mayors brother.He also happens to be one of the top orrgan transplant doctors in the US
They take parts out of the kids who die from opiod overdoses.Mayor Emanuel came to the rural areas and turned them on to his pals that treat opiod addicts and awww often they die.Stupid parents want to be benevolent azzwholes and are approached to take their kids guts and " help" others.After years of conditioning to being called a Human Resource for some sick ass CEO ...thats how you make best use of your Human Resources.
Use 'em for parts.Call someone a Human Resource is like calling me a nigger

You need to adjust your hat. The foil isn't concealing your thoughts fully and we can hear you.

Suck some dick faggot
You need some testosterone

Sup Forums in a nutshell
>wahhhhhhhhh the boomers/jews are why I'm a jobless, virgin loser
>What? There are successful people out there? They're even younger than I am? Must've been the Jews too


The industrial era is over.
Join the military.It's not as faggoty as it used to be under niggerpantz Obama

Unlike today, people in the 50s didn't have free and convenient access to nearly all of humanity's combined knowledge.

exactly, in 1953 having a college degree is like having a master's in something high level engineering. You'll basically have job offers sent to you even if you already have a job because so few people have your expertise.

people born in the 1920s were usually shorter because they didn't get much food during the depression. This guy would have been like 6'6" if it weren't for the depression

You've also got to keep in mind that in 1953, WAMEN were not working in large numbers yet, especially in jobs that required a bachelors degree.

Suddenly you add half the population to the workforce, when prior only young women really worked much?

Supply and demand, mein negroes

1: HR doesn't read resumes anymore. Now they set up AI to scan the resumes for key-words that give them a % match, if you aren't high enough % no human even looks at the resume or application.

2: HR has no idea what makes a good employee and never did. The simple fact is that pretty much anyone can be trained to do any job if they're not retarded. Having this many hoops to jump through is just to secure Job Security.

3: Openings and listings don't even mean there's a real job, as they are legally required to 'offer an opening' to US citizens before H1B-ing it out to pajeet, who was getting hired from the start.

4: Nepotism. It is not acceptable to hire your cousin over actual applicants, your cousin is a shitbag and gets away with too much because he's related to a regional manager or some shit.

5: Minimum Wage. Pic related is from Seattle recently. I don't need to say more.

Absolutely. HR has destroyed businesses by being formulaic to the point where the best candidate is almost never hired and the best bullshitter is... Very few places do test-based hiring, and more should. The bullshit excuse, "I'm not a good test taker" just means you are stupid. Civil service in the US is hit or miss on that, though...

Better. We actually understood that. Use your words.

>Honorable Discharge from Navy 1946
Only 12? This dude is likely a Pacific theatre vet, never mind the education.

Too many people (almost 8 billions now); every one of them wanting a piece of the Cake

They didn't have to sign non disclosure agreements in the day.
Faggot Jimmy Johns (sandwich azzwholes) just stopped making the losers who work there sign Non Compete agreements.
Last I knew thaey had that going on but the twinks backed out of it.Like what fkn retard doesn't know how to make a sandwich?
But other corporations are worse.The reason things suck as they do is the abuse of non disclosure ppl have to sign when they agree to be a faggot slave for a Corporation.
It's so widespread Hillary Clinton had the FBI sign a non disclosure form about her emails.
Human Resource.What sissies.

We have to compete with hordes of immigrants that are brought in because of "worker shortages" (employers wanting to pay slave wages).

Dunno about the presentation, but this resumé is already far better than anything I have.
He has a degree, he was in the military, he takes care of his body (lifting), he could be a handyman (cars).
Just because you're not using Times New Roman and you don't have bullet points and text adjusted to the margin, doesn't mean you're not qualified.

>third worlders willing to work for minimum wage + worker's visa
>loss of work quality overshadowed by cheaper labor costs
>native born have to be ridiculously overqualified to get the same job + actual livable wage
Brown immigration is always to blame.

We? what are you some kind of a weakling that includes other people to your brainfarts?
Who's "We" ya little queer?
You taking it up the ass from your boyfreind while ya read /pol? Your boyfriend reading along ?
Faggots GTFO
KYS dickbreath

Booming economy at the time, didn't have to compete with women, and didn't have to compete with Carlos or Pajeet. Fucking grandparents and parents had life so damn easy honestly.

To be fair, while that's clearly way too much of a stretch, I had two years of experience under Windows 7 on its release day, but we knew Vista was a bag of shit to start with and got to work early on 7

Two things happened. Well, one thing with two causes:

1. In 1958, the first Boomers began entering the labor market in full-time capacities. Youth bulges wreak havoc on labor markets, as there are more of them than of jobs available at any given moment.

2. In 1965, the US began handing out what would become an annual average of 1 million green cards. By 1968, this oversupply of labor was already sufficient to decouple wage growth from productivity, and by 1973 real wage growth had become negative.

In other words, surplus population, something which can easily be brought under control by ending immigration and the expulsion of all illegals. The single greatest contributing factor to income inequality is immigration, whether legal or not, and this is a position widely held even by mainstream progressive scholars at elite institutions, like Peter Turchin of U-Conn and George Borjas at Harvard, in large part because it's a fucking economic fact.

I remember a while ago some guy claiming he never got any replies to his resume so he ended up putting buzzwords in white text in as many spaces as he could so the systems would still pick it up but not be seen to any person actually reading it. Claims his responses jumped something like 60%

Wow, you sure showed me. I really regret insulting you on the Internet. Please, show a little mercy. I apologize.

Beat the hell outta Navy

How could he land a job? Is it because he was able to type on a typewriter?

Borjas isn't a progressive. He is a respected economist but he is hardly the voice of the profession.

Open borders and multiculturalism.
Also the government pushing everyone in to universities to get shit degrees, which now serve as the new high school diplomas.

He's the country's foremost authority in immigration economics, he is (as you conceded) a respected Harvard economist, and he is a progressive. I mention the last not because it adds credibility to his position, but because it underscores the obvious notion that one can be both socially liberal and immigration critical. Why the left has abandoned that position is beyond me. The whole movement was born in the Democratic Party's environmental wing.

Then STFU & stop whining
I knew you'd be back.You're a Fkn YoYo

Okay, okay. I said I'm sorry. Listen, we have to stick together. The elites of this country, with their salaries and grammar, constantly tread on us. Solidarity, brother.

I'm not your brother.I don't know you from shit.
You are not /pol
There are people on here I love.
But not you.
You need testosterone.

>Why the left has abandoned that position is beyond me.

isn't it obvious though?

Allowing people who were at the bottom of countries that are *already non-functioning* are shit immigrants who will commit more crime and generally wreak havoc on society

plus they all vote democrat when they're legal immigrants

I agree with most of this, but some of his work--especially on Mariel--has tainted his reputation as a progressive.

Please stop these withering ad hominem attacks. I have sent a certified letter to the mods.

I told you were not of us.
Go to your safe space.
You're stinking the place up.

Pretty much my thought as well.

"Wow, this guy has a typewriter, what a catch!"

If you'll permit, I think I'll stay.


Yeah but how much do they make in tips

>comparing modern standards to thd 1950s.

I mean, what the fuck, he didnt even use any clipart on his mechanical typewriter

You're a defiant little weenie!
You're my favorite YoYo come back again!
How ya like being my bitch?

Fucking Ensigns


>wwii vet
>business degree
>how could this ever get you a job?

you sure have a lot of homosexual thoughts for a schizo!

Hi YoYo ! I knew you'd be back!
Maybe cuz you act and respond like one.
I want you to fell at home

>hobby: weightlifting

A+ resume, would hire

Only like 30% of americans have a post-secondary degree these days, it's not that much higher. Plus the vast majority of those people probably have some BS degree in underwater basket weaving or vagina poetry or some shit, nothing worthwhile.

>What the hell happened to the job market?
Immigration and outsourcing to 3rd world shitholes.


Honest men get honest jobs, work was much easier to find back then.

They didn't have the robots then

Women entered the workforce, doubling the amount of available workers. College degrees became far more common, reducing their value. Small businesses fell out of favour and big corporations took over, posting their jobs across the country instead of locally. And corporate culture degenerated into an insane cargo cult where people do things in order to try to ape something another company that was successful did without understanding how it worked, why it worked, or what it actually was, leading to endless hours spent on achieving the buzzword of the week. These things combined mean that jobs are grossly oversaturated with qualified applicants. Those who don't include certain buzzwords are automatically discarded by a computer, and the HR person only skims the rest of them, so you need to stand out by making your resume as overblown as possible.

That was a different person responding to you, brother. Keep it together.


Several times we have hired people after fishing their resumes out of the circular file HR put them in.
Meanwhile the resumes that make it through their screening are mostly garbage.
I have zero faith in HR's ability to competently screen applicants.

Vagina poetry is a potent job creator. Just look at what it did for Kathy Griffin.

I don’t. I dropped out of college and still found a way to be successful. Don’t buy into the fact that degrees are necessary. It’s a hive mind mentality. Try thinking outside the box to get yourself noticed and hired.

Yeah, HR ain't exactly the brain trust of an org. Remember all those smart, ambitious kids in HS and college who aspired to work in HR? Me neither.

Need to know his squat/DL numbers.

I can’t imagine being so insecure in life that I felt like I couldn’t achieve anything without spending 10’s of thousands to be educated by someone else.

HR blows so fucking hard.

Luckily, I'm in a position to see what's rejected and what's approved.

HR just looks for the keywords that upper management wants and shits the rest out. At least where I'm at (team lead) I get CC'd on every resume that hits HR. A few times I've gotten some very talented people in for an interview simply because I went over HR's head and called them myself. Their resumes would be tossed out because there simply wasn't enough $5 words in it even though their portfolio work was exceptional.

>Roofers getting tipped

They should, but thatd be ridiculous. I bet those guys work 60 hr weeks and live out of hotels, for 10k a year.

Atleast they get per diem

I'm trying to fill 2 software engineer positions in my department, and it feels like its easier to just not get HR involved at all.
All candidates they found themselves were completely incompetent. Like, zero experience in software engineering.
So okay, we find some resumes with appropriate skills ourselves, forward them to HR and tell to arrange interviews next week. Two days later its friday morning, we drink coffee and stuff and suddenly office manager runs into our room -- some unknown guy came to us claiming he had job interview appointed, but nobody was informed about it, even security. So we go interview him w/out even having his resume on hands, call HR about this bullshit and ask her, just in case, whether there are any more candidates coming today. "Oh, yes, another one will come at 18:00, he can't come earlier because of his current work hours". It took 3 more calls and 2 hours to get resume of this second guy, and turns out its not one of those we sent to her. One more hour of calls and by pure luck we find out that guy was invited by other department and they dont know he's coming too.

I'm not the biggest fans of unions, but it'd probably help their situation.

What sort of buzzwords?

Synergy is the example everyone knows but it literally changes weekly and is different everywhere. Basically words that sound good but don't actually have an applicable meaning in the company.

>ITT: HR being retarded
Well, if they were even remotely competent they would be headhunters.
Other than that: degrees don't matter at all (unless it's IT), get to some technical school and/or get some courses done, you'll get practical knowledge this way. Mechanics/construction workers/IT of all sorts are in high demand almost everywhere.

>unless it's IT
Degrees in IT don't matter either.
Most impactful thing to have on your resume is link to github profile with significant number of commits.

>Civil service in the US is hit or miss on that, though...

That's diversity quotas at work. With a mix of the Peter Principle.

Sounds like my fathers work in aviation. HR fucks everything up all the time.

>Are the job postings by HR partly to blame?

Yes. HR and corporate psychology are to blame.

hows my resume boys?
