Is she the most empty/fapbait character ever created?
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
That's not Mai.
Why do you sound new to anime?
What's wrong with that, It gets people watching.
i like lucoa
she a qt
She's world class.
Am I fucking SERIOUSLY supposed to wait til Comiket for the porn?
Is Shouta a top tier magus?
Consider, for a moment, that instead of summoning a MERE demon, he was able to summon a FALLEN GODDESS. Also consider he maintains his Protection Against Evil at all times instead of giving in to weakness and letting her enthrall him with her feminine charms, sucking his spellpower dry with rigorous nonstop mana transfers.
You can do that with actual characters but it takes effort.
She wasn't as annoying in the last episode, and she's usually very annoying to me
Post more when she fuck a real shota on camera
Looks like my mom
How old are you? Did your mum give birth to you in HS?
>encouraging 3dpd
Fuck off.
>W O R L D C L A S S
>there are FOUR (4) maidragon thread right this very second
Jesus, can't you guys at least keep it civilised?
>Oh, wow! There are FOUR threads! How uncivilized!
So what?
World-class dumb dragon.
>inb4 doujin of her deciding between a plethora of cock
Someone make this happen
I like the show a lot, but I feel like it's trying to make a point about gay relationships beyond the smut. Like how Tohru and Kobayashi act as Kana's parents
When has the anime industry actually cared about homo relationships and weren't just trying to make money?
>this will never be you
Good, I'd rather stay at home and watch anime.
He's a world class magus
Sexy but probably got a gut under that black shirt. I mean we'd all fuck her anyway.
What's gay about a man and woman raising a child?
It's actually pro procreation propaganda designed to get Nips biological clocks ringing. It's not the first time the author has dabbled in this.
Who's we?
It's pretty impressive that maidragon can be good enough that a character as shit as her and her shota aren't enough to ruin the entire show.
To answer your question, yes she is. Lucoa and the whole DUDE TITS, SHOTACON LMAO thing almost ruins the whole show
This anime/manga tries to make points about a lot of things, like loneliness, and being different.
Maybe he's using the royal we.
Doubtful, i don't think user even knows what that is.
I still wish they didn't exist.
Lying is immoral anons.
I've never lied a day in my life.
Yeah, obviously, they're 100% a detriment to the show and only there because the author is a sickfuck who jerks it to /ss/.
I'm a straight female, I wouldn't fuck that.
Would you fuck Tohru or Kobayashi?
Hello friend.
>falseflagging this hard
Most of their shitty presence is from KyoAni anyway
congratulations you're actually gay
I'm a straight female and I'd fuck every girl except Kanna.
Incidentally I would only fuck Kanna and Kobayashi. I want to feel Kanna's thighs on my hands and face.
Because you want to mother and breastfeed her, right?
I want to be Kanna's mom.
nah. she clearly has a deeply troubled past. the airhead and joyful polarization is clearly an overcompensating attempt at denying the past. also, time in the human world is a bizarre and unexpected change of pace from the insane life and death of her original world which means she has to make the most out of every possibly moment
>episode 6 dub is out
>what was Kanna gonna do to me?
>"dragon-style" instead of "I wanted to-"
What the fuck
You're looking too deeply into it dude, it's just tits
I can see some of the themes but otaku are so self centered and deluded that I don't think they'll get the message either way.
Where can I find this dub, I need to hear it with my own ears
Stream it like a hobo that's what I'm doing
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