Sup Forums would have called Jesus a shitskin
Sup Forums BTFO
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Checked, this shit speaks the truth. Christfags btfo!
This is what I don't understand about the Christian conservative right.
Jesus would have been the biggest liberal in existence.
>fellow Christians
Why do they keep saying he was a refugee? They weren't fleeing, they were traveling to partake in a fucking census.
The actual Jesus was more than likely bronze of skin. He was born in the fertile crescent. He's pretty much one of few historic figures that actually did get "whitewashed."
Science can't tell us much about the guy but it can tell us one thing: He wasn't white. Whether or not you think that's bad or good is your own hang-up.
No, and gtfo you stupid kikeFaggot stfu and gtfo
White washed in the slightest senses. He may have been swarthy but not a fucking nigger Arab
Pic related, Arabs and Jews are related but not the same thing
Yeah but Prophet Muhammad pbuh said Jesus was a white man and the devil was a black man. Who should I really trust the jews or the jews?
>assuming we are cuckstans
Or more appropriately, a "bullshit skin"
Happy Yule
Oh, one of those religions that had its shit pushed in by Christianity? Cuuute.
Aren't you that elf who works for the FBI?
Happy YULE? You mean
Tyr guide us, yule is here
I would have called him a kike tbf
They stole our pride.
Now look what they’ve done
jesus is a shitskin though and (((god))) is unironically a godless demon, who sent his faggy, hippie "son" to the earth to pacify good people to ready them for the slaughter
Shows their lack of historical knowledge, or selective knowledge that they only use when it fits their narrative. Jesus was Levantine, so he would've had the same skin colour as Bashar Al-Assad.
>my fellow Christians
Sage goes in all fields.
>obey these rules or burn in hell for eternity
Are you retarded?
>lets worship a kike rapefugee that tells you to take it up the ass and not to retaliate .
totally not (((their))) propaganda
he's /ourguy/
his mother wasn‘t a virgin
He fled to Egypt from Herod
he wasn't muslim, though
Thus he'd be a sand nigger.
>He may have been swarthy but not a fucking nigger Arab
This doesn’t even make sense. Peninsular Arabs are literally swarthy. He was more likely a pale to olive complexion like a Levantine Arab.
Jesus was left win-
>take care of the poor
>checks the top 1%
Well, looks like the kikes are shit out of luck.
Jesus was not jewish. This is a jewish lie told through an annotation of the scofield bible
Stop lying to the people.
I think calling her "virgin" is just being polite.
That sperm came from someplace, unless someone can explain it away without violating conservation of mass and laws of thermodynamics.
Besides, poor Joseph was a cuck. Should have demanded out as soon as he figured out Mary was preggo.
>somehow this tweet makes a good argument for taking in muslims and africans
>follow the structure and order of the Father
>believe in him or go to Hell
>don't make false idols to replace him like Caesar (the State)
Sup Forums doesn't even like other white people. Everyone who shitposts here wants to die.
Jesus also condemned degeneracy and wasn't afraid to speak out against the Alexandrian Jews and those who strayed away from the Law of God. Jesus made people uncomfortable by condemning them to hell if they didn't repent.
Sage goes in all fields.
nope, translation error. good thing the catholics have so many statues of the virgin mary in their churches..
Garden Eden: a garden in a steppe/desert
She's right, liberalism and socialism are secular outgrowths of Christanity.
kikes are delusional if they think they're the same as the jews of the bible. genetic continuity for a people as obscure as ashkenazis is almost fucking impossible to measure.
Good thing I’m not Christian anymore.
yes, happens when everything is nice and /comfy/. until then scripture gives a nice goal of an afterlife, it helps endure a shitty life.
>Hello fellow Christians
>I'm not one of you, but I will tell you what your religion is about
Also notice how p*gans here repeat the same claims. They're just repeating Jewish narrative. Really activates my almonds
Jesus was a shitskin but he was our shitskin.
well, did he exist?
He was one as well
Now turn the other cheek cuckboy
There's a book that cites a decent amount of evidence called More than a Carpenter
Sage goes in all fields senpai
No, of course not. People just made him up and got themselves killed for fun??
You do realize that the Other Cheek teaching meant to humiliate others by helping them; it is a kike trick
Wrong. I would have called him a filthy kike.
Jesus ruined Europe. He is the first Jewish conspiracy
Which also makes Christians meek.
>oh, sure these muslims are taking our land from us, but if i turn the other cheek everything will be fine in heaven!
What was the intended translation?
The problem is not the refugees. The problem is the countries being completely subservient to them and not sending them back when it’s time. There’s a difference between being accommodating and letting them walk all over you.
how do you do fellow christians?
>fellow Christians
they're adapting..
>citation missing
Slovakians are closer to cipriots than greeks?
absolutely. sounds lile extorcion, doesn‘t it?
>nainai, behave or go to hell
but ummm jesus wasn't a jew. no jews existed when jesus was alive. why is this "jesus was a jew" dogshit lie spunked out every year by fucking worthless kikes.
>Jesus was a refugee
No. The king of the land demanded a consensus of his citizens, so the people came. The exact opposite of illegal, immigrant, and refugee.
>you're free to do whatever you want, don't judge me!
>democracy is the only system that is just
>all are equal and precious
>we need to force rich to provide for the poor, it's of utmost importance for everyone to have wealth!
>rich should provide excess wealth to poor, but it's their choice to do so. material wealth doesn't matter that much, as you were born naked, you will die naked and don't take any of this earthly wealth with you.
>sovereignty of people (that power to rule comes from people) is blasphemous. sovereign power comes from God and is implanted in whoever He chooses to rule. democracy is degenerate, because most of the people are degenerates.
>while you may not judge a man, you must judge his actions, to condemn them, or else he'll wrongly think that he's walking God's path while he isn't. you must obey laws given to you by God, only this way you can be forgiven your inherent degeneracy.
>life is precious, for it's a gift of God. men are weak and unworthy of salvation. men are also not equal, for they receive different gifts. even in Heaven they will lesser and greater men.
So much in common.
>muh poor
>I'm a refugee of color
>obey me or get sent to spiritual gulag
Jesus was a commie piece of shit.
Liberals can not simultaneously say that Christianity is a bad religion, that Jesus is not real, and then also try and say Jesus is a refugee who wants us to love and take in foreigners.
That's not how this works. Liberals for the most part put down Christianity in an attempt to allow Islam to "have its place in the sun". So forgive me if I will not suddenly take their advice on what Jesus would want us to do.
Meanwhile Muslims believe they go to heaven for taking the land and spreading Islam.
Seems like Islam is a superiorly designed memeplex.
>Implying his daddy wasn't so blindingly white that Mary could have been blacker than the void and Jesus would still turn out white
Jesus was a Jewish Arab, and a total fraud and fanatic
Pls don't insult Mary. She was purer than the snow itself, second only to Jesus.
>jesus was jewish
He was originally Greek, before the kikes stole him and turned him jewish.
Encouraging charity makes one a commie does it?
Brazilians are noticeably stupider than the average poster
>"hi i'm a jew and i don't believe in jesus and i've never even read the bible but let me lecture you on jesus oh by the way buy this book by my husband about christmas, a holiday we don't celebrate and actually hate, where santa is black and gay"
>>muh poor
When has He said: "Caesar should've force richer Jews to provide for less rich! Means of production should belong to workers! Crush the Roman oppression!"
>>I'm a refugee of color
>Soyboy King is so afraid of you that he hunts for you, even though you've been just born.
>So you and your family dodge persecution and no harm is done to you.
>You never speak about it or lament upon injustice that has met you, you just move on.
>That makes you a whining refugee.
>>obey me or get sent to spiritual gulag
Monarchy is communism then. If you don't obey the monarch power over you, you'll be arrested an punished.
God is literal suzerain of the entire world.
Jesus is a Jew.
If Christians believed that we would've never ended up in this shit in the first place.
Actually, as a perfect human, He is above race.
Every race has its inherent flaws. Yes they're superior and inferior, but as every human is imperfect, they're too imperfect.
He had no flaw.
Mithra was Persian you retarded snowmonkey.
(ps jesus was a sandkike and lived in the roman empire his entire life)
I‘m not quite sure, could also be mental illness(tm). and of course Muslims are the underdogs, why be part of the elite when you can feed a victim-complex?
anyway, seasons greetings:
So he was a IDP, not a refugee. Anyway he went back to his home after the shit settled down. I'm looking at you, Iraqis and Syrians.
>fellow christians
Says the muslim rape baby.
>“As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but has come from a distant land because of your name— for they will hear of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm—when they come and pray toward this temple, then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your Name. ( Kings 8:41-44)
>When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Leviticus 19:33-34)
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
Oh let me guess, you either forget these parts of your stupid scriptures or conveniently twist them to fit your love for a semite on a stick.
How ironic is it for a christcuck to call anyone on this planet a stupid person.
Your god is far too humane and emotional to be a god.
>replace race with „gender“
maybe both are just human constructs, a way of categorizing
they are here to stay, will never go away.. lalalalalalaai
They're already deporting some of them. I still think most of them will stay in Europe.
protip: They did.
But as whites were subverted, so were Christians subverted.
While I believe protestantism to be heresy, you need to look no further than Scofield bible, to understand why do they support zionism.
Same thing with catholicism and Vatican II (it preached that Jews are our (((older brothers))) in faith and it's possible for them to achieve salvation without accepting Christ, something that Church never taught).
Actually, I would have called him a kike.
christcucks always cherry pick from the bible and make it work to fit their beliefs. I have never met a genuine christian in my life, they're all hypocrites.
Those passages are somehow communist?
I'm no Christian, but it's clear that my claim of you being stupid is true. Do you even know what communism is?
He probably was brownish skinned but he's white now
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
>looking that Jewish
>still trying to be pretend to be white
Even without the tweet it is clear as fucking day he is not white. How stupid do these people have to think the goy are?
>Brazilian talking about rape babies
>Sup Forums would have called Jesus a shitskin
and it would have been the truth.
fuck him, and fuck the ruin he has brought upon our peoples. The only one worse than him is Mohammad.
It's simple. Church teaching is infallible.
Church taught this credo.
"I believe in one God, the FATHER Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth, and Jesus Christ HIS only SON (...)"
never did Church taught
"I believe in one God, the *gender neutral pronoun here* Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth, and Jesus Christ, the Jew, *gender neutral pronoun here* only child"
Lutheran Church of Sweden, begone.
Read some Engels and it would become quite clear how the passages the hue posted relate to Communist ideology.
what's his skin tone then nigel? black?
>race is the colour of one's skin
Not today, Shlomo.
>if you don't worship my sky daddy it is because you are gay
Solid logic, Cleetus.
>Your god is far too humane and emotional to be a god.
You are far too stupid to be white.
If someone is found to be conspiring against King's power, what will be done to him?
If someone questions King's authority to rule in front of him (and God knows everything, so whenever you question Him, it may as well been to His face), what will King do with such person?
>there is no race nor gender before me
>accept the poor rapefugee and treat him like one of your own
>share your wealth with muh church and muh poor and muh foreigner
>fuck the king, I'm your ruler now
>do this, this and that - or else
Hmmm, who could be behind this sack religion I wonder.
It's not like it was entirely based on pagans and jews or anything. Oh wait.
My ancestors did the raping and pillaging, friendo.
Well, half of them that is. The other half was being buttfucked by germans and soviets at the same time not too long ago.
Same. Turns out that the most catholic country on Earth is nothing but degeneracy and violence.
>Not mistreating people is Communism.
Someone go tell Stalin he's a bad communist.
bad argument considering how many christians are pro-fag, even the pope.