I can't believe jewflix let them put that there, it's like the Trump of movies, it shits all over progressivism. Are we taking back the culture?
Is this the most redpilled movie of 2017?
Explain please. I haven't watched it but it seems clear from the trailers that the root of all their problems are the (((elves))).
Yeah, pretty good movie. Pushes the political topic a bit too much though
I was going to pass on this but if it is red pilled media I will have to check it out
A female-led pagan elvish cult is the root of problems, orcs are literally tribal niggers, and will Smith says faery lives don't matter
Also elves are Jews
This, it's pretty redpilled
I watched it this morning. Its a good movie.
>Orcs are niggers
>Humans are whites
>Elves are jews
Will Smith was good in it.
The bad guys are a sect of elves who essentially worship moloch
And the Mexicans are gangbangers
Kek even in a fantasy world Hispanic gangs still exist in LA.
This movie was spicy dude idk about you but I was happy to see daddy fresh in a new movie
No Orcs are what you would get if Juggalos was actually a race.
I don't believe you. Nothing with Will Smith in it is redpilled, and the fact that it's a Netflix original raises huge red flags. I ain't watching that shit nigger
it's good, it's not perfect and there are some scenes you laugh at how stupid it is, but then some scenes are completely awesome.
overall yeah I think it's honestly red pilled, which is why ((they)) don't want you to like it while the common people love it
It stars a based black man who is married to a hot white woman. Trust me it's totally redpilled my fellow centipede.
How about you name that movie for us, you know, considering that some of us have life and don't spend 16/7 on Netflix
Watched it last night. Idea is alright but the execution is terrible. The writing is fucking shit.
Promotes race mixing within 3.5 min.
I can believe Netflix is promoting this flick by trolling Sup Forums.
Racemixing isn't redpilled you dumb maga newfag.
Hispanic's not a race
Call them Mexican gangs. Why should pure white iberians be blamed for the crimes of the mestizo people?
this movie was a straight action movie with no actual plot
unlikely cop team stumble across something big and then run to fight the bad guys
THATS IT theres no actual plot
it should have been a TV series that would have been able to flesh out the universe along 12 or less episodes
i actually had high hopes for this movie since it took a very unique approach towards the fantasy setting but it really gave me no reason to care about anyone there was no twist or anything and every event could easily be predicted
as a film this movie is a 4/10 at best
as a concept its a 10/10 hands down
as a "Red Pill" fuck off there is no red pill elves are always the asshole in any fantasy setting
Nice movie while u wait for the next bad boys
>That's the joke
He is being ironic you literally autists
>One Uncle Tom orc
>Every other pig skin acts like a deranged nigger
>One social climbing jigaboo
>Every other nig nog is stereotypical as fuck
>One stand-up Latino sheriff
>Every other spic has face tattoos and runs in a gang
The film isn't bluepilled and it's relatively fun to watch. Like the rest of Sup Forums I thought it'd be another white guilt film but it's actually quite entertaining. Also Will Smith isn't God awful like he has been for the last decade so there's that going for it.
I agree. Its actually very good. I watched it last night and found it to be very enjoyable because it wasn't overly pandering, it was an action flick with an never-been-done before fantasy setting.
How much does Netflix pay you?
This is not redpilled. This is them trying to show the world how stupid the way we think is. Because it is true there are lots of similarities between the whole JQ and the Bright world. But it's made to be ridiculous, they even demean things that happened 2000 years ago. It's a wolf in sheeps clothing for us.
And of course the (((kekistani))) agrees with the (((critics)))
Makes me wanna play Shadowrun
>watching msm
kys faggots
>in all fields
They confirmed a sequel
Holy shit yinz are dumb as rocks
>there are some scenes you laugh at how stupid it is, but then some scenes are completely awesome.
Considering this is from the director or Suicide Square, that probably accurate.
A FUNCTIONING, CONTRIBUTING MEMBER OF SOCIETY IS EQUAL NO MATTER THE COLOR. You are literally BELOW NIGGERS if you believe a black man cannot pull himself up to the white mans level.
>They confirmed a sequel
Don't worry, it will have a different writer.
Fuck off, netflixblue. I'm not subscribing to your Jewish signals
>it shits all over progressivism
Literally not at all. It's pre-SJW progressivism is all.
>yo the races are real y'all and ain't no mahfukkin social construct
>but it's cool yo we can still all vibe
>cuz we all still the same
>yo just give my orc bro a chance to be a cop
>see he's a awesome cop yo
>yo it's just renegade elves tryna bring back the dark lord
>the only way we can defeat them is to have a multicultural team of an orc, a nigger, and a renegade elf who changed her mind about being a renegade like two weeks ago
>see we all the same yo
>yo 'member the fogteeth leader who had the party where no guns were allowed
>who fucked that up yo
>the police yo 'member
>it's their fault not spic, nigger, or orc gangstas yo
He didn't actually write the filming script. Max Landis sold the script, it was rewritten before it was filmed.
Sorry to tell everyone on here, but there is no such thing a a "red-pilled" movie that is going to come out of Netflix or Hollywood. Hell, just look at director of the movie (((David Ayer))). Only on Nupol these days would racemixing be considered red-pilled in a movie and their ever readiness to praise a so called "based black man".
Listen to this anons wisdom:
Hello brother, is it time yet?
>if you believe a black man cannot pull himself up to the white mans level.
Why are you so racist. Why are you assuming white people are just inherently above black people. Looks like this leaf is BELOW NIGGERS. Don't worry, the day of the rake is coming.
Nah, the 'exceptional' examples of every race was their attempt at bluepilling... Problem is, it's pretty hard not to notice the vast majority of orcs, nogs, spics and elves are horrible, and far outweigh the tokens.
It's the reality everyone sees but can't comment on honestly.
needs a sequel
They replace niggers with Orcs and Jews with Elves.
Society is a dystopian shithole because of the different groups all living together.
It's good, I hate this fag
This, it's about different races like humans orcs and elves not different kinds of each
30 mins in. So far it's genuinely great film. Also, how it was green ligthed by Netlix? Quite problematic for 2017.