Why is Kanon popular on jap twitter right now?
Why is Kanon popular on jap twitter right now?
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I think it's having a re-air right now.
Also I'm currently playing the game and holy shit is it good.
Played 3 routes so far, cried 3 times so far.
Thank you based Key.
Because it's been 10 years since Kanon? I think the anime ended around this date 10 years ago.
I'm waiting for Winter to rewatch it.
t. Southern hemisphere fag
Ayu is love, Ayu is life!
Makoto has been my waifu since my first exposure to Kanon (through the 2002 anime) and she still doesn't have a happy ending.
My first VN and still one of my favourites. Replayed it just this January. Nayuki best girl.
Why people dislike Kanon here? I thought it was one of the best anime ever, of course I was thirteen when I watched it but still, I only have good memories of it.
I like it, it feels like simple, pure Keyshit rather than how hammy Clannad gets or how stupid Angel Beats or Charlotte gets
It's a Key drama before things really took off with Clannad. It wasn't as popular as Clannad so less people are around to defend it, but it still gets shat on for being Key by anti-Key fedoras.
Sup Forums loved Kanon back in 2006.
Such a fun times...
Cycle of taste. Key is still in the window of noughties anime that are pretty much peak 'uncool' right now. They basically represent perfectly what certain people hate about the rise of moeshit, hence 'uguu' jokes. Give it a few more years.
I think the Clannad VN does the job a lot better than the anime. Cried bitch tears when I played it, got more invested than I did with the adaptation.
But yeah, I prefer Kanon for how relatively unadorned and mystical it is in comparison. The setting is lovely and you really get the sense of a transient magic suffusing the town.
I actually like it more than Clannad.
Shiori-bros, assemble!
I feel the same way about all Key games. They just have a much stronger effect than the anime do. Probably because of the higher amount of investment and attachment to the characters and world.
Best Kanon girl and best Key girl, but not best Tactics girl.
I used to like it a damn lot, even more than Clannad, but at some point it became too cheesy for me and part of the drama didn't really sit well with me anymore.
It was also the reason I stopped ranking anime with numbers, since it was #1 back then.
deep lore
I underwent a similar change during my university years, but after a few years of adulthood I came back to liking sentimental stuff again.
Like Shiori says, I want fiction to have a happy ending. Life's hard enough without that.
Excellent taste.
a TV show broadcated Why Taiyaki got some popular in America
Strawberry sundae!
Best girl = Ayu
Best Milf = Akiko.
>no maifags
i thought she was popular
Best girl.
And also the least mentally challenged of the cast.
Fuck that alien bug face.
Man, I just hate Key so much.
>the least mentally challenged of the cast.
I never thought about it but that's…probably true. Huh.
She doesn't have much of a competition desu. A suicidal terminally diseased girl, an actual fucking fox, the ghost of a 10 year old girl, and a literal autist.
I miss the Best Key Girl threads
Ayu is shit. SHIT. Just like most of Key's main heroines
Except Misuzu.
>no mai appreciation itt
Im disappointed
I really like her actually, and her route really changed how I understood the themes of the VN. Nayuki stole my heart first, though.
I loved Air and Clannad, but Kanon, not so much.
Strange. I can't imagine only liking one or two of them. They kind of fit together thematically.
Pls no die Key thread
Kanon was fantastic but I haven't watched it in over 10 years. Will probably play the game instead of rewatching it though.
It's better than Clannad and Air sucks but it seems to be the least popular.
>Will probably play the game instead of rewatching it though
The game is terrible, especially the H version.
I'd suggest you try Air's VN instead and maybe that changes your view on the franchise.
>The game is terrible
I thought the game was fantastic. Playing it in the recommended route order was better than the anime honestly, and I think Kanon had the best adaptation. Air was great but I'd probably rate them Kanon > Clannad > Air.
The h-scenes are bad but they always are. In Kanon's case it seems like they didn't really want to include them anyway.
>recommended route order was better than the anime honestly
Yeah, that's one of my problems with it.
The game is so poorly structured it forces you to stick to a specific route order otherwise you won't understand shit. It's not like Clannad or Rewrite where you can still deviate a bit and it will make sense.
On top of that, most of the routes -and it's choices- are just build-up or fillers until you arrive to the main storyline of either Makoto or Ayu. Hell, Nayuki probably got more screentime and attention on the anime than the VN.
It should've been a kinetic novel, that way at least you don't waste time clicking meaningless choices.
not to mention enduring early Key ART in 2017 must be pretty painful
>and I think Kanon had the best adaptation
Have to disagree with this as well.
Both Air and Kanon had pure mechanistic adaptations (by both Toei and KyoAni) that made sense for the VN reader but left the anime-only fag completely out of the loop.
Clannad's 1st season at least tried to do something. Didn't quite succeed, but AS made up for it.
I agree that it should've had a fixed route structure like F/SN or something, but I would say that's a minor criticism. It's better than Clannad's structure to be honest. Clannad is open-ended, which is good, except that it becomes frustrating to collect all the lights before even getting a glimpse of After Story. The drawback of that SoL feel with no real common route is that your choices are more personal than narrative and the routes aren't very divergent. Going through everything can get very repetitive and it seems to defeat the object a little.
Anyway, I don't think any of Kanon's routes are filler. They complete each other narratively and thematically. The most filler plot-wise is probably Shiori's route, but the game uses it to ruminate on the themes directly (happy endings, dreams, memories, and so on), so it's like a transitory route. Nayuki's route parallels Ayu's (the randomness of both accidents preceding a promise made in the past and then repaired in the present). Mai and Makoto's routes both trouble and undermine the answers offered by Ayu's route to explain the setting's magic and miracles, especially Mai's, where you can't be sure of the difference between memory, dream, and magic. It's a game about whether things can be true just because they are good, and it asks you to believe that they can even when it shows you how the magic might be transient or intangible. It uses the visual novel form as well as any I've read and without any gimmicks either.