Sup Forums in a nutshell

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Literally me right there

almonds don't have shells

upboat ;^)

The money was never in the house anyway, though.
The idea that the population makes the money is a myth.
Money comes from the top down, from the federal reserve. If you want to change that, attack the fed.

Social Security and Medicare shouldn't exist, anyway. Live free or fucking die.

“What is a total pile of horse shit, Alex?”

Yes, taking the trash out is good

why are the dumbest people on earth attracted to conservatism?

I like to think of my approach to politics as, "Give me liberty or give me Cthulhu!"


>Disabled people should not be taken care of

Lol! You said a sci-fi thing! That means healthcare is dumb!

That is correct, user. Disabled people should not be taken care of by the government.

Rich people keeping money that would typically go to government taxes to fund welfare is only wrong if you consider people entitled to receive welfare from the government. You are not entitled to the money other people earn just because you live in the same country as them.


>poor people should all die
kys conservatard

image needs
> a worried jew trying to put out a fire by throwing fuel on the fire
most Sup Forums anons are ex-shills that worked the board previously

If they're worthwhile human beings, their families will care for them, so no thr government should not use my money to make a fund that the kikes will use to bomb mudshits in the middle east for Israel.


>thinking the government needs to steal my money or I'll let disabled people die

Fuck you, you liberal shit.

Obummer didn't gib liberty
It's surveillance, it really is. The unpopularity of that issue isn't going away. The sanity of that issue isn't improving. Nobody on earth can accurately process mass surveillance data.

>i have too look out my window to see democrats trying to take my guns

let their families take care of them.

Yeah, this is a huge misconception.

I'm already looking at local charities to donate at least half of my increased income from the tax plan. I earn 85k a year and look to retain an extra 2-2.5k now and I plan to donate to at least two or three local charities. This is despite having student loans I'm still paying.

Democrat would be taking the money to pay for illegals, while also trying to take the guns

Gotta take away Americans social security and Medicare to give illegals free healthcare and gibs

Go away Anarkiddie

Too many cuckbaits on /pol today

Because they don't think they need other people

>Sup Forums in a nutshell
really ?
then how come the 0.1% are the ones whining about it ?

Cant wait until out entire generation cant retire!!!!!!!

Thanks Drumpfff

You shills must be paid extra to shill so hard on a holiday.

Social security is going to fail when entitlement programs bankrupt the country anyway.

Good taste my friend

Damn you trumpljkjpkypoiujt for taking my gibs!


That poor baboon looks like she hasn't eaten in minutes. Oppressed based black woman. Not enough gibs

whats the elephant supposed to mean? i think that picture is racist

Now this, this is an airtight argument, utilizing empirical data, statistics and facts. Smug emotional lefty to everyone's rescue again

Oh no not the social security that will probably run out before my parents can even get it! What ever will I do?

And then everyone started clapping

>its only okay when the my party rapes SS and medicare


Wtf I love neocons now

>Social Security and Medicare are unfunded line items on the federal budget.
>The national credit card has been run up to $20 trillion for all those big Boomer bucks.
>Who will end up paying the interest on all of this debt?
>The free market could provide an alternative retirement system and programs without running up the national credit card and suffocating future generations in unimaginable debt.

Hungry my ass, niggers are overfed monkeys.

kill yourself shill rat

Better than giving it to illegals and niggers

What if I want them to cut SS and Medicare?

That's not the point, it isn't about being smug it's about private charity taking the place of public welfare which is how this should all work.

I don't want the government to be in the business of redistributing the income of citizens. I want the citizens to willingly give to each other if they want to. In socially progressive but fiscally conservative and small government. So my answer to how do you care for poor people if you don't have welfare is to donate to charity and volunteer.

I have a lot of leftist friends so if I don't actively practice what I preach they would call me out for it.

Are you that fucking far gone? There is no value without consumption. The bottom is literally the most important part of the economy, that's why you notice consumer confidence index is like of the utmost importance?

I understand the appeal of believing the way you do, cause you let's you feel superior to the other plebs as you quest to get rich, but you can do in a more sustainable fashion by not twisting the whole thing up into fabrications

>If they are lucky enough to be born into a supportive family, they should live.

>Sup Forums is a conservative board
Just kys shill

India and china dont celebrate christmas tard.

> I have a lot of leftist friends so if I don't actively practice what I preach they would call me out for it.

So, do you take them with you to the bank and then to the Salvation Army office to provide your proof; or do you give the access to your accounts along with power of attorney, and sign an affidavit asserting your grandstanding "charity parade?"

> Christians in foreign lands don't celebrate their religious holidays.

Is it physically painful being that stupid, user?

That's not measurable or manageable at all. Things are more effective at scale, hence why Facebook works so well, or McDonald's can afford to make burgers so cheaply. The government acts as a central organization of the public's will that we direct through using our voting rights and contacting reps.

Yes local charities are great but only for local issues. Overarching institutional programs need to be handled at the macro scale.

And no people don't take their tax cuts and donate, just because you do doesn't mean shit when you look at the numbers. It's delusional to try to rely on that, I'm not even sure what the point is.

Between the Tyrone memes, Trump praise, ridiculous conspiracy theory crafting, I'd have to say it falls right in that bucket of conservatism. Reactionary ideologies kinda all follow the same patterns

This image is correct, while I'm fighting democratic racists, my pal elephant is bringing tons of money to my house.
I don't have to pay for health bills of various useless trash and I got huge tax cuts.

What the fuck are space pennies

> leftists think cancelling retarded socialist programs makes us poorer
Not everyone is jobless parasite.

I would argue that wealth redistribution only gets more inefficient the larger the scale becomes. If people wouldn't voluntarily give up their money, then why should they be forced to? It's always the people who are inefficient that want more from other people. It's an unfortunate fact that not everyone should be saved. By sanctifying the inefficient and weak, we're harming the overall health of society.

And as ANCAP as that sounds, I do support a degree of redistribution. I'm happy with the socialized Healthcare system in my country, and it's one of the few things I'd be happy to pay tax for. What we need is a change of attitude in society where we are prepared to let go of the people at the very bottom of society who don't want to get themselves out, and those people absolutely exist. We need a smarter welfare system. Why should I pay for someone to do nothing but smoke meth for 20 years.

The New Zealand Taxpayer Union investigates and highlights absurd government spending like: importing $80,000 of mud from Korea for a mud festival, donating financial aid to North Korea, or I shit you not, giving taxpayer dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

A covert tool developed by a CIA/NASA black budget program. They're really a form of ammunition that to be thrown from the moon to rain down a cleansing fire upon our enemies.

> If people wouldn't voluntarily give up their money, then why should they be forced to?

This is emotional reasoning. Listen, the world isn't fair, and sometimes seemingly unfair situations will need to be dealt with for the good of the whole. We naturally are social and our instincts are to work together as the collective is stronger than the individual. Also money is pretty much made up I'm not sure how people put so much emotional investment in it, I guess other than the fact that it provides material happiness. I mean the concept of ownership is pretty abstract as well if you think about it.

> It's always the people who are inefficient that want more from other people. It's an unfortunate fact that not everyone should be saved. By sanctifying the inefficient and weak, we're harming the overall health of society.

You don't know that and again this is an emotional response originating from the need to have self esteem and think of oneself as competitive in the marketplace of human life.

Somehow the left is lazy, elite, academic, ineffective, and conniving all at the same time. Shit poor people barely even have a say in politics. The fact of the matter is, to sustain the species we have to consider the well being of the whole. This can be done in semi balanced way, but not without a central, neutral, power that is not out for selfish profit but for the good of the public.

So why don't democrats promise me all three of those things?

Not by the state

> for the good of the whole
For the good of the whole poorfags should be left to die, and unhealthy should be euthanized.
Natural selection is THE "best of the whole" as proved by millions of years.

> muh left is same person
Such retarded strawman.
"Electorate" aka lazy poorfags, commie professors and leftist politicians are three different and very distinct groups.
Politicians hire professors to """explain""" their bullshit tactics of increasing welfare-dependent population so its easier to rule unchecked.

The burning desire for guns is kinda twisted in the first place and really our concerns should be towards the other 2 mentioned in the comic.

The gun obsession is another example of elites twisting public culture to fill their coffers. It's not about fighting the government. It never was. It was about defending the government at the same from slave rebellions and other upstarts, expecting that civilians take up arms and help.

> For the good of the whole poorfags should be left to die, and unhealthy should be euthanized.
Uh, you can't have rich without poor. Letting poor people die also fucks with our heads and will make China look like Care Bear land. Society and its members need to trust each other for the system to work effectively. Your worldview seems to mostly center around disdain for humanity in general.

> Natural selection is THE "best of the whole" as proved by millions of years.
This is retarded. Next you're going to tell me the Bible is 100% fact. Do you understand there's a thing called innovation, progress, advancement? The reason human beings are where they are is because we've completely demolished the rate of returns of evolutionary development through technology. I feel like you start with a conclusion based on some emotional experience in your life and are just trying to rationalize it.

The nice elephant is bringing me my bags of money back after he stopped the government pissing it away on layabouts and miscreants?

That's a white man in drag, posing with a niglet to score points for the Dems.

The reason human beings are where they are is because we mercilessly compete with each other, killing each other in such ridiculous amounts no species ever had.
War is single most efficient way to boost innovation and progress, while your socialist bullshit drags us down and already caused many countries to fall apart and regress to medieval state.

Many great persons became great exactly because they had to improve or die from starvation. Hunger and fear make us better while welfare make us lazy and retarded.

Go read history book or something, you don't understand anything about humanity and progress at all.

>our concerns should be towards the other 2 mentioned in the comic
The other 2 are rife with corruption and abuse.

The dumber you are, the stronger it is.

>Implying there is a difference between Republicans and Democratic
Anyways, this does describe /nupol/. They have become bootlicking Republicans because Trump is one.

Here's the thing. That dude payed for his guns. His neighbor paid for medicare and social security.
Let's also not forget that if one can afford guns they can afford to save for medical treatment and rainy days.
Sage and hide you faggot.

Because they have jobs instead of living on welfare like those smart "people".


Disabled people will be taken care of. By their family, friends and people who care.
Now if you put a gun at my head and tell me to help those poor cripples, I'll help them. Until I get the opportunity to throw them and YOU in the gas chambers.

I have the right to own a gun.

You don't have the right to take my money and do what you want with and pretend I should be happy because you believe the state knows better than I do when it comes to what life I want to live with what risks I want to take.

Gas yourself shareblue


>Silver hair, medicare
>Underpaid, medicaid

Social security was a way to ensure old people have enough money when they can't work anymore. At its conception, 100 workers were paying into each retiree and nowadays its around 2 workers/retiree. It is literally inevitable for social security to see drastic cuts in the future and to pretend as if its the conservatives fault is just plain wrong. Medicare is in the same branch of reasoning. They want to bring people out of medicaid but in order to do so you have to increase the middle class and decrease the lower class but that is easier said than done.

OP in a nutshell.

>only gouvernment is capable of providing care for the disabled
