"I'm glad you decided to join us for dinner, user!"

>"I'm glad you decided to join us for dinner, user!"
>"You know, we were just talking about you. C'mere. Now, get this...user here voted for TRUMP! Can you believe that?"
>"Now why'd you go and do that, user?"

pic related its me

>letting family shame you when they have nothing to offer you in return for pretending to agree

I'd turn 360 degrees and walk away

Because FUCK you thats why you old wind bag

My family absolutely loves stories about me voting for Trump.

Statistically speaking the majority of this family voted for trump

Australian education

Because Adolf Hitler wasn't up for reelection.

I would personally turn 370 degrees, give that extra edge

Dad you went to the polls with me and we winked at each other while voting for Trump and said MAGA to the liberal girl with green hair on our way out. Are you going senile like Grandpa you fucker?

So. Many. Fucking. Peas.

>grab so food
>fuck off back to my room

begone newfags

you're smarter than me.

>"Now why'd you go and do that, user?"
>"Because I don't want to become a 'minority' within my own country."

I did it for you, you fools! ;_;

>don't say a word.
>go up on the table.
>shit on the turkey looking at each other like pic related.
>wipe my ass with the tablecloth.
>wish them a merry christmas.
>go back to shitposting in my room.

Wish I could do this but I'm trapped in my grandmas tiny one bedroom apartment bored off my assignment just browsing Sup Forums rn

cuz im not a nigger, LOL

I can't fucking wait for my brother to start an argument about why I don't believe that drumpf is literally hitler and he just passed the worst tax plan in history

Last year he asked me "so user do you still think brexit was a good idea?"
I told him I wasn't going to talk about politics on christmas day

On his birthday this year he asked me "you don't seriously still defend trump do you?"
All I said was "what's one thing trump has done that has actually had any negative consequences?" and he shut down the conversation, immediately getting agitated at the fact I didn't disavow

Also last year at christmas my auntie went on a rant about how all of the westfield shopping malls are owned by jews and they all have a victim complex
my brother didn't get mad because there's no culture of jew defending here in australia like there is america, and he gets his political opinions from jon oliver

Not all heroes Wear capes
But he did

>mfw family is even more redpilled than me and I have to force them to hide their power level
>mfw everytime we are in the presence of a Muslim I cross my fingers that my sister doesn't start some shit about Muslims again

Your brother is genuinely an asshole for letting political views get in the way of holidays and family
He shouldn't be able to antagonize you over something like that, blood should come first