"Cop Points Gun At A Man For Nearly 9 Minutes For A Speeding Ticket"
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9 minutes were already wasted, don't make it 18.
"'Please don't kill me': Cop is cleared of murder after shooting dead a sobbing father, 26, as he crawled along a hotel corridor in shocking footage which his family insists shows a 'cold-blooded execution'"
Huh pig?
Could we fix the American police?
>bootlickers WILL defend this
>The passenger eventually understands why the officer had the gun out and has since apologized
Who the fuck keeps their registration under their seat, then starts reaching for it during a traffic stop? Obviously a fucking spic
Lol, peeps in car are white. But hey keep contributing, humanity couldn't make it without your intelligence and input.
oh my goooood bro I was just reaching under my seat for my license bro why u scared bro oh my gooooood it's not like I'm an obviously tattooed worthless degenerate subhuman that would do something like pull a gun on a cop or something oh my goooooood
>0% flag
0% input
Victim white, media basically silent. Pricks.
I've been pulled over for speeding twice in my life. Both times I knew better than to be digging around for shit when the cop was standing at my window. That's why they wait a couple minutes before coming up to your car. You have plenty of time to dig out your papers, put them on your dash, and put your hands somewhere visible before he gets to your window.
We judge men by their character around here and not their skin color.
That's what you get for acting like a fucking spic.
Calling a cop who is pointing a gun at you "bro" over and over and over again. Not a good idea.
>Use memeflag
>Get memeanswers
yeah guys move around a whole bunch before they get to the window. will totally pan out. They are on their powerbook putting in your plate info and shit.
*licks boot*
Don't forget the essentially seasoning this Christmas: sage.
Good goy.
*licks cock*
If you have to "move around a whole bunch" to get your insurance papers you are doing it wrong. Literally the only reason your insurance papers are going to move are
A. You need them because you got in an accident.
B. The cops are pulling you over and will want to see them.
So it makes perfect sense to have them somewhere readily accessible. Like the glovebox, or clipped to the sunvisor.
*licks assjuice*
>brown hand
C'mon nigger, bait harder pls
>hand tattoos
thank the cop for not wasting you outright and go back to your fruit stand, javier.
exactly, which is what this faggot somehow managed to do to himself, had his paperwork in some random spot. who doesnt have their documents in those two areas or say a purse.
*licks children*
t. Jimmy Savile
>under the seat
Should have just shot him right there.
Today I will remind them
Yeah.. I mean guns are pretty much never drawn for traffic stops here unless it gets hot. So it's not as bad. But I've still seen too many videos... I'm not a bootlicker. I just don't want to be the dead guy people are discussing in the next bootlicking thread.
Fuck off.
Delete yourself from the internet OP.
>sorry officer I think i dropped my license under the seat. How would you like me to proceed?
Is it really that hard for people to meet each other half way?
Lmao cop is central axis relocking while dealing with a static threat that can be contained :^) what a sperg, just stand isosceles they're in the car not you.
>a 56%er with tattoos who talks like a nigger who apparently reached under the seat
I'd do the same. He should thank the cop for not shooting him
We were making progress against police brutality until niggers made it a race thing and demanding police forces to be abolished in their entirety.
he holds the gun like a nigger.
US has the best police of the world.
It's dangerous to be cop in a country were everyone has a gun.
No one keeps a licence under the seat.
The cop read the situation 100% correct.
>the jury was forbidden from seeing the video of the shooting
>every goyim on the interweb is angry at the cop that pulled the trigger, not the one yelling in the video
>not a single person is angry with the kike lawyer
Around blacks, never relax.
This police officer was just living by words of wisdom. Nothing to see here.
I didn't say keep. he might have dropped his wallet. happens to me all the time.
>come home after a drive
>reach to get wallet out of the pocket
>shit not there.
>it fell out of my pocket and was wedged under the seat.
It's not rocket science.
Apparently they forgot to mention that they had a UC on scene during the briefing.
this is the biggest issue.
niggers claim police only attacks them, while the US just has the greatest police that attacks everyone no matter the color.
Simple Solution. Carry a gun and shoot this nigger in the face on the side of the road. Then we'll all send cards to his kids saying, "Sorry your dad was a nigger cop and had to be put down."
>Eyewitnesses have claimed Mr Harris was unarmed and shot “almost immediately” after he left his vehicle, NY Daily News reported.
>He appeared to be trying to communicate with the officer via sign language.
It's reasonable for a lawyer to do whatever for the defense of his client
However everyone should be mad at the judge and he should be killed for hiding that.
I'm more mad at the guy who was yelling than the guy who shot him, the one yelling should be held responsible for manslaughter/murder.
If he didn't rile up a situation unnecessarily the rookie wouldn't have been on edge, it was the guy who was barking orders who riled up the other cops and put them on edge, he should've been smart enough to realize he's just drunk but the loudmouth probably spooked his officers. I'm glad he's fired though, but the other guy should have charges.
Why didn't Jacob just obey orders? Should be simple enough.
That’s a resting position and the proper way to do it. Holding it that way allows you to comfortably rest while it’s drawn and is easy to get into firing stance.
>it's always niggers, spics and numales doing shady shit
so which stupid fuck group do you belong too?
Was he really white?
>you’re lucky he didn’t shoot you for calling him bro!!
Fuck off faggot
Good trigger discipline by that cop. If I ever get a gun pulled on me I hope it's that guy.
>under muh seat
Yeah, shoulda just shot them. Why is this asshole looking for registration and insurance under the fucking seat? Do bean niggers not put it in the glove box like every other normal fucking person on the planet?
>oi vey, goyim, you can't blame a lawyer kike for doing what lawyer kikes do
>you know who's really at fault here?
>white people
t. Shlomo, Shekel, & Berg LLC
shoot someone because the registration fell under the seat, this is truly pol.
No that's nupol neocon bootlickers.
He did? ALL FOR A SPEEDING TICKET? Unreal, every speeding ticket I've ever got, me and the cop were basically friendly. Usually got me off the ticket.
But man, 9 minutes over nothing but a speeding ticket, I gotta check this out.
I know right. Fag should have just said sorry for reaching, and shut up. Cop just doesn’t want a situation with a tattooed up retard.
Yup, his license, insurance, and registration just happened to fall under the seat.
Again. Maybe if you faggots weren't such an unorganized mess, this wouldn't be a problem. This wouldn't have happened if they kept their paperwork in the glovebox like a normal human
0% flags always give 150% input, doesn't make it any good.
Also you lied to me Op.
If I did something wrong I would want the kikiest of kike lawyers defending me and getting me off Scott free. The judge is supposed to see through the bullshit and give actual evidence relating to the crime to the jury though and tell the lawyer no that's fucking stupid.
If you don't like it, don't break the fucking law.
Dont blame the cop. That man looks and sounds and even acts like a criminal.
>rap music
>raspy voice due to drug usage
>uses slang
>swears to cop
>You can't buy a gun in any European country
>A non-retarded murderer would shoot a cop infront of camera, after being ID'd
After seeing the behavior of Swedish police towards NMR, the only real organized resistance to the genocide of your people, I would assume there were no Swedish bootlickers here.
>angry at a lawyer for being good at his job
>music blaring niggershit
so disrespectful. fucking niggers
>Trigger discipline
Conveniently, as with any other video featuring an altercsaion with an officer, they don't show what happened before. "I was reaching for--" whatever he was reaching for, presumably was without the officer's consent. It could have been a weapon.
And then the guy maintains a hostile demeanor because he doesn't understand how to handle a routine traffic stop and hates cops. You commie faggots are the absolute worst. Sit still for five minutes and you can avoid having a gun in your face but I guess that's too much to ask for from the daycare generation.
Well it all comes down to this. The only thing he can do with his finger out of the trigger guard is decock the action, toggle the safety or eject the magazine. If his finger was in the trigger guard I'd be on the other side of this argument.
Cops don't trust men that have tattoos that reach under a seat that call them "bro" over and over again. Go figure.
how high is the chance to walk free if you shoot the cop in selfdefense in this situation?
Fucking garbage people
>Radio music still on
>Police officer is calm yet they're berating him
Hmm i guess it is because cops never get called bro. Go figure
The more people that stand up against pigs the faster the Jews will lose total control over the United Slaves
>every thread that isn't pro-trump and trump related should be reported
trump general was a mistake
This baka desu senpai
0% you either die by cop, or get sent to jail. Even killing a K9 cop-O dog gets treated as murder of a human police officer in America. Land of the Amerimutt slave, where purebred German shepherds have more value than them.
Who said that?
>officer cruz
it's always a spic cop
Tons of people, every fucking day every time there's a thread that isn't
I bet the other cops call him Curly.
But yeah.. on a scale of 1 = the person in question acted like an idiot and deserved to get shot and 10 = PUT YOUR HANDS ONTOP OF YOUR HEAD AND CRAWL ON ONE KNEE OR I WILL SHOOT YOU
The OP scenario is definitely somewhere in the middle. This doesn't even need to be a news story. The guy was ruder than he needed to be. The cop pulled his gun but exercised proper trigger discipline. Nobody got shot.
I personally cannot remain calm and it scares the shit out of me whenever a person is pointing a gun at me. Why do cops expect people to be calm while a gun is pointed at them?
Is the only option to kill all normies? How do you help them get a fucking brain that works at all. They're fucking zombies. Maybe worse.
Apple fucks you over with a giant cock. You are told they have been raping you for years. You are told that they evade taxes, and don't contribute.
So what do the normies do? Buy more apple products and pretend that some lawsuit will punish apple by taking away maybe 1% of it's profit made in a year.
What the fuck man. This is an absolute dystopia. You make a shit product people aren't supposed to buy it.
But it's even worse. They're literally being ass raped by apple, then giving the government the ability to spy on them and scan their faces. Listen into conversations on the down low and record that data and save it for all of eternity.
What in the fuck. This is not hard to understand. This is simple shit.
Maybe the satanists are right. They're cattle. Kill them. Sacrifice them. Have them work for you. They're fucking trash. They deserve every ounce of misery they can get.
This desu, I can be calm, but even an unloaded gun being cleaned pointing in my direction makesme nervous. Not surprising people with no experience fear this, especially in America where cops are known to be subhuman thugs.
>hand tattoo
Too bad the cop didn't shoot him.
America needs to fix its police force
What the fuck is wrong with you lads?
best part is the cop will yell at you if you try to explain the situation with a small chance of shooting you
He was a nigger,when he reached under his seat he should've taken that chance and wasted that monkey.
When you're scared are you also hostile and disrespectful to the thing that can kill you in a second?
>spic (?) with tatoos and bro-speak puts his hands under his seat
>officer is wary, pulls a gun and waits for backup
>everything is resolved within less than 10 minutes
>driver even apologized afterwards
What is the fucking issue here you retarded fuck
Left foot on red mother fucker!
Its completely retarded, Black Lives Matter and the violent niggs shooting cops has lead normies/conservatives to automatically support police and normies/lefties to automatically support niggers, when the problem is more than racial. Cops in America limit Whites, Blacks, men, women, children and dogs. They do not discriminate and are equal opportunity death machines when it comes to the American civilian, however niggers and cops have colored it in racial terms making it impossible to address without being lumped into ineffective categories. For all their bitching the niggers have not proposed any solutions besides making cops more Black or something, so that police force represent the communities they police. There is nothing about training, rules of engagement, community outreach programs, none of it! Niggers and cops are both gay, and Americans are retarded for not addressing this seriously.
Just the recent Cop-0 Christmas massacre massacre involving a 6 year-old. Nothing will be done. Even in the article it says it seems they "complied" with the rules. Look a dead kid! So what, they followed the rules. Nothing to change here. Rules of engagement for Ameriburger troops in Iraq are more strict than their police! The American government cares more about sandniggers than they do about their own citizens!
>liberals, like yourself, lowering the bar
>only rednecks, women, spics, and niggers get hired
>niggers, spics, liberals, women, and police are killing each other because of the low IQ
it gets rid of the AA / retard hires and takes out the trash at the same time
>hand tattoos
Dude chose the "bad boy" look to get laid, and gets upset when cops treat him as such. Should have just shot him in the first 30 seconds.
faggot bitch cop needs a gun to feel strong.
most of the cops in this country are pussy faggots, pulling people over for going 10 miles over the limit, handing out parking tickets and arresting white suburban kids for pot possession.