And you dumb-asses keep talking about stupid shit!
And you dumb-asses keep talking about stupid shit!
Fuck trump and fuck white people
>US is About to Collapse!!!!!
We know
LMAO. Obama was even worse because of him the whole fucking migrant crisis happened in EU.
>US is About to Collapse
Collapse as in like Somalia or worst.
The jews
You posted and op-ed by a progressive as if it’s some kind of fact
It’s one man’s biased opinion. It’s a dream you fucks wish would happen because your dream of Russian collusion and exhale assult has gone the way of ol’ yeller
Going to liquidize all my assets and run to Canada.
i already liquidized your assets and on way to mexico.
Trips of truth
Why would you go down there? Their pollution is atrocious and so are the people and gov't.
Fake news
Uh what? This doesn't make sense.
We have an unashamedly egotistic jingo elitist in the White House right now
'Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) accused the Democrats of practicing “multicultural nihilistic hedonism,” of despising the values of ordinary Americans, of corruption, and of illegitimacy. That all-accusing voice became the voice of the Republican Party. Today it is not the nihilistic hedonism of imperial Rome that threatens American civilization but the furies unleashed by Gingrich and his kin.'
>opposing multiculturalism is a sign and cause of decline
"Of course [Trump] has legitimized the language of xenophobia and racial hatred, but he has also legitimized the language of selfishness. During the campaign, Trump barely even made the effort that Mitt Romney did in 2012 to explain his money-making career in terms of public good. He boasted about the gimmicks he had deployed to avoid paying taxes"
>legitimized the language of xenophobia and racial hatred
Nice (((article))) OP
Moronic author keeps mentioning 'democracy' and believes the US is one.
I am discarding his stupid opinion.
>usa going to collapse any day nao
>better elect a stronk woman next election!
>Bible says frogs will lead the end times
>frog president
>huge jew antichrist
>rapes the poor
>space x fallen angels
>"war in norway"? (the norway spiral?)
>world is ending
>upside down molech stars
>Christmas at wrong time of year
>Greek word for cross is pole
>embassy moves
>pardons bank fraud rabbi and kike (call no man a rabbi)
Hey you fucking SJW nigger. European here, it IS obama's fault, his support of the so called "arab spring" is what destabilized all of the middle east and north africa and allowed ISIS to move in. For fucks sake, HILLARY CLINTON IS ON TAPE BRAGGING ABOUT KILLING GHADDAFI. Are you retarded or a millennial that's too fucking young to remember this.
moore. epstein. putin pedo. tory smith. mkultra jewvanka possible incest and possibly underaged pisstapes
they knew i was shite when they signed up
I already liquidized my ass with Mexican last night.
Liberals daydream about the US collapsing so they can finally be right about Trump
I sincerely hope they can stretch it for a few more years user.
>opinion article
You’re a fucking moron.
>Opinion blog piece written in the first person.
Absolutely discarded.
jew baggery?
I didnt liquidize my assets but I am on my way to Thailand on the 29th.
If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.
Facts about America:
- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously
America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.
It's blue and red mixed together. Maybe he's saying he doesn't care about dems or reps, just about maga?
He's not wrong, but he's looking through the wrong end of his binoculars.
You a lousy pedo?
yeah. trump has nothing at all to do with pedophilia. nothing at all
nice b8 m8
Naw we're good
>being this new
Business Insider is literally a synagogue with a blog.
I understand some people being unaware of minor details of the geopolitical world. But jesus christ man, how fucking ignorant are you? Or rather, how old? Here on Sup Forums we record and study everything in political events, and how it all fits together, studying from every possible angle.
And then along comes you, the dumbass underage american who can't help but make an idiotic post trying to insert yourself in a convfersation whom wich you are completely lacking in understanding or research. It is imbeciles like you who created the stereotype of the loud obnoxious american user who cant shut his fucking mouth, a stereotype that haunts the few good and informed american posters who keep up with world events.
Lurk at least two years before posting, seriously. And for fucks sake, if you want to discuss politics in depth, do everyone else the charity of studying it first so the rest of us dont have to suffer an aneurysm due to the stupidity of what you post.
Sopa de Macaco
We know. Why do you think we praise an Egyptian God of chaos and darkness?
Linking your own article behind an adblock and paywall - fucking neck yourself you useless, malignant puke.
And yet you're still here. Do the country a favor and suck start a .45
How can you write an article comparing US to the fall of Rome and blame Harvey Weinstein and racism instead of the hordes of invading barbarian foreigners?
A reminder that this happens at the end of every year whether it's politics, a nuclear war breaking out, Nibiru etc. It's just hype for the new year.
>The US has reached the last stage before collapse
No shit.
Look at all the queer commies ou there.
All the bugmen and the numales. The materialistic society which has forgotten its initial values and morals. The demographic change, the corruption of the youth, the death of the american life, the polarization of the politics, the rise of racial mixing.
Also, can somebody post the pic of US soldiers holding a mexican flag and the quote about the foreign sodiers in the Late Roman empire?
The guy probably realized the problems Sup Forums has been screaming about for the last 3 years, but if he writes them down in an article, he will prob lose his job and get devoured by the pol-correct hyenas.
it will continue until not only pol, but society in general start to realize that maybe the current form of capitalism is just not worth it, that maybe infinite growth is just a meme to replace the population with cheap labor and their cheap goods, was it worth it? I dont think so. I say let it collapse, people are so tired of the same old bullshit that they would rather see the quickest pain possible to bring them to something new, whatever that new will be I dont know, but I do know it's coming, whatever that is.
Swamp collapse, sure.
Uh oh guys, this messenger just posted damning facts about the United States.
Better shoot him so we can pretend everything is great again.
If any lower or middle class people had the means to and wouldn't mind uprooting their entire lives, then I can't honestly imagine why they would stay, it's stupid.
I want to say I love the United States, but it's harder to see the country I loved with each passing month, let alone year.