Dear alt right

Dear alt right,

You are mentally ill. Please meditate and seek professional help and pull your head out of your butt. I love you and truly wish that you develop awareness.

You don't even know me.

Developing awareness is what this board is all about. Enjoy your stay and remember, you're here forever.

It's another leftypol is utterly BTFO so they resort to personal attacks episode.

>Sup Forums is one person

I love you too man.

you'll soon become Sup Forums
all who enter will eventually become

Leftypol in absolute shambles. How will they ever recover? The narrative is crumbling below your putrid eyes. Enjoy the stench.

Dear SBS,
I meditate daily and have reached the same conclusion as many right wingers.

That said, please meditate moar guys.


Sshhh ssshhh dumb dumb. Just sit and let things be. Your friction you insist on feeling is nothing more than a deviant dick tickle.

I used to be a normie liberal who didn't think too deeply about socio-political stuff. My evolution toward "alt-right" thinking (kind of a broad label, but close enough I suppose) was based on the evidence that did the best job at explaining the observed state of the world. It's nothing more than that. If better evidence comes along indicating that my current ideas are wrong, I would adopt that evidence into my worldview.

Ponder the depths of your self-involvement that you would even contemplate announcing your spiritual advice to a group of people you've never even met. You need to drop the narcissistic narrative and actually talk to people.

Their new strategy is that they make threads mocking certain posters with vague references to podcasts or other threads. If you don't respond, they claim victory. If you do respond, only you, they and people who browse constantly get the references. Then they try to point you out as schizophrenic because most people don't get the references. See this thread for an example: They've been trying to assassinate my character by saying I wasn't here from 2004-2007, but do it in this sneaky way. I'm tired of being criticized for running or hiding.

If I don't respond to character assassination, they say I'm a phony. Without background, people think I'm talking to myself. I'd rather respond and know that the people who need to know realize what is going on.

The truth always appears as madness to the deluded.

I would say "keeo telling yourself that"


Dude. My guy. My friend. Stop telling yourself that.

>You are mentally ill
How so?

we're far more in touch with what it is to be human than most of the modern world

You are not burmese. You attach yourself to observable delusions.

Please come here more often. In 2 months you'll be one of us

I'd give him about a week.

Nope. You're still confused. Give it another go.

the only observable delusions are leftist talking points

people are waking up and realizing that feel good buzzphrases don't do anyone any good, unless your "good" is getting tons of virtue signal likes on social media

I did all that. That's what made me open my eyes and realize the right is right


Good argument.

Well yeah, you're right. Of course I posted to a board looking for a reaction...thats the fucking point of this shithole.

Afghanistan was once Buddhist.
Indeed Bodhidharma, the trail blazer for Chan/Zen Buddhism came from there.
Now if you are a real Buddhist you would go and research what actually happened in the Hindu Kush (Afghanistan) and find out why it is hell on earth right now and then maybe you will understand the nature of the world and what happens to those that will not play competitive dynamic group game theory. Us on the right right will always play the game because we know where we are.

>implying I'm alt-kike
Fuck off

>Dear alt right,

Who are you even talking to?

His own projections.

If the alt right listened to logic and reason they wouldn't be alt right in the first place. It's a waste of time to talk to them.

Stop telling yourself that. See how easy it is to say nothing you iliterate nigger. Keep parroting talking points, one liners and cheap jabs.

Fuck that. I'm fighting for my peoples' survival. If you get in the way you're my enemy. I can kill what I love. It is the best option in many cases.

Fuck off self hating leftist

OP has brain cancer

Goddamn dude, are you actively involved with a therapist?

The mental health industry is only grow from here on out.

>reddit spacing
>roastie tier response

This. You can't judge a toothpaste by its tube

Certain well known posters. They are so BTFO that their new strategy is to paint them as mentally ill, as they are utterly incapable of debate.

Yet you people never provide said logic and reason. It's like your whole ideology is one whole "IOU one logic and reason."

Aw man, you think?

>alt right,
doesn't exist


Not to the alt right, like I said it's a waste of time.

OP kill yourself

Eat shit. I called you out, you either have to follow up or your latest character assassination is over (it won't btw, Napier is my bro from Hawaii and Caesar Romero's nephew and I sold Rekka a Japanese Dreamcast in 2001 - he's also a based Cuban dude)

""""""""""""DEAR ALT RIGHT""""""""""""



>feel good buzz phrases

The irony. You're relying on thought structures developed 100,000 years ago.

>You are mentally ill

I have meditated on your post and I now have a burning desire to genocide Rohinga Muslims.

What do?


Of course it is. Because you don't have any logic or reason.

Is this the real Mouthy Buddha?

Please examine yourself further before you embarass yourself more.

Alt-right thinking cuts THROUGH confusion and bad arguments. I'd say its most powerful aspect is that it allows us to predict the future in certain ways. For example, the US wastes an incredible amount of money on "school reform." The idea being that racial differentials in performance could be remedied with "better policies."

As someone who accepts human biological difference, I can predict that those efforts will fail regardless of how much money is wasted upon them, and that some initiatives (like stopping schools from suspending/expelling unruly students) will actually cause school performance to decline. A liberal worldview would not be able to reach this conclusion, because blank-slatism maintains that "better" policies or changes in environment COULD erase performance gaps. When a plan fails, it is because the plan was flawed, not because the underlying goal is irrational.


I don't think they're mentally ill, just stupid to think Trump and most of the right is somehow on their side.

>you can escape Samsara but you can never escape Sup Forums

The funny part is that the left likes to paint us all as hateful. It's far more fascinating than that - I regularly see more open, honest discussion in the depths of the internet hate machine than I do on any highly regulated platform where dissent is banned. Sure people call each other bad words. It doesn't matter. It's just words. You're judged largely by the content of your post. It's actual egalitarian discussion free of any imposed agenda. You don't get to set the rules, nor do I. If a lot of people are angry about something you see a lot of angry posts. That's real. You won't find unfiltered reality in a lot of other places than the chans.

welcome to Sup Forums, my name is user. since you're new here, let me introduce you to some of our regulars:
this is user
this is user
and this is user
and this... i forget your name. user, is it?
and this is user
and this is user, he's our class clown...

Whatever you need to tell yourself. Liberals are nutty too, but the alt right is the epitome of idiocy.

I know. I'm just having a giggle.

No one here has much intent beyond masturbatory bullshit.

Hey that is a cool picture. Guess I'm #2, but I only have sons. No daughters yet.

>t. Mtf trans

Well yeah it has to be, you addressed a multitude as if it was a singularity. Hence you have projected an indentity onto a collective - you can call it a generalization, I choose to call it a projection.

Your people? Thats not a real thing you stupid fuck.

Tell myself? You are a living breathing example. I don't need to tell anyone anything - since, that is the standard apparently.

> Shit posting

So no?

I was alt right because I hated being told what not to say and not to be offensive. Now I'm against alt right because alt right tells me what to do and wants to restrict me. Now I'm libertarian centrist.


yes, the balance between base ape instincts and what it is to be a civilizational level human is something lost on many, many fall all the way into the delusion that we are beyond or above the other animals in this world, coming to terms with our instincts is something Sup Forums has done long ago

its not your feel good bullshit about how everyone is equal by any means, but it is in touch with our apish predispositions, ascending beyond them entirely is a misled and childish view of the world, as I said, the answer is in the balance, understanding the ape, so that we can understand why civilization must be accepting of base instincts and on some level cater to them, while also encouraging people to not be completely consumed by these instincts, so that we can become more, so that we can reach for balance and perfection

I don't even know why I'm talking with you, you haven't made any meaningful posts and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about


I made my point. The fact that you people are so BTFO as to resort to this type of tactic only displays your intellectual weakness, that's all I can say.

Get back on your meds.


Youre very intelligent. Well said

thats a rather small tube you have there.....

>someone speaks the truth
>has nothing to say other than a baseless insult

yeah guys, time to let this thread die, he doesn't have any real arguments or reasoning as to why we're "wrong"

You almost make sense. Give it some time.

Where did you get Sarah Palin's home movies?

I love you too bro.

Hold up. Let's not get too high and mighty. Lulz are personal attacks. Don't pretend your some intellectual.

thanks bro. I will.

Yeah but what if I reach Enlightenment and the answer is that all niggers must hang?
What then?

Once people understand the normality of what it is that we're discussing, that is the end of this nonsense.

Here's what racism is now. Racism is not "I hate people on the basis of the color of their skin and want to do violence against them because I'm an ignorant redneck asshole". Racism is now the recognition of the scientific fact that there are differences, on a genetic level, between groups of people, and that some of those differences exist in socially valued categories, such as intelligence or inclination towards cooperation or criminality.

These are reasonable points, and the people who act like they aren't, the people who say "Let's start a riot instead of let some guy pick up a microphone" are the fucking crazy people.

My years of meditation have revealed all advanced races are ethnically pure.

Namaste faggot.

from her home

Dear condescending, sanctimonious, virtue signalling, wanksplash. Gas yourself.

If your goal was to string together some words, congrats!

Everything here is a shit post

You're wrong and you believe Jewish lies


Most Sup Forums users just need to travel a bit around the world to appeciate its diversity. Unfortunately most are stuck with a low wage job and being virgin.

> 89 replies, 18 images, 45 posters.
Do you want to know why pol is shit now?
It is shit because most of you retards reply seriously in this thread without saging. You are stupid, useless faggots and you are complicit in OP's retardation.

Fuck off and die.

lmao bottom text

Drugs have destroyed your personality, Mouthy. You can't push the responsibility onto me. I don't care what people think and I like the truth for its own sake; unlike you I don't have an existential crisis every time I change my mind on a topic.

I think recent events proved that your views were forced on you through peer pressure, and you don't have any standard of evidence. When you discover a new side to something you didn't know existed or was credible, this means your peers were hiding it from you and cannot be trusted. Instead of questioning them, you question your own sanity since you can't distinguish between the group's approval and objective fact.

You are not an individualist. You could not function on your own and I doubt you can make basic life choices without input from your social group. You are a slave to drugs. You will never convince us because you know we are right and it has been objectively proven that you were being irrational. Instead of changing your mind, you are trying to change reality. Claiming that we are mentally ill or dangerous is just wish fulfillment since it allows you to assign social capital to comforting lies.

I wouldn't expect the learning process to take such a toll on someone, but your grip on reality seems pretty weak. You really seem like you're spiraling towards suicide. Honestly, you should just get it over with.

100k years ago is cro magnons and neandrathols you unbelievably stupid nigger

Well sure, there is bullshit. But there is bullshit on the other side too thats based in a pathetic attempt to assert oneself over reality because "wwwaaaa!"

>no u: the buzzword