Why are Boomers and Gen-X'ers such gullible retards?

I'm reading through news articles and opinion polls from 2002/early 2003, directly before the invasion of Iraq. Boomers and Gen-X both overwhelmingly supported that disaster. Why were they dumb enough to swallow the government's obvious lies and bullshit without a second thought?

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>Why were they dumb enough to swallow the government's obvious lies and bullshit without a second though
We will never know I guess

Pretty much everyone did leading up to it. Even liberal ass school at the time full of kiddie millennials and liberal as shit teachers were foaming at the mouth ready to kick some sand nigger ass

because jews

Millennials are just as gullible but in different ways. They shreik against scientific studies if the study doesn't say what their "common sense" or pop science says.

About 1/3rd of people were "staunchly opposed" in most polls I can find, so it's not like EVERYONE fell for the lies. Another interesting thing I'm discovering is that support was fairly shallow - even by the end of 2003 (the invasion began in late March), support was way down. Bush barely won re-election in November 2004 even though his opponent was lifeless plutocrat John Kerry.

Kind of embarassing now, but I remember telling a friend we should nuke them. Of course, at that time I assumed there would be a foreign enemy behind it that could be fought head-on. After a while we realized there wasn't a "them" to nuke, at least not any "them" they would tell us about. We couldn't even blame the Religion Of Peace. Just "terrorism," something indefinable we could fight forever and get nowhere.

I don't remember ANYBODY being in support of the Iraq invasion.

Why'd the Iraq declaration of war pass so easily in the parliament, though? It wasn't even close; the vote was 412-149:


we dont live in a real democracy

>Why are Boomers and Gen-X'ers such gullible retards?

They weren't raised in the mind control... so they got hit pretty hard when it began.

they never had a chance, and they are basically just zombies at this point.

>we dont live in a real democracy

What would you say if I told you that all news is merely computer generated.

As in, the actors, the politicians, etc... all super advanced computer renderings.

i'd tell you islam is still shit

What if that one computer from wargames is still trying to "Win"?

>i'd tell you islam is still shit

I wasn't going to argue with that point.

good, because it's shit

There were massive protests in Rome at the time. Most of them were dumb liberals, but basically 100% of the population thought that the war was just a pointless campaign to overthrow a random regime.
You guys really fucked up in Iraq.

Boomer here. Our generation is not the problem.. the problem is millenials and gen-z with their nose in their smartphones all the time and wasting all their time on social media. I sometimes think us boomers were the last great generation.

The Iraq war was necessary to keep Al Quaeda from mounting operations here in the US. Otherwise we would have had a 911 event every year. This has been pretty much proven.

i agree with you 100%. if not for the iraq war, terrorists would have attacked us constantly.

I completely agree, the Iraq war was a war of necessity.

This, I agree 100%. Boomers are the last of the Mohicans.


>John Kerry

The 2004 election was one of the things that red pilled me about American politics.


It's a bot. Someone has been deploying "natural-language" bots on various threads here recently. It looks like the bot takes keywords and probably pulls something "relevant" from a database of phrases previously scraped from the archives of sites like Free Republic or something. This one probably took "Iraq," "2003,", etc., and spat out some results. It's pretty crude, but occasionally entertaining.

>2004 election was one of the things that red pilled me about American politics
I'm 40 and have been following the circus since the first Iraq war, things have definitively hit the fan as of late. Merry Christmas lock and load and fire-up the hounds

The biggest reason I believed it at the time was because I knew if there were no WMDs in Iraq the republicans wouldn't win an election for the next decade or two, and i figured they wouldnt have put everything on the table like they did if they didnt have something solid. I didnt think they could be that stupid. It was only Trumps absurdity that broke us out of that fate.

It's hard to believe that not even 20 years ago, we could be so masculine and virile as a society. Of course we were fighting a war to cuck the middle east, but still.

>>John Kerry
>Jerry Kohn

jim carrey?