Millennial Woes live with Michael Isaacson right now!

Remember that giraffe neck ANTIFA professor?
Well, he's live right now with prominent White Nationalist Millennial Woes!

When Woes put this in his schedule I thought he was joking.


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Fuck I thought it was just a shop. No idea neckerchief was real.

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Mike Isaacson talking with /ourguy/ Woes


I unironically love this guy.

How does he justify supporting anarcho-communism while getting a huge salary from a private university to basically be a bourgeois philosopher king, and go home to his gated white community?

Holy fuck this guy is dumb as a brick.

Honestly, I can kind of applaud him for at least being willing to have a debate with a Far-Rightist.

It's more than most Far-Leftists would do

hahaha millenial getting mad at him

> genetic groups don't exist
Then there should be no problem with mass sterilizing niggers and making them adopt white kids instead.

Necklets on suicide watch


>genetic groups don't exist

>forcing white kids to be raised by niggers

He's a jew when it's relevant!

Millennial Woes is getting triggered pretty hard.

> I identify as a Jew
> I can't escapeit
Every fucking Jew is a mishmash of Jew and something else. Every Jew who identifies as and sides with Jews chooses consciously to do so. Whether a rabbi put a gun to his head when he made that choice is secondary, the matter of the fact is that he chose it. This kike full of shit.

jewish as fuck but at least he's up for a debate.

If Tyrone can't father or pay for baby Tynesha or Deqoundre how on earth do you think he'll do it for a George or Mary?

he's painting his fingernails blue, how edgy.

> White kids get raised by niggers
> grow up to be wiggers
> niggers die off
> one or two generations later, learning and rebellion leads to proto-wiggers becoming productive members of society

Can we redpill him?

I would too. Trust me, when you're debating Anarcho-Communists all the time you really lose your temper with them quickly

No, he's too far gone. From my experience of debating Communists, the only thing to do is to let them naturally come out of it. Debating them is useless, even though I do it all the time. They'll just regurgitate their ideology back at you constantly

The bugman sure can dance though...

Not really. If you have a drop of Jewish blood most white nationalists will identify you as a Jew, even if you don't identify as such.

lmao how he looks away and his body language when he says that he doesn't support all etho states including the jewish one.

It'll get stuck in his massive throat.

Lol he just used the word goyim

Seriously what is going on with this cunt's neck ?

he just said goyim unironically

checked and witnessed

is this the new aphex twin video

He’s doing better than I would. Not even a hardcore ethnonationalist but I’d be calling this guy a lying kike or quoting Marx and Bakunin at him

He called us goyim

Also checked

He's keeping his cool pretty well IMO. This guy is dumb as a rock, I'd have lost my patience a long time ago.

> Raytheon and other corporations aren't owned by Jews
> denying the JQ this hard
> uses the Hebrew word for cattle without batting an eye

> the native americans had confederations
No they didn't, they only had tribes that met to discuss common interest from time to time. They were stuck in the stoneage.

> He outright states that your genetic group doesn't exist
> after you call him out on it, he backpedals to 'your identity and ethnic group don't matter' completely nonchalantly
If you're not either a kike or a complete cuck, you have a good reason to.

They can't identify you as a Jew unless you tell them you are one.

My uncle once told me how he college with a part time summer.job back in the late 70s. His tuition??? = $800.00

This guy isn't even anti-white, he's just anti-identity in general. He thinks cultures can just come and go in the absence of racial identity.


He’s “structurally anti-white”

It's easy when you're a serial narcissist.

Some guy paid Woes $14.88 in superchat for a question


>I think you're just a diaspora Jew who doesn't want to be attacked by his host population

>That's an awfully comforting thought, goy..... THEREFORE IT MUST BE WRONG!

The levels of absolute pureform Jewry in that stream are insane. He was Jewing on never before seen levels.


He's a typical cloistered leftist living in a consequence free academic setting who calls people who have actual life experience "ignorant" "dumb" and "uneducated." Most of us are in fact well educated. We simply have graduated from a universe of ideas into a universe of reality.

The scary thing is I don't think he was doing it on purpose. It's all subconscious; this is legitimately his worldview.

That's how Jews naturally are. They exist to undermine your reality, to negate all truths, to subvert the idea that there ever *can* be any truths, to cloud your vision so they can hide in the cracks. It's a biological defence mechanism for them.

>It's actually kind of painful to watch the mental gymnastics of non-anarchists trying to justify consensual sex practices while dutifully avoiding calling into question all of the authoritarian structures in their life.

It's actually kind of painful that this guy considers himself an anarchist.

It's convenient how he's not read any of the studies that counter his world view


>In an ideal stateless society, everyone is a cuck.

An-Coms are next level in their cuckoldry.

who the fuck is he tho

besides a faggot


I've been seeing this float around lately. Is there proof it's him in the video? I want to believe

>that smugness
Kill it with fire

Fully-automatic Jewry



Poz Dispenser

he's an alien!

this guy is a real edgemaster

Horrible. Nightmare inducing. Totally unnecessary.

wtf is this?

A bug chaser.

Imagine this faggot in true anarchy. People like him can only exist because of modern medicine and police protection. A hundred years ago he would be a infant death statistic. In a Mad Max type scenario he'd be a catamite chained to a motorcycle. He'd pry like that though.

His neck never moves....

Good use of the word "catamite" user.
I appreciate your vocabulary.

>that TF2 meme is real
Well then.

was that the diaper boi

Thanks, I'm a big fan of Cormac McCarthy.


Because fuck drumpf

You can't redpill a Jew.

>Identify as Jew
Race isn't like those fucking tranny faggots. You are the race you were born as. You Reddit fags need to leave.

Audible kekle

This giraffe is clearly just a sexual fetishist who is trying to turn his perversion into a broader social and political identity

You should read Robert's Tellers Deceit and self deception if you wanna understand why well meaning Jews have such deep cognitive dissonance even in the face of obvious truths.

Even if he didn't die, he certainly couldn't make a living out for forcing 20-somethings to read gender studies books.

>Michael Isaacson
How is this guy relevant?


He was on Tucker one time for making a tweet saying he loves when cops die. He's a commie social studies professor at some college.

You never know though, he might still be able to stick his neck out for the commie cause.