Some BIG stuff is going on in Peru at the moment. Here's the quick rundown given as of last night as given by some user on Sup Forums. Link to the thread here also.
>A Japanese Peruvian named Alberto Fujimori won the Peruvian election back in the 90s, and his chief adviser, Vladimiro Montesinos, was the Chief of Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional, also known as SIN, pretty much Peru's CIA
>SIN was the one that did the dirty work in order to remove, catch, and eliminate the Communist terrorists threatening to destabilize Peru, Fujimori hated this but deep down he knew it was the only way, so if 8 out of 10 villagers killed were Communists it was worth it
>Montesinos used the resources of SIN in order to bribe public channels to support their cause and bribed opposing politicians into joining Fujimori's party
>Those that failed would be killed through harsh torture and killing techniques taught to them by the CIA
>An example being a teacher and student being burned in an oven, it's not known if they were dead or alive when they were put in
>Montesinos would secretly record the bribing of politicians to use as leverage, but this was leaked to the public
>Fujimori thus became the sacrificial lamb for the activities of Montesinos' SIN, and now ever since 2009 was convicted of ordering the Grupo Colina death squad to commit the November 1991 Barrios Altos massacre and the July 1992 La Cantuta Massacre, which resulted in the deaths of 25 people, this created the only instance of a democratically elected head of state being tried and convicted of human rights abuses in his own country
Some BIG stuff is going on in Peru at the moment...
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh boy, here comes the civil war...
>His daughter Keiko Fujimori ran for president last year but lost to Polish Peruvian Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
>A few days ago her party tried to impeach Kuczynski after he admitted to receiving advisory fees from scandal-hit Brazilian construction company Odebrecht while he was Peru's Minister of Economy and Finance between 2004 and 2005
>Her party alone controls 81 seats, this almost meets the requirement of a two thirds impeachment majority (87 seats)
>She wishes to gain more power by instigating a pseudo coup through this impeachment and to run for presidency once again without any major opponent in her way
>Keiko has a brother named Kenji Fujimori that's also a part of her party bloc, and 9 other people would follow whatever move he makes
>At 79 votes urging impeachment, his decision would spell Kuczynski's fate
>He ultimately chose to abstain, and thus Kuczynski was not removed from office
>Kenji hopes that in doing so he would be able to get a pardon for his sick father, from which the prison system is slowly killing him
>A few hours later his father was reported to having been taken from prison to a hospital because of low blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm
>Kenji Fujimori posted the Lion King clip of Simba becoming king, with the caption "The time has come..."
Extra information section.
I like to pretend that Sup Forums can be used for actual politics at times.
>mfw Fujimori was pardoned
Pics of Keiko? For research.
And now because Kenji saved Kuczynski from being impeached Kuczynski pardoned Fujimori as recently as this hour.
Not much of a looker but she looked decent back in the 90s.
Pretty much this. Alberto Fujimori was pardoned and Keiko presidency is RIP
Now we just wait for Kenji trying to run. People were so butthurt yesterday that this is now his new top image on google.
Theres no more point for Keiko, Kenji won the war
Peru literally RICED
i cannot fucking believe this,
nos mintió a todos, incluso a su propia bancada, y viene a soltar esto en noche buena!!!!
We're on a sea of tears right now. I hope this could be the end of the cancer of both sides
Kenji>Keiko desu
Peru is an actual multi cultural nation that works surprisingly enough. There's been lots of Chinese investment in South America and thus new Chinese immigrants. The Peruvian Chinese hate the new Chinese because of how sleazy they are with business, how they have no love for the country, and are just in it for the money before they sap another location of its resources. That's why the local Chinks have been threatening and beating the new Chinks so much and so badly that they actually leave the country. It's like antibodies on a national level. They have even had Russian, British, Swiss, and even German Peruvians. The Germans have their own village in the Peruvian Amazons and mountains.
What's the problem??? He had right wing death squads targeting commies
What is this all about? Why does Kenji love his dog so much?
Just a leftist meme
Fujimori was a good guy who BTFO'd Sendero Luminoso and saved his country to become a Colombia and Bolivia. Maybe he did all this because he was Japanese and should not be elected at the first place, but still...
Wtf I love Peruvians of Chinese descent now
how do they do it?? what do they know that we don't?? how are they not mexico/central america tier in crime??
why is their food so good?
I'm guessing Kenji probably has daddy's favor over Keiko now huh?
Would people vote for Kenji more than Keiko would?
Regardless, you're still stuck with the Polish Jew for another 4 years still, unless your congress still has another asspull to use?
All your questions will be answered in the other thread.
Well then.
He's been in the shit for years, this is not news to me. Like all Right-Wing Latin American rulers except for Peron he relied way too much on foreign support and became resented by the common man.
>how are they not mexico/central america tier in crime?
Peru managed to escape major Socialist rebellions and such in the 50's/60's/70's, unlike most of the rest. Even Mexico, which didn't have a rebellion, had a socialist party in power consistently for 70 years.
>how do they do it?? what do they know that we don't?? how are they not mexico/central america tier in crime??
I think we killed our cartels before they got out of control
>why is their food so good?
Great ingredients and learning from all people came here
>I'm guessing Kenji probably has daddy's favor over Keiko now huh?
Idk, but losing two times in a row...
>Would people vote for Kenji more than Keiko would?
Probably, the Congress is doing shit on Keiko's name
>Regardless, you're still stuck with the Polish Jew for another 4 years still, unless your congress still has another asspull to use?
I hope we do, I really don't see anyone else better. Keiko proved to be dumb enough to permit using her name on shit
Peruvian cartels are just foreign ones with other name (being mainly sicarios more than actual drug lords).
And the problem with Keiko, and the new Fujimorism, is that they are so hungry with power that they will contradict their "ideals" just to get a taste of it, see (Im)Becerril for example, calling Alberto a traitor, and now praising his freedom
Brother betrayed sister?
If his sister became president, she could pardon her father
he is a dog fucker
the sister want the power for herself, she didn´t want her daddy out jail
Now that your polish president is pretty much a lame duck and a bitch to the ruling party in congress, what happens next? Is he going to retire or does he honestly think that he can make it through the next 4 years sucking the ruling party's dick? Is he without dignity?
Was she just using her dad to get more influence?
I guess it benefited more for her to keep daddy in prison longer so she could command the party.
In North European-colonial countries you had protestantism where congregations would be divided by race, ethnicity, so on. In Southern European ones you had the Catholic Church's universalism so you'd be forced to sit beside a diverse group of people with the clergy clamping down on racial separatism for the most part. This is how Brazil for example could work, you had a strong traditionalist authority keeping racism at bay.
If Blacks went full "WE WUZ KANGZ" they'd go to Church to have the priest tell them "No you fucking weren't", if Mestizos went full "Let's lynch some negros ese" you'd have a priest tell them to knock that stupid shit off.
That's why the biggest target of Social Justice Warriors in SJWs in South America is The Catholic Church, they've tried liberation theology, they've had Femen activists repeatedly attack cathedrals, they'll never mention anything about the massive $$$ thrown to protestant missionaries in South America.
As it stands Africa and South America are the two biggest sources of extremely traditionalist Catholic authority figures--Pope Francis being an exception--which ties into the whole "Catholic Spring" we saw in wikileaks.
Fujimori saved Peru and this is how he was repaid. Peruvians old enough to remember the bad old days should just commit mass seppuku out of pure shame.
thanks lefties!
t. subhuman spic
Becerril, Galarreta and Salgado joined the party for power not for Fujimori.
t. 56%
Yes, but they stated that their "leader" needed to be free, it was their main motto, but as we all saw with Becerril, their are just parasites even in their own party
I imagine there is some additional cultural and geopolitical aspects here at play as well.
On paper Mexico is wealthier and stronger than Peru but they suffer from a lot of crime, murder, and drugs whereas peru doesn't as much despite both being catholic.
Peru is doing something right when it comes to this I guess.
are people blaming the leftists for fujimori's clemency?
>are people blaming the leftists for fujimori's clemency?
if the left was the one that vote for impeachment if they didn't do this shit PPK didn't need to ally with Kenji and free this gook.
The lefties started the impeachment in the first place lol.
TLDR: here's the real deal, from a peruvian himself:
>be jap president in peru
>some faggot commies and leftists start poisoning the rural and poor population with Maoist garbage and killed civilians
>president puts all the commies against a wall and pulls the trigger
>20 years later, kikes and liberals put you in jail because MUH HUMAN RIGHTS!!!
>10 years later, be released from jail by a corrupt president named PPK, as a trade so that the congress doesn't investigate him for corruption charges, in exchange of releasing you out of prison
merry christmas, tonight liberal, faggot, and leftists tears are becoming rivers in my country, and its beautiful
We are more religious, and we are more racially homogeneous. Sure we have a lot of races here, but first of all be have zero to no niggers, kikes or muslims.
Every other race is some sort of native indian, mestizo, latino, white, hispanic or brown person.
i really wish like that, but it's not, they kill inocent people too, that's something that you can't change. i felt sick when Colombia make peace with terrorist but this is as sick as that.
>Implying Fujimori even pulled the trigger in the first place.
Say hello to El Doc.
>they kill inocent people too
gotta break a few eggs yada yada...
hey if killing 1 commie means that you have to kill 10 innocents, so be it.
commies are a plague, a virus and parasites and must be eliminated by any means necessary before they infect others.
I'm still waiting on the Joint-Peruvian-Bolivian Neo-Incan empire but Peru and Boliivia hate each other so much that I just don't see it happening anytime in the next 100 years.
I totally see a Quechua Nationalist group arising sometime in the future, however.
One can dream.
mfw the only Peruvians of note are Nips.
>commies kill civilians
>so let's kill even more civilians, that'll show them
I wish Sendoro Luminoso had won. Red Peru when?
*civilians supporting the commies
Gotta crack a few villages to make an omelette, nawimsayin?
>Wtf are you talking about. His government had a deep hate towards natives and poor people, he literally destroyed the country. Most of the killings were unjustificated and he deeply divided the peruvian society and caused a mass migration from the highlands to lima. Native peruvians suffered a lot, they were massacred by the terrorists and by the government and if that wasn't enough, they are still discriminated by something that happened like 20 years ago. This fucking gook turned our country into a corrupt and ignorant shithole in less than 10 years.
This is from a Peruvian from saying the opposite. that oppressed natives, etc.
There's already a Quechua Nationalist group but nobody really pays them any mind. Pic related. It's the Andean Peru National Socialism party. It was started by some Quechua guy that found Hitler's Mein Kamf and Henry Ford's The International Jew he found on a bookstall as a teenager.
He's probably a yuppie that wasn't even born in the 70s-90s. Shining Path was scum that needed to be destroyed. They used kids as suicide bombers by strapping them full of mines and grenades and having them blow up radio towers at military checkpoints. If I could find a good picture online of the tension, fear, and stress of the soldier and civilians patrolling the strerts, waiting for a possible explosion on the city streets I'd show it to you.