Why do capshitalists think it's okay that so many houses are unoccupied while there are so many homeless people?
Why do capshitalists think it's okay that so many houses are unoccupied while there are so many homeless people?
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Your homeless people will trash them, because most of them have mental health issues.Then they'll be worth even less than they are empty, OP.
If you want to house the homeless, feel free to bring them into a home YOU own. Stop being so "generous" with other people's money.
Letting homeless use empty houses would cost the owner money to fix the damages they caused.
Why should people pay mortgages or rent in order to afford an home?
Why not being just an homeless fuck and have it all for free?
Typical marxist thinking all people are equal, projecting yourself onto a homeless person.
Why the hell do you think they're homeless in the first place? There are some decent people who end up homeless because of circumstance, but most homeless people are homeless for good reason. Why don't you try letting some of those people into your own house if you're such a wonderful person?
Why do you think homeless people with drug and rape charges should get free homes?
Because those houses are not the property of those who need them. Fuck your god, the poor.
This board is full of baleful sociopaths. There's no reasoning with such black hearted cretins. Merry Christmas arseholes.
If homeless people are such a concern for you, then please out of your OWN means house them.
Just because a house is unoccupied, doesn't mean it's not owned by somebody.
You have a spare bed in your house, should random people be allowed to sleep there when you're not using it?
If the state wants to pay a premium to rent these houses from people, they can do that. Perhaps they can get the money from the millions they're spending on bringing pakis and muds over here.
Pick one
because they arent real capitalists
>unironically spamming some nog economist's quotes
>"We need dem programs to get us sum safe affordable housing"
>Get hosed by (((government contractors))) to build brand new housing for poorscum
>Move in the scum, within 5 years they turn it back into a total shithole
>"We need dem programs to get us sum safe affordable housing"
There is no solution for this except the final solution.
Land was not created by humans. Economic community activity soaks into the land crystallizing as land values - how land values are created. This accumulated wealth is termed as economic rent. The economic rent is common, as community economic activity created the value in land, not the landowner.
Economic rent should be treated as common property (as distinct from collective or state owned property). The economic rent is reclaimed via a levy on the unimproved value of land.
Buildings and other improvements are exempt. The mechanism to capture commonly created wealth in land is a levy on nearly the full market rental value of land (what it would cost to rent the land), based on frequent reassessments.
Public ownership of land titles and public control of land are fine, all we need is to capture of commonly created wealth (economic/commons rent).
taxing legitimate forms of private wealth, wages, or man-made capital should be abolished
the theft is not the tax but the theft of the land from the people by the state who wrongly claims ownership
rent is fine
now prove it's your land
>now prove it's your land
if i asked you to do the same you'd present me with a state granted title
land is the fruit of no mans labor and therefor should be held in commons
state ownership /= common ownership
Act any landlord who accepted section 8 their experiences with poor nigs and spics
If they don't pay for it, they don't treat the property with respect. And good luck going after them to pay for the damage
Maintaining and insuring a house costs money. If you want one, but cannot pay for that maintenance and insurance, then who will?
If I can get something for free why the fuck would I pay money I would have to borrow at a rate I'd pay back for 30 years for?
do you think it's a good idea to move a bunch of homeless people into vacant buildings? I can assure you it is not a good idea.
section 8 is welfare for landlords
that best way to solve the problem is to find ways to make the land cheaper and the best way to do that is to levy a tax on the unimproved value of the land
i came to this idea through the works of Henry George, i didnt know Islam had a similar idea. Interesting
I work with homeless and consider some my friends.....but most have mental or drug/alcohol issues and would destroy a home is given one to live in...not all but most
>Taxation is voluntary
>Why do capshitalists think it's okay that so many houses are unoccupied while there are so many homeless people?
Capitalism and free markets ALWAYS create surpluses. Supply, demand and price have a meeting point.
It's not a good idea to let homeless people occupy an empty $50,000,000 mansion?
It's not a good idea to let homeless people occupy an empty $50,000,000 mansion.
There's no such a thing as a free house.
>taxation is theft
A tax on wages or interest implies that the income one receives in return for the exertion of one's labor, or for the use of one's capital goods, belongs (at least in part) to others. This conflicts with the basic libertarian principle that you have an exclusive right to the fruits of your labor.
A tax on rent implies that the income one receives for the value of the land one holds belongs to others. Since land itself (1) is not the fruit of anyone's labor, and (2) is that to which all have an equal right of access; and since the rent of land (1) is not a return to labor, and (2) reflects the extent to which Locke's proviso has been violated, a "tax" on rent does not conflict with the principle that you have an exclusive right to the fruits of your labor, but is in fact a just and necessary means of upholding it.
Thus, the part of one's income that is taken via taxation of wages and interest constitutes the enforcement of a wrongful debt, whereas the part of one's income that is taken via taxation of rent constitutes the enforcement of a rightful debt.
So how many people are you quartering in your homes, OP?
>you're forced to live in society
Na demands use it to destroy white neighborhoods.
why do commieshits think lazy people should be given things for free?
So why don’t you buy them and give them away for free to a bunch of druggies that can’t hold down a job because of their own choices, you virtue-signaling socialist twat?
Same to you, you tea swilling, fucked up teeth having, monarch worshiping, african loving, inbred fuck.
Because you would get something better if you paid for it
>everyone has the right to shitty homes
>people with better wages can live in better homes
Problem solved
This. That house belongs to someone (or a bank) and they deserve to own it until offered a reasonable sum of money
You are a moron. That is what it is.Your logic is that of a retarded faggot. Luckily, you are not in politic or running a country.
we dont live in capitalist countries otherwise the market would be free and these homes would be cheap and reduce the price of other homes as well.
they want us crammed into shared housing working for barely enough to survive so that we are basically a slave people that cant pull themselves out of poverty and challenge their control.
if the world were free and capitalistic then the market would work everything out. there would never be unoccupied buildings.
homeless people won't take care of anything. That abandoned building will be in WORSE shape after some homeless infest it.
>bad people are equally distributed throughout classes, goyim
So then, if no one is sleeping on your couch and it is thus unoccupied, you are obliged to give it to a homeless person too, right?
Is your couch unoccupied? Maybe you should take in a homeless person.
And to you.
I went to school with a black guy who won $1 million in the lottery. 600k after taxes, housing market went to shit and he scooped up a bunch of houses for dirt cheap. Started renting out as section 8 to family members. Dude is rolling in government cash while his family lives rent free. Even got a grant from the government to build more houses in the area to rent out to the kids of the family members he started out renting to.
Sounds like bullshit
its ironic that there are homeless people in china and they have those big unoccupied ghost towns
The only proper home for the homeless is a mental institution.
At least let them live at the mall you cunts
Homeless people are homeless because they have mental problems and/or drug addictions. Putting them in a free house isn't going to do anything. The house will be trashed in a week.
Why are refugee parasites given free room and board and literally free money while white Brits who's ancestors fought in the war for the countries freedom are left on the streets and given nothing but a cold hard shafting
because they are a much bigger blight and liability sprawled all over the street. Come on man, you spend a little bit of money so that those people are out of the way and getting the help they need, and don't get so desperate and resentful so as not to burn YOUR house down. It's like insurance. You pay some money over time so that there are mechanisms put in place to help you through an emergency. If you just slam the door on homeless all together, one day they will make an emergency right on your front steps. And I know you say muh guns and stockpiles, but if there are enough people in a bad situation your life is fucked just like everyone else.
I'm actually dedicating my life to this exact thing
I treat my tenants with total respect. They don’t pay a dime for repairs and I have a contractor SLA that gets major issues fixed within 12 hours. Like it or not, not everyone is responsible enough to maintain their own property. Some people don’t want too, which is why they rent.
I was in their shoes at one point and if they really wanted too, they could follow in my footsteps.
They are still owned by someone/a business/bank. moron
No capitalists do not think being homelessness is OK. Capitalists believe in a free market. a market decides what the price or a commodity is (I.e house prices) not what people decide to do with there lives. Shill
Taking an unused property from someone who doesn't need it is a crime against humanity and should be punishable by throwing out of a helicopter. Calling in (((private security agencies))) to (((liquidate))) striking workers is totally okay though, especially if they're on your property.
>people are homeless for a reason
epic memes XDDDDD
New York City provides free housing in shelters for any hobo who wants shelter, yet the streets are still full of them.
Most hobos are homeless because they are insane and want to be homeless.
At least our poor can afford housing sometimes.
You're lucky to have a median job and afford a cuck shed with your prices.
Most likely would lose entire value of home plus have to pay to demolish and haul away the leftovers.
It isn't anyone's obligation to feed clothe and house those that cannot do that for themselves. Even in a democratic-republic
You cannot have capitalism with a central bank.
The Federal Reserve system is a plank of communism.
This is not a problem so long as you mix the socialist part with murder. If a ss force is shooting degenerates in the face, then there is literally zero risk in giving away free housing.
This is the result of artificially low interest rates by the FED and the community reinvestment act where leftist politicians force banks to loan money to niggers to buy houses in white neighborhoods. Nothing capitalistic about it.
What is stopping you from creating some charity which rents houses like this and provides it for free to homeless in the area?
In my retarded state we're having issue with "Squatter's rights" right now. People are fucking moving in to abandoned houses and then when the owners show up again, they have to start the legal process to evict them. Imagine being homeless when you own your own home for months because someone just walked in and starting using your property like their own?
>mental institution
Why have most of them been shut down? Why can't they get funding?
Because these houses are someone else’s property, you utter moron. You want to put people in them? Pay the owners.
Because we don't give two shits about drunks and retards dummy! Leave the houses empty until someone of worth can buy them.
When you take out your buttplug you should invite a faggot in your asshole.
Why don't you donate your bank account to the homeless and let homeless people live in the unoccupied spaces in your home?
why do socialists think house should be free?
who the fuck is going to build free houses?
>implying fortunes are earned
9 times out of 10 these billionaires looted and committed crimes and dodged taxes to stack their fortunes
How many unspent euros do you have in your wallet? Maybe you should give them to people without money. Fucking stupid.
Rekt son
>implying tax dodging is a bad thing
>implying that government taking away 55% of your monthly income is a good thing
Unoccupied house is a free house as in it's netting no one money. Instead of being a living piece of shit who doesn't deserve his life because of the way he treats his fellow countrymen, you could house them and make the wasted space serve a use instead of waiting for some fat faggot to make a decision because he's too busy fucking little boys in the ass while rubbing cocaine and baby fetuses on his balls.
>Implying taking advantage of an environment for selfish purposes is any better.
That's what's killing this country and those on top are the most guilty of this kind of shit.
Why do you spew such vile, empty insults that do nothing to support your point? Here's your (you)
Because there is no point in presenting a valid point when everyone in this thread is clearly set in their ways. They don't deserve it because of that, so instead they get a harsh toned post because that is all they're deserving of. If they had more compassion in the post, it may have been different. But you put shit in, expect to get shit out the other end. You people are so quick to judge others less fortunate than you because you have never been a victim to the same shit they are but you jump to conclusions based on what some other man, who has also done the same thing, said. No one here actually does their due diligence and it shows, so they're not worthy of it being done for them, especially when they go off the handle looking down on their own countrymen because they would rather praise their faulty system that caused their countrymen to end up the way they are. Walk a mile in their shoes and you won't have that same tune.
You don't have a right to someone else's property.
Until I come with a gun and take it. Exactly like how every country ever started. It's their property if they're using it as far as I'm concerned and they're clearly not. Too busy masturbating to their child porn videos they made or something.