Post the most beautiful anime girls of the decade so far. I'll start with undoubtedly the most beautiful of all.
Post the most beautiful anime girls of the decade so far. I'll start with undoubtedly the most beautiful of all
Akane is a beautiful woman.
No, I think that's pretty right. Ecchan is also stunning.
Ecchan looks like a man.
Kumiko is so ugly.
For real.
Well then she's an uncommonly beautiful man.
Is she even in this decade? Wasn't that like 08/09?
The most beautiful!
I just want to lick her drool
Me too user
Season 2 when???
Literally one of the worst character designs in the past 25 years.
i'll take your bait
I win!
the mother is better than the daughter, yes
not really but she's better than erina
yes really, and erina is better than both
Check out my BEAUTIFUL girlfriend.
This, bitch is too albino.
Anime version is a little less beautiful, but still the most of it's class.