There are people on this board that aren't Catholic and heading to Midnight Mass in next couple hours

>there are people on this board that aren't Catholic and heading to Midnight Mass in next couple hours
God have mercy on your soul, for we the people have none to offer.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow that song is so good

Allahu ekber infidel.

protostantcucks are too busy singing rock songs or some dumb shit like that. sad!

>muh kike on a stick

Wait there are catholics on this board? LOL
You like funding pedophilia? Remind me of when Jesus said pedophiles must surely partake in the election of the vicar of christ.
You people are a fucking joke, even by Sup Forums standards. You're all going for hell just for passively contributing to your corrupt church.


Has your boi pucci recovered?

You mean this religion? No thanks, I'll follow something less self destructive.

He's right, we shouldn't ignore it. We should make it so that they can go back to their land.

That's not his intention. He stressed that foreigners should be accepted by all Cathocucks

Went to Midnight Mass, I really enjoyed it, I feel stronger than ever to turn from sin, I havn't fapped in almost a month and have spoken to Muslim woman in good faith, without hating her people for the troubles they cause. There is hope for my soul yet.

Nicetryguy, I'm just a decent human being.
It is a fact that you knowingly support & facilitate the crimes of pedophiles if you are a catholic.
Enjoy hell.

>muh Shareblue paycheck

This Pope isn't as smart as you and I, though he is the mouthpiece for the Catholic church and dareIsay, other dangerous organizations and people... But he is only human, and humans are imperfect.

The truth is most of Sup Forums hates the foriegners, rather than the politicians that bring them here, the politicians that allow them to come here are the root of all this. Many foriegners are good people, simply talk to them and you will see. The Pope is right in a sense that we should not hate them. You should instead direct your hate at politicians of your countries, they are the ones who choose who enters or not. Look at Poland for example.

Why don't you stop being a flaming faggot. Sup Forums has always been a catholic/orthodox board.

As for pedophilia, the vast majority of catholic priests are very good people. Think about the millions of people who are priests compared to the number of those who have actually been accused of pedophilia. Its a very small minority

Catholics take a good look at your leader. I mean I guess if you're into the destruction of your own race it seems like the perfect religion for SJW's and spineless cucks.

Enjoy your pagan holiday, mick.

Only spics and some Europeans are catholic, I'm a white American so I'm protestant.

I just read that article a few minutes ago. This is the fucking worst, the pope is a complete cuck. Thank God it was my grandfather who was catholic, I'm perfectly happy as a protestant.

Before this thread gets underway and turns into the usual warring between Protestants and Catholics, I will just point out these religious sects are both essentially the same thing, differing only in superficial and unimportant ways, despite the fact that they so vehemently oppose each other; they both adhere to ultimately faith-based religious dogmatism, whether you make that consist in scripture alone, or scripture plus tradition. In either case, reason is trodden underfoot.

For those who want a third way between atheism and religious dogmatism I recommend that you look into Deism: the belief in God on the basis of reason, and not of faith-based revelation. Almost all the ancient philosophers like Cicero, Pythagoras, Socrates &c. were adherents to this, and it has an enormous number of luminaries in modern times, from Schiller and Leibnitz to Voltaire and Thomas Paine, from Thomas Jefferson and George Washington to Max Planck and Sir Humphry Davy.

"I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.

I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.

But, lest it should be supposed that I believe in many other things in addition to these, I shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things I do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." - Thomas Paine

Just like to add, you'd have to be a real shitbag to not want to help the helpless, no matter what their race and religion are. What really matters is how we help them, and are politicians are the ones getting it wrong, not the Pope.

>Pope sucks baby Jesus' dick
>I should be catholic
choose one

tldr Enlightenment corruption of Christian tradition

>babby's first journey off reddit

>Going to church on Christmas
Literally non-ironically why?