Brit/pol/ - Merry Christmas from Ed edition

>I'm more than 'Madame Brexit' - Theresa May

>Boris Johnson says UK wants better relations with Russia

>British passports will return to 'iconic' blue cover after Brexit, it is confirmed

Other urls found in this thread:

Christ is King

Is God

he cucked Joseph

Just fucking Form a vanguard or some shit

fuck it why not


So Brexit's fucked, yeah?

Merry Christmas faggots

What part of 'Virgin Mary' don't you understand?

>tfw no Christmas gf

I'm dreaming of a WHITE Christmas - if you infer my implication :^)

I imagine so yes.

Lets go bruh. Lets form som efukin vanguards.


le happy kirsten


She's not even madame brexit she's shit

Tyou american cunt. Come to the fucking england and I will fight you. you fucking bitch. I will fuck you up.

The real division, philosophically, is those who believe that equality, enforced or otherwise, is a moral good (broadly the general Left) and those who believe—and are often are too frightened to say so—that inequality is a moral good, which is what the philosophical Right really believes in.

>we got fucked over because Theresa May is a literal autist who doesn't want to force anything on the EU
meet me round the back of tesco in 20 minutes, don't bring the lads.

Even the most moderate center-Right figure, the John Majors of this world, talk about freedom, opportunity. If you have opportunity, you’ll have inequality even in a Marxian system. So, although they’re frightened to mention the I-word, if you like, all Rightist movements from the most moderate to the most radical, right across the spectrum, believe that inequality is inescapable, is a fact, has to be lived through, has to be dealt with, and is actually the way things should be.



>no revolutionary vanguard option


Merry Christmas
GOD loves you

You stupid edgy cunts

I'm considering switching to Eastern Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism, it seems a lot more traditional and truer to Christianity than the way the Catholic church is heading.

>it seems a lot more traditional and truer to Christianity than the way the Catholic church is heading.

To be fair that's not much of an achievement.

Catholic fuck no


>Year not specified
Heh nice try jezza

Fucking state of you tripfags

Love you too you fucking cunt.

wheres the option formy paryy. The drunk cunt parry. I would do so much better than the rest of this shit .


Post your favourite Christmas tunes lads.

this is the best one

From listening to mysterium fasces I gather that orthodox is incredibly complicated and hardcore, and that they really really don't like shirtlifters

God go with you, britfriends.

Be not afraid.

Watching this, is it kino?

Do it

Ccatholics. Full of fucking bastard boy bumming fucking bastards.

Fuck cathlois.
Become gnositc or nothing. Fuck the pope. Refugee kissing little bastard.

Much love. Merry christmas.

You're kino mate let me watch you and appreciate your fine form

caesar actually scuttled off

Nice little Christmas present

>tfw no Tay gf




up for a threesome?

Merry Christmas to all fellow Anons!

Happy Hanukkah to all the tripfaggots that have infested this board!


Come here black flag. Im going to fuck you good.

im waiting you bnastard. fuck

happy xmas you litle fucing faggot.


this is me tryin to get to bed tongith

Last one and I'm out

I hope all tripcunts have a stroke at their Christmas dinner, that's if they are even having one, fucking degenerates.

spread the other cheek

Are you Bowden's Ghost?


Oh, well apparently he posts here, merry Christmas btw m'lad.

Merry Christmas to you too user

Merry Christmas to my favourite band of deplorables and Greggs racists. May all your freddos be 10p forever.

>steerpike post
>never a single (you)
Jesus you're like the Pluto of tripcunts. As it's Christmas here you go.

Sauce of book plz.

>tfw first Christmas as a woman
it feels so amazing.

I'd probably spoon you and then do lewd things to you... choke you from behind at the same time..

Plsss do

My ex bf would do such rough sex. And when we were both exhausted and worn out, lovely affectionate cuddles followed

I feel so safe in a mans arms, he would pull me close, my little heart flutters at that protection. And the happy knowledge I did good and satisfied him

Men melt me into a submissive little kitten and I love it so much. I love what female hormones did to me

Best Christmas ever





Merry Christmas cunty.

You're not a woman you delusional tranny cunt.

Imagine being as ugly as that old man

I feel great. Maybe your just jealous I get to be on girl hormones and you don't :P

Did you remove your hair plug today?

If we were close IRL I'd make you my little kitten.

I don't know what hair plugs are

I'm such a good girl. I wish I was there for you to make me squeal and moan

Merry Christmas Cunts.

Come say hello

Which party of the UK are you in? Let's hook up.

What are you lot drinking tonight?
Baileys Cream and coffee here.

R u near Edinburgh

Other side of the country. Bath is full of slutbois like you. Pity, you sound like a good girl, but I suppose I'll have to make do with the ppl here.

degenerate post but i saved the pic

I miss Oliver Cromwell.
It just doesn't feel like Christmas unless the Irish are starving and the king is in prison.

Yeah, I like having one dedicated master
You sound lovely and protective
I would have loved being your kitty

No point in calling crazy crazy, except for feeling less crazy yourself; and, it is noble to let lurkers know they are in good company calling trannies mental ill homosexuals, which are by nature mentally ill, homosexuals that is.

Brit/pol/ hits gay&feels hours after about 1am

The first time I ever slept with my ex bf changed me forever

I already have a twink kitty, but it would be so hot to make you my britpol bitcc. Polgbt is ancient, I'd love a based girl (male) to lewd and take to the opera. I make do with my gf, and secret bf (closet bi) for now.

Being lgbt is perfectly compatible with being a white ally.

How so?

Yeah my ex was a proper manly homo nationalist
He treated me like a girl and was so nice to me
Shame he had to move and we didn't have the means to see each other anymore

I'd love to find another special guy to dedicate myself to like him

I'm sure you're a cutie, but you're just too far away for me.

It was just so special, it was so intimate
You know. It wasn't painful like you imagine, since I'd trained with toys for him.

But that feeling, knowing a man is inside you and making love to you, your vulnerable, your at his mercy and he just...takes you. It's unreal, the pleasure, the ecstasy. It's a thrill like nothing I ever felt.

And when it's over. He holds you tight in his arms and you drift off to blissful sleep, safe and protected by your boyfriend. Everything was so wonderful. My first kiss, the shy hesitation as I licked lips with his, the overwhelming happiness as it felt amazing and I full on embraced him. The way he would stroke my head and call me a good girl. The warmth I felt everytime we kissed. My little heart would flutter

Happy Christmas to all you britfags both Catholic + the other lot. Here are some Christmas tunes trying to bring us all together in our shared hatred. Don't take life too seriously, none of us are going to get out alive.

Listen and enjoy. Merry Christmas you wonderful wankers.

You too, dude.

I think you never had a bf, and you're just fantasising. It's okay, sweetie, really it is. x

what is the final solution to the gay problem

Coming out.

>No one even replies to my merry yule Winter Solstice on Thorsday

You're all corrupted and beneath me

no i don't think that's the case

From memory that book is Hannans

I did. But he was the only one
A short but sweet experience

should've used a winterchan pic

Ah, well that's nice. You're working me up and getting me horny now though so s-stop poasting, okay?